
Overlord: World of Gown

Before the Shutdown, Momonga finds a Secret Boss which drops a Mysterious Item. But when he fuses this Item with the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, he creates an Item beyond that of a Guild Weapon. The devs seek to destroy him for using this newly found glitch, but they were too late. Ainz Ooal Gown has already descended onto the New World. This time, indestructible.

Solidex · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

King of Fools Part 1

The marble floor in the office room was illuminated bright and full with the essence of Nazarick, while in some spots, changes and slight deformations on the walls could be seen. These were Eight Edge Assassins, insectoid-like beings guarding Ainz at the current moment.

Nothing in the world could match the immaculate cleanliness of this room, cleaned hourly for the Supreme Being's occasional visits. Outsiders might not comprehend its significance, but Nazarick's maids considered it a tremendous honor.

"Did you come up with something, Demiurge?" A regal voice asked the Guardian standing before him, who bowed at the question with elegancy only befitting by a creation of the Supreme Beings.

"Indeed. I have studied long enough to surmise it all. Still, it might be only a fraction of what you had in mind, Lord Ainz." Demiurge said in a submissive tone. He knew with all his wisdom and intelligence that the Supreme One had much more than he had to offer. And every day, he would be reminded of it in some way.

'I know that whatever you came up with isn't near my imagination!' Ainz couldn't help but think. He knew the Guardians praised him as an all-knowing god, but he relied more on them than they on him to be, frankly.

"Then do tell, Demiurge." Ainz requested as the devil began to recite his plan.

"Very well. First, I thought, how dare these lesser lifeforms claim land that has Nazarick upon it, and so conquering our surroundings by force would be the first thought. But that wouldn't be very wise, as more problems would arise after that and diminish Nazarick's resources at a higher price. Nations would reject us and send their armies to get back the territory we claimed. And we would be seen as the villains, and in some way, we are. So I made a new plan, one that I made out of two. Not only will we send envoys to the Re Estize kingdom on our west, but also the Baharut Empire to our east. We tell the kingdom to release their lands to us, as it is rightfully ours. Suppose they accept, of course, something that they certainly won't do. They will amass a small army, thinking of us as nothing more than some mercenaries holding their land in our hands. But before that, we will ask the Emperor of the Baharut Empire for an alliance and promise to help him in the upcoming war which the two nations have each year. He will not trust us that we can change the flow of battle, so he will need some proof. We will send an envoy with force, showing him we are not to be laughed at. By my reports, he is an intelligent man, a man that overthinks many things over and over again. The easiest of targets to read for me. Then, with his alliance in our back, the Re Estize kingdom will be warier of us but still think of us the same way. They will think we are puppets of the Empire and try to force us out of here. Yet the first army they send will be decimated, with only one survivor to tell the tale. This will show them our true power. There will also be an emissary from the Empire witnessing the events. Further on, the-"

"Demiurge, that is enough!" Ainz stopped the devil, who thought to have made a mistake somewhere. He quickly rethought everything, but to his logic, there were none. Yet the Supreme One acted this way, which meant he had done something wrong.

He cursed his low intelligence for not scaling the fracture of a plan his master had made. Sometimes he would be like this, depressing and despising himself. He thought he was smart and could at least perceive his lord's plan a little, but this reaction from Ainz proved him wrong.

'He just kept on talking. I couldn't take it anymore!' His mind couldn't bear the force of his words any longer. He had to intervene.

"Demiurge, we will send envoys to the Re Estize kingdom first. We will even offer compensation for these lands. And if that fails, we will implement the rest of your plan." Ainz commented to a somewhat devastated Demiurge. Yet he seemed to keep his composure as long as he was in the presence of the highest being in the world.

"You mean your plan, my lord." Demiurge replied.

"Of course, my plan…" He said, lying but to keep the happiness of his subordinates safe. "Now, if that is all, we should send the envoy as quickly as possible. Before this war between them begins."

