
Overpowered Cricket system

2031, World Cup Semi Final at lords IND vs Eng India need 2 runs with 1 ball and 1 wicket remaining. Jofra Archer with the final ball, Here we go. The skinny man has not been in the good form this tournament. There it is, they’ll go…this’ll be out, surely!! OHH HE’S OUT, HE’S GOING TO BE RUN OUT, OH THAT’S IT, INDIA ARE OUT, NITISH DIDN’T RUN, I CANNOT BELIEVE IT, ENGLAND GO INTO THE WORLD CUP FINAL, RIDICULOUS RUNNING WITH TWO BALLS TO GO, Nitish DIDN’T GO, Dhoni COME. ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS THIS IS NOT SOMETHING THAT A PROFESSIONAL CRICKETER OR ANY ATHLETE DO. Maybe it's really time for Nitish the 40 year old to retire. Nitish was brutally trolled by media and was abused in the comment sections of his media pages. The man who was hailed as a hero with the victory in South Africa T20 World Cup now being hated to the core. His wife left him, his son despised him " I hope you're dead" these were the final words his wife spoke before handing over the divorce papers. Everything is lost in a match , the only people who supported Nitish were his teammates everyone knows he had given his best given his age but he was the one that cost them a World Cup. What is it that I've done wrong, top scorer in the world cup with 2 centuries at the age 40 and he's the oldest debutant he debuted to Indian team at 37 years. If only I've found my talent in my youth days, saying so he slept on the bed. When he woke up he was 13 years old and was granted a system. With this system there's no looking back for Nitish on his journey to becoming the epitome of success in cricket. You can support me via donations https://bmc.link/astautsugi Thank you and this is entirely optional!! As this book is fan-fic it doesn't get contracted in webnovel.

Asta_utsugi · คนดัง
196 Chs

Chapter 52: Post Match scenes

Harsha Bhogle: Ladies and gentlemen, what an incredible match we witnessed today! I have the pleasure of being joined by the winning captain, MS Dhoni, and the opposing captain, Virat Kohli. Dhoni, let's start with you. What are your thoughts on today's game?

Dhoni: Thank you, Harsha. It was a thrilling contest, no doubt. Firstly, I would like to commend Kohli and his team for putting up a great fight. They gave us a tough challenge till the very last ball. However, amidst the intensity of the game, I couldn't help but notice the outstanding performance of one player from their side - Nitish. He was exceptional!

Harsha Bhogle: Indeed, Nitish had a standout performance today. Can you shed some light on what impressed you the most about his game?

Dhoni: Absolutely. Nitish's batting was a treat to watch. His technique was flawless, and he played some extraordinary shots that left us in awe. What really stood out to me was his composure under pressure. Despite the situation, he remained unfazed and took on our bowling attack fearlessly. His ability to adapt to different game situations was remarkable for such a young player.

Harsha Bhogle: And what about Nitish's bowling? He seemed to surprise everyone with his skills in that department as well.

Dhoni: Oh, definitely! Nitish's bowling was a revelation. His accuracy, variations, and clever use of spin troubled our batsmen throughout the match. He had the knack of picking up crucial wickets at vital moments, which really turned the game in their favor. It was evident that he had worked hard on developing his bowling craft, and it paid off splendidly.

Harsha Bhogle: Fascinating insights, Dhoni. Now, let's turn to Kohli. Nitish's performance certainly made an impact on the game. How did you perceive his contributions from your end?

Kohli: Firstly, I'd like to congratulate Dhoni and his team on their victory. It was a closely fought match, and Nitish's performance played a significant role in keeping us on our toes. As an opponent, it was incredible to witness his talent firsthand. His batting was a class apart. Nitish displayed a wide array of shots, combining power and finesse. He had the ability to find gaps and score boundaries with ease.

Harsha Bhogle: Nitish's fielding was also quite impressive. Did you feel the impact of his agility and athleticism?

Kohli: Absolutely, Harsha. Nitish's fielding was exceptional. He saved crucial runs with his dives, took brilliant catches, and his throws were always accurate. His presence on the field was infectious and lifted the spirits of the entire team. Nitish's fielding skills showcased his commitment and determination to contribute in every aspect of the game.

Harsha Bhogle: It's wonderful to hear both of you acknowledge Nitish's exceptional talent and impact on the match. Dhoni, you made a unique gesture by sharing your Man of the Match trophy with Nitish. Can you tell us about your decision and what it means to you?

Dhoni: Well, Harsha, when I saw Nitish's performance, I knew he deserved recognition for his outstanding efforts. It was a spontaneous decision to share my trophy with him because I wanted to appreciate his talent and let him know that his contributions were valued. It was a gesture to acknowledge his skills and the impact he had on the game.

Harsha Bhogle: That's a beautiful gesture, Dhoni. And Virat, what are your final thoughts on Nitish's performance today?

Kohli: Nitish proved himself to be a valuable asset to our team. His batting, bowling, and fielding were all top-notch. Despite the result not going in our favor, we witnessed a special talent in Nitish. He showcased maturity, skill, and the ability to thrive under pressure. It was a pleasure to have him as a part of our team, and I have no doubt he will continue to achieve great things in his cricketing journey.

Harsha Bhogle: Thank you, Dhoni and Kohli, for sharing your insights on Nitish's remarkable performance. It's evident that he left a lasting impression on both of you and the cricketing world. Nitish, if you're listening, know that your skills and contributions have been appreciated by the best in the game.