
Three Wishes

Before his reincarnation, he was gifted three wishes but unfortunately, he couldn't choose his destination.

After God summoned a randomizer machine, it stopped on Game of Thrones, which he was surprisingly okay with.

His first wish was to have his modded Nord Skyrim character with all his abilities, skills, and spells, which God agreed to.

Next, he wished for a Gamer system but with all his Skyrim modded stats intact.

His last wish was for his Skyrim character's modded inventory.

After God agreed with his wishes, he got to decide where he was going to be transmigrated.

He chose to start a mile outside of Winterfell, a year before Robert's Rebellion, a golden portal opened up and he was pushed through it.


When he appeared on the other side of the portal, he stood higher, in his last life he was 5'9ft but now he stands at around 6'6ft.

With larger muscles, dark hair, goatee, and signature yellow eyes that looked back at him in his reflection.

'The eyes will be good for intimidation,', he says as he sits on a log.

'System, open my character sheet and inventory'


Title: [Archmage: +500 Magicka] [Dragonborn: Bonus Damage vs Dragons] [Master Thief: +100 Dexterity] [Master Assassin: Five Times Damage from Stealth] [War Hero: Battle Cry Inspires Those Around You]... [58 Other Titles]

Name: Victor Kreed

Race: Nord

Age: 32

Level: 271

Health: 1000

Stamina: 1000

Magicka: 5000

Wealth: [System Message: All your Gold has been turned into Gold Dragons] 14,750,000


Strength: 350

Dexterity: 465

Intelligence: 1050

Wisdom: 780

Vitality: 680


Smithing: 100, Heavy Armor: 100, Block: 100

Two-Handed: 100, One-Handed: 100, Archery: 100

Light Armor: 100, Sneak: 100, Lockpicking:100

Pickpocket: 100, Speech: 100, Alchemy: 100

Illusion: 100, Conjuration: 100, Destruction: 100

Restoration: 100, Alteration: 100, Enchanting: 100


Weapons: Dwarven Black Bow of Fate, Blade of Woe, Windshear, Nightingale Blade, The Staff of Magnus, Dragonbane... [120 Weapons Available]

Armor: Daedric Armor, Dragonplate Armor, Stalhrim Armor, Ebony Armor, Deathbrand Armor, Ancient Shrouded Armor, Archmage's Robes... [377 Armor Sets Available]

Misc Items: Skeleton Key, Flawless Rubies (17,800), Flawless Sapphire (2,800), Flawless Emerald (7,600), Flawless Diamond (11,000), Flawless Amethyst (1,240), Iron Ingot (50,000), Silver Ingot (25,000), Steel Ingot (120,000).

Potions: 244,000 potions


'Damn, that's a lot of reading... but i still didn't get everything my character had'

He equips the Stalhrim armor without the helmet, He then spends an hour getting the hang of using spells in real life.

It turns out that he needs to only think of the spell he wants and it will happen.

As he sorts through his system and gets a feel for his new body, he starts heading towards Winterfell that he sees from where he's standing.

Walking on one of the many dirt roads of Westeros, he finally arrives at his destination but is stopped by two guards at the entrance.

"What is your business here?", one of them says while they both eye him cautiously.

Victor turns to the one that spoke, "Business, alert your lord that a merchant has arrived"

Before the guard can talk, he meets the eyes of the stranger, vibrant yellow like a monster, "I-I'll notify him right away"

Three minutes pass before the guard appears again, "Please follow me, Lord Stark will see you now"

Walking through the streets escorted by a soldier, he unintentionally gathers the attention of the people but they all look away when he makes eye-contact.

--- POV Rickard Stark ---

As i sit with my family, feasting the day away, we're interrupted by a guard, "Lord Stark, there's a man at the gate that wishes to meet with you"

I wave him away, "my family and i are having dinner at the moment, tell him to wait"

The soldier however doesn't move despite being told to leave, he sweats nervously with fear in his eyes.

I look at my sons before i turn back to the quivering soldier, "What has you so afraid of?"

The young soldier looks up, "H-he has the eyes of a monster"

This causes the hall filled with men, including his sons, to murmurs amongst each other.

"Tell this merchant to come, I'll see him now"

--- POV Victor ---

Entering the hall, he's greeted with the stares of everyone in it.

Murmuring and whispering starts among the many soldiers, Victor now stands in front of the Stark family table.

He allows Rickard to speak first.

"My man says you wish to see me?" the Lord says trying to calm everyone down with hand gestures.

Victor puts his hand inside his cloak that makes many of the soldiers anxious but he pulls out an iron ingot, "This is pure iron, it has zero impurities and if turned into a sword or armor it will be many times tougher and sharper... I thought the Warden of the North might be interested"

Rickard looks to a nearby night, "Summon the blacksmith", The night hurries off.

"Why bring this here? why not take it to the king?", he says eyeing the large.

Victor laughs, "I prefer dealing with men that have honor", several people nod at his words including the younger Ned.

Ned speaks up, "No offense but you don't look like a merchant"

He looks at Ned, "I'm a merchant but I'm also a warrior, a mage, an alchemist, and many other things"

The word "Mage" causes a few people in the room to chuckle, a guard stands up, "If your a mage then turn me into a pig"

A dangerous glint enters his eyes, making the guard almost piss himself, "Doubt me again, and I'll rip your head from your shoulders"

"Enough", Rickard stops them as he sees the blacksmith enter the room.

a couple of minutes pass as the smith looks over ingot with care and awe, "My lord, this ingot is indeed one hundred percent pure, it would make your swords sharper and armor stronger by far"

The Lord looks back at his merchant guest, "How many of these ingots do you have?"

"I have two thousand", for a third time, murmurs flow throughout the room but this time, all eyes are on Rickard.

Rickard knows he'll need them eventually, "how much do you want for them?"

"I have more money than you could ever give me, what i want is Moat Cailin and the lands surrounding it, i will also be neutral, i will not be swearing an oath to you"

Rickard leans back in his chair, Moat Cailin has been abandoned for a long time and the land surrounding it is mostly swamps, bogs, and wet roads... but it was also the chokepoint between the north and the south.

The lord eventually nods, "stay here tonight, I'll have the paperwork done and it'll be yours by sunrise"

[Rework done, enjoy the chapter]