"Yes, my lord." The demon replied with a smile, thinking of who Ainz would send to them. "But I bear a question, my lord."

"What is it?" Ainz waved at the demon, signaling he should shout out what was on his heart.

"Who will you send to represent yourself?" Demiurge asked Ainz, who wasn't even aware of what he would do that afternoon.

"Ah, yes. Who will I send? Good question. I will send…Sebas! He has experience with the kingdom, as he is still there. So he will know how to act and all that. Please, wait a minute, Demiurge." Ainz was lucky to remember the one he sent as a spy in the kingdom. And chose him to do the job.

"Of course, my lord." The devil replied, waiting patiently before the office table of his master.


{Sebas? Are you free?}

{Yes, my lord. What do you require of me?}

{You will be assigned a new mission. Make yourself ready with the others to go through a gate.}

{As you wish, my lord.}

Ainz ended the [Message] and focused back on Demiurge. He was standing there, looking at him with his crystal eyes without making any kind of motions.

"Well, Demiurge. It seems Sebas will be taking over that part." Ainz declared, eliciting a small change in Demiurge's expression.

"Yes, of course. He would be most fitting. He quite understands humans very well. So it would be wise to choose him." Demiurge replied, not showing that he wanted to be the emissary. But whatever Ainz said must be the better plan. But he knew Sebas would be the better choice, as he looked like a human, unlike him, who would be seen as an elf perhaps by the simple people.

Soon, a gate appeared in the mansion Sebas was staying in. He didn't know if he would return, but nothing held him down. It was just a place to live, nothing more. Solution and himself passed into the gate, leaving the kingdom and returning to Nazarick.

"Welcome back, Sebas, Solution." Ainz greeted them upon their return to Nazarick. They quickly assumed their positions, bowing respectfully.

"My Lord." They said in unison, and Ainz signalized to them with a hand gesture, letting them know they could look upon him and stand straight.

"Solution you may leave. I need to talk with Sebas." Ainz said, and the maid followed his order the instant he said it.

"As you wish, my lord." She hurriedly left the office, leaving only Demiurge, Sebas, and Ainz in the room.

"Sebas, you will be our envoy for this mission. You will be sent to the kingdom again, officially this time." Ainz explained to the butler, who listened to every word.

"Of course, my lord."

"Good, then we may do preparations until then."


Days passed, and on the surface of Nazarick, a magnificent carriage emerged, crafted from the finest materials. It bore a pitch-black hue, accentuated by golden linings tracing its edges. A symbol that of Ainz Ooal Gown adorned the side doors, gleaming with golden foliage.

At the carriage's front, two terracotta golem horses, notably larger than their natural counterparts, dutifully pulled the wagon. Ainz had chosen these gentle creatures over more menacing alternatives to avoid alarming the kingdom's populace on their journey.

Guarding the carriage's front and rear were four Death Cavaliers on each side. These undead beings were of considerable power, making them ideal for protection duties.

Their armor, fashioned from black-plated metal, seemed to pulse with an eerie life of its own. Sharp edges adorned every inch of their armor, with three menacing spikes extending from their helmet's base to its peak. Red flames glowed from their eye sockets, leaving no doubt that these were no ordinary humans.

Their steeds, dark unicorns also clad in armored protection, shared their eerie red-eyed appearance. These equine companions were meant for battle, unflinching in the face of enemies and ready to pierce through any threat with their single horns should their rider fall.

"And Sebas, be polite. I know you will, but we want to start as peacefully as possible." Ainz explained to the Iron Butler, who listened with an unwavering demeanor.

"I will fulfill this mission with the best I can do, Lord Ainz." Sebas replied with a respectful bow before resuming his customary stance.

"Very well, then, farewell, Sebas," Ainz bid him adieu, and the butler responded with a final bow before stepping into the carriage, setting off across the vast grasslands towards the capital of Re Estize.

They bypassed E-Rantel without making a stop, as it was not their intended destination, and stopping there would likely lead to complications. Fortunately, their golem horses and the bycorns ridden by the Death Cavaliers required no rest.

As hours passed, Sebas couldn't help but feel a sense of restlessness from the lack of activity. He was a butler at heart, always yearning to serve. Lord Ainz had instructed him to establish friendly relations with the kingdom, but Sebas harbored doubts about the kingdom's receptiveness based on his prior experiences. Corruption seemed to permeate every aspect of society, even its government.

He wondered how Lord Ainz would react if the kingdom were to defy his orders and wishes. Ainz was even prepared to offer compensation; he was an exceedingly forgiving master.

Still, Sebas longed for the presence of his creator, the World Champion himself. Though he couldn't fully comprehend the title, it signified the most formidable warrior in the entire world, a remarkable achievement, indeed. Sebas couldn't help but feel an immense sense of pride that his creator was the most powerful among the forty-one.

Finally, after a prolonged journey, a formidable wall appeared on the horizon, stretching from left to right. The carriage slowed as it approached the gate, allowing the guards to inspect their unusual entourage.

"Captain! Do you see that?" One of the guards atop the wall called out.

"Yeah! Seems weird! Can't really guess from this distance! Looks to be a carriage and some companions!" Uncertainty filled their voices as they observed the approaching caravan.

As the carriage drew nearer to the gate, the Death Cavaliers at the forefront, a sudden change in weather darkened the skies above them, foreshadowing an impending storm. Unbeknownst to the guards, disaster loomed on the horizon.

"Greetin-" A guard began, but his words were cut short as the Death Cavalier's crimson gaze met his own. Their eyes radiated a red light, emitting wisps of scarlet smoke. Their armor, pristine and unlike anything the kingdom's knights possessed, completely enveloped their bodies, leaving no vulnerabilities. Yet, it moved unnaturally, a detail not lost on the guards. These knights were clearly no ordinary visitors. "W-What brings yo-" The guard attempted to continue before the lead Death Cavalier spoke, its voice a harsh blend of multiple tones.

"We are emissaries of Ainz Ooal Gown! We have come to meet with your king! Step aside." It declared, its words instilling fear in every one of the three guards present. While emissaries were typically not to be attacked, these emissaries were an exception.

They appeared otherworldly, unlike any mortal guards had encountered. The Captain struggled to decide whether to allow them passage or risk the consequences. These dark figures seemed ominous in every sense, perhaps even unholy. Their intimidating gaze held the guards in place.

"G-Go through t-to the palace." The guard eventually stammered, granting the caravan permission to proceed. Each step taken by their ominous horses only deepened the guards' unease.

These creatures were clearly not ordinary horses, a fact not lost on the guards. The horns on their foreheads hinted at a nature that was far from typical, and they seemed impervious to the concerns that might terrify normal horses. The guards might have sought guidance from their superiors, but the envoys showed no inclination to wait.

Perhaps their actions would result in their execution, perhaps not. Regardless, they could only watch as the carriage made its way through the town, drawing the attention of every commoner. Parents pulled their children away, while adventurers fixed stern gazes on the newcomers, uncertain of the purpose behind their arrival. However, no one dared to impede their progress until—

"Stop right there, undead!" A youthful voice rang out, somewhat muffled but unmistakably that of someone under eighteen. The speaker was a masked girl cloaked in red. Standing beside her were a pair of Adamantite-ranked female adventurers: a towering figure in violet adamantium armor, a pair of nearly unarmored ninja twins, and their leader, a holy paladin wielding the Sword of Darkness. They assumed a defensive posture, prepared to confront the undead knights.

"Do you truly wish to do this? We are emissaries to meet your king!" The prominent Death Cavalier implored, though their words did little to sway Blue Roses, who had become instantly recognizable to the public. The adventurers were cheered on, and others joined them, forming a circle around the Death Cavaliers.

