
Overlord: The Dragon Monarch

Granted a wish after his death. Nouflex starts his new life in the world of Overlord as the Dragon Monarch an overpowered existence who rules over other life forms through his genius and powers. Discover Nouflex's adventure in YGGDRASIL and the new world. How Nouflex who was an average everyday normal motherfucker becomes ruthless, cruel and cunning when it comes to achieving his goals. How he will build his kingdom, to make it into an empire later by destroying those who oppose him. How he will shower his enemies in fear and terror and become 'The God' of the new world. [DISCLAIMER]: I do not own the story or any of the characters in the book except for the OC created by 'me' the Author himself. [ATTENTION]: THIS BOOK CONTAINS A LOT OF CONTENT AND VIOLENT WORDS, SEX AND EVEN TORTURE. PEOPLE UNDER 18 YEARS OLD ARE NOT ALLOWED TO READ THIS BOOK. AND IF YOU ARE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD, THEN WEAK SOULS TO ABSTAIN! Patreon: Nouflex_Naoufal

Nouflex · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
68 Chs

Chapter 54: A captive

Sun bathing is a fun activity to do, you feel your skin get warm and you feel a want to sleep while doing it, but it ferls even better when your doing it after smoking a zaza.

Im right now only wearing boxer, sitting under the sun rays on the training grounds, Blanc standing like always by my side, red face and peeking at me fron time to time, but i'll just ignore it

While enjoying my time, a vocal message came directly inside my head from Laila."Nouflex-sama, am I bothering you."

"No, I was simply resting, is there something?" I asked.

"Valkyrie finally came back, and she brought with her what remained of the corpse of Himar Lannister. What should we do master?" She asked.

"Bring it to Vita and tell her to revive him, bring him to the throne room and call all the gods and guardians there too." I told her.

"As you wish your majesty, it shall be done." As she said that, the connection betweem us was cut.

Getting up from the wooden seat I was laying on, I looked at my maid. "Blanc tell Valkyrie to find me in my chambers." I started walking to go inside.

"Yes Nouflex-sama!" She excitedly replied with a smile.




In the grand chamber of my castle, I received a most unwelcome guest. King Lannister Himar, the idiot from the neighboring kingdom, stood before me, shackled, weeing rag clothes barely covering his privates and disheveled. His once regal attire was now torn and muddied.

On my both sides stood all of the gods in a a straight line, I reclined upon my ebony throne and my reptilian eyes glinting with malevolence. A cruel grin played on my lips as I beheld my captive foe.

"Well, well, well." I hissed, the sound of my voice resembling the hissing of molten lava. "What do we have here? The mighty King Himar Lannister, now reduced to a pathetic prisoner. How the mighty have fallen."

My servants watched in silence, their loyalty to me unwavering. King Lannister's pride had been crushed, and he dared not meet my gaze.

"Your arrogance has always been your downfall," I continued, savoring every word. "You thought you could defeat me, the Dragon Monarch? How foolish you were."

I extended my hand, and with a flick of my wrist, I summoned a ball of flame to dance in my palm. "See this, Lannister? Fire, my element. I find it amusing how you underestimated the power of a true dragon."

I let the fire dance closer to his face, the heat making him flinch. "You thought you could conquer my kingdom. You thought you could best me. And now, you're nothing but a pitiful plaything for my amusement."

I leaned in closer, my hot breath washing over his face. "Tell me, Lannister, how does it feel to be at the mercy of your sworn enemy? Do you have any final words before I decide your fate?"

The room filled with my sinister laughter, the echoes of my triumph reverberating off the black stone walls as I poace the bottom of my foot on his face. Himar's humiliation was complete, and I relished every moment of it.

My amusement grew as I continued to taunt the fallen king. "Oh, Lannister, your arrogance knows no bounds. Did you honestly believe your meager army could stand against the might of a dragon? Your stupidity is truly astonishing."

With a malicious grin, I conjured another ball of fire and held it aloft, letting it illuminate the depths of his shame. "Perhaps you'd like to tell my loyal servants how you planned to conquer my kingdom? I'm sure they'd love to hear about your grand strategy."

I beckoned to one of my trusted attendants. "Come closer, Blanc, and listen to the wisdom of our captive king. Tