
Overlord through out the Multiverse

Acwulf dies and became a champion of three goddesses. He needs to succeed in the world of his choosing to become a new god.

Shadowolf0323 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs


I am going to start 2 new novels. One simple, one original. I am not dropping this novel. I just have to rewrite a lot to give what you guys (or girls) want. I am putting the problems I am fixing and a small description of each of the new stories. The fanfic one i can put in input that you people want as long as it does not go against what is already there (you can if you think it would be better for said story, like a different plot that would fit the story) . Thank you for waiting and thanks for reading. (Also I am sorry for not putting the names of the people that brought up the problem. I am not good with names)

Problem 1: Rimuru is immune to fire and ice magic. How did he die from a fire spear?

Response: I honestly forgot he had the thermal immunity skill so I will fix it with a spell like black hole or something like that.

Problem 2: The spelling for the names is all wrong

Response: I am sorry about that. To be honest I forgot how to spell some names and I typed most of this stuff on phone. My phone is a bit wonky but I will try to fix the spelling shortly.

Problem 3: Can the Main Character get a male friend?

Response: I can add that now that I am doing the Percy Jackson Arc. He can be friends with Percy and Grover. I have a few other ideas for other male friends but let me know who you want me to add to his friend list.

Those are the three problems that I am addressing. I will now be telling you about the new novels.

1. Ultra-Universe Online: Its a mix between a fantasy and a universe expansion game has been popular in the world of 2081. Our main character wakes up in the body of a powerful custom species but it has a few downsides as well. His species was known as a very dangerous creature known as a demon king god. Will he make it in the world or die early on?

2: Infamous In Another World: A hard core anime and gamming fanatic died one day saving a kid from getting ran over. The gods offered him a world of his chose and 5 wishes. What will he do now?

Wish 1: Have the powers of the main characters of all Infamous games. {Infamous, Infamous 2, Infamous 2 Blood Festival, Infamous First Light, Infamous Second Son}

Wish 2: Have an unlimited source of the required energies to use powers

Wish 3: Let me develop new powers




I can wait at least a week but no more than 2 weeks for responses before I start Infamous In Another World. Thanks for the input and see you next upload!