"You think you can just walk in here saying that stuff! Don't make us laugh!" The muscular woman declared, swinging her colossal hammer in the direction of the ominous knights. The crowd seemed to share her view, converging around the Death Cavaliers, ready to confront them. Rocks, potatoes, and even tomatoes were hurled at the emissaries, who were fortunate to have received orders from their master not to engage unless it was a last resort.

"Gagaran, you take the lead. You two sneak behind the ones fighting and try to distract them. Evileye and I will follow behind Gagaran!" Lakyus ordered her team, her gaze unwaveringly fixed on the enemy. Drawing her sword, a relic from one of the Thirteen Heroes, she marveled at its inky blackness. It bore an intricate pattern resembling blurred stars, a feature unique to the sword.

"You dare to defy our master! In his glory, he sent emissaries to this nation. Now get out of the way!" The Death Cavalier cautioned, offering one final warning. Yet the adventurers remained undeterred.

"What seems to be the problem?" A deep, wise voice suddenly interjected, capturing the attention of Blue Rose. They turned to see a man dressed in a black suit, sporting gray hair and a beard. His handsome visage belied his age, and he exuded an air of muscular strength. However, the most crucial detail was that he appeared to be human, or at least his facade did not betray any undead nature.

"The problem is these undead, coming in here! But who are you?" Lakyus explained and asked, trying to discern the newcomer's intent. The situation had grown increasingly complex.

"I am Sebas Tian, the emissary sent by my master to meet with your king. Would you be so kind as to step out of the way? It would be terrible if we would depart knowing the kingdom attacked us." Sebas replied in a casual and neutral tone, devoid of hostility. His words appeared to have a calming effect on the surrounding people.

"I'm sorry, but we can't let any undead near the castle!" Evileye told the man, but he seemed somewhat more disappointed than angry. As if he didn't wish this would happen. Maybe he was a prisoner of the undead, so they could enter the city without notice. But she felt them being undead, even when she never saw one of them herself. They looked strong, how strong she didn't know.

"What is the commotion out here!" Suddenly, a path opened within Blue Rose's ranks, revealing a troop of Re-Estize soldiers led by none other than Gazef Stronoff. His eyes scanned the scene, eager to grasp the situation. He had been alerted to a disturbance near the city's entrance and had hurried to ensure the king's and his subjects' safety.

"Warrior Captain, I see you have joined us as well. We found these undead here posing as emissaries of some lord of theirs, trying to sneak into the city unnoticed. But we still found them out." Evileye reported to the Warrior Captain, who remained somewhat uncertain about the unfolding events.

"Long time no see. What brings you to the kingdom, Sebas Tian?" Stronoff inquired of the man standing beside him. The latter was an elderly gentleman flanked by enigmatic knights.

"We have come here by the command of my master. Ainz Ooal Gown." Sebas revealed, maintaining his composure despite the tense atmosphere.

"We have to attack them, or they might plan an escape!" Evileye urged, feeling the haste of the moment. Time was of the essence, but Gazef's next words left her flabbergasted.

"Let them through." Gazef declared, stunning everyone present. They had expected him to arrive as a hero, standing alongside the people against the undead intruders entering Re Estize's capital. But that did not happen.

To their surprise, he ordered everyone to step aside and allow the emissaries to proceed deeper into the heart of the capital. Mouths hung agape, and many were left baffled, even outraged by his decision. Even his own soldiers stared at Gazef with a mix of concern and confusion.

"But Lord Gazef! These are undead!" Lakyus exclaimed, her tone filled with sorrow and trepidation. While she held no authority in this situation, the Warrior Captain did. Personally, she was inclined to attack the emissaries on the spot, guided by her instincts, but she could not disobey Gazef's authority.

"Let them through." Gazef repeated, prompting the people to part ways and grant passage to the emissaries. Blue Rose stood motionless for a moment, but a glance into Stronoff's eyes revealed that he was resolute.

"Blue Rose, disband." Lakyus finally announced, and her team moved aside, allowing the emissaries to continue their journey.

"Forgive me for these troubles, Sebas Tian. I didn't know it was you that came here." Gazef approached Sebas with a warm smile.

"A pleasure to meet you again, Master Stronoff." Sebas replied, eliciting a smile from the Warrior Captain.

"I didn't think we would see each other again. Please, continue with your caravan further to the castle grounds. I will escort your troop." Gazef offered, his gaze lingering on the mysterious knights behind Sebas. He knew they would not pose a threat within the city.

"Very well, Master Stronoff." Sebas accepted with a respectful bow.

"You may call me Stronoff. It's enough." Gazef suggested with humility, surprising the onlookers. They knew that he was one of their own, but he continued to keep his humility despite his position among the kingdom's elite.

"Then you may call me Sebas." Sebas responded with equal respect. Gazef smiled, acknowledging the rarity of individuals like Sebas and Ainz. He then proceeded to guide the emissary to the castle while Blue Rose regarded the undead emissaries with suspicion.

"Evileye, what were those?" Lakyus asked.

"I…I don't really know. I've never seen undead like that." Evileye admitted. They all watched as the caravan distanced itself from them, leaving them confused and frustrated.

On the way, many looks passed Gazef and the knights behind him. But nothing else was to be said.

As they arrived, the guards in the perimeter hesitated to move forward and greet the envoys accordingly, but Sebas didn't mind.

"Let us be going then," Sebas suggested as he disembarked from the carriage, relishing the feeling of walking once more.

"Follow me. I will bring you to the throne room." Gazef instructed, and the butler complied. As they traversed the castle's corridors, Gazef seized the opportunity to question Sebas. "Tell me, the last time we met was in Carne Village. Did you move on with Lord Ainz? Or why has he decided to send you here to the king instead?"

"That is something I am not sure I will be able to tell. But you will soon know more if I speak with the king. Things will be clearer after that."

"Mmh, at least I know he is still around." Gazef remarked, sharing a chuckle. Sebas briefly joined in but quickly reverted to his professional demeanor. He could not afford to appear unprofessional while representing Lord Ainz, especially as he aimed to make a favorable impression on the kingdom neighboring Nazarick.

Before long, the hallway underwent a transformation, with opulent decorations becoming increasingly lavish in both quantity and quality. Yet, nothing could compare to the grandeur of Nazarick's interiors. It was a testament to what humans could achieve, but gods held the power to create something on an entirely different level, something Sebas knew all too well.

"Past this door is the throne room. I will not stand by your side but by the kings. Forgive me for that." Gazef informed the Iron Butler, who remained calm.

"Not a concern. I will manage." Sebas replied with a gentle chuckle. They came to a halt in front of a pair of double doors, each flanked by a guard. These doors, while crafted from fine wood, still paled in comparison to Nazarick's gates to the throne hall. Beyond them, the muffled sounds of nobles, laughter, and the trappings of high society filled the air.

Sebas knew this was the moment he mustn't let his lord down. Even if he could murder every being in that room with one move, he needed to talk with them. Something he could do but just wasn't his specialty. It was more one of Demiurge's quirks, but the kingdom wouldn't welcome him, let alone let him into the castle so quickly. Sebas could.

"Open the doors!" Gazef ordered the guards, who promptly grasped the handles and swung the doors open in unison. The sight that greeted them was a vast room adorned with golden chandeliers suspended from the ceiling. The walls were painted in hues of blue and gold, with intricate golden embellishments tracing every edge. It was a room designed for grandeur, yet it could not rival the splendor of Ainz's throne room, with the Throne of Kings, the seat of the supreme ruler.

"Gazef. What brings you here?" The king inquired the moment he laid eyes on his Warrior Captain. It was a moment he had been awaiting, as dealing with nobles tended to drain his energy.

His gaze then fell upon the man standing beside Gazef, a gentleman of similar stature. The nobles surrounding the throne perked up at the sight, some with disdain, others with intrigue and curiosity. Most eyes, however, were fixed on Sebas, sparking conversations and speculation.

"My King. I bring envoys of the one named Ainz Ooal Gown."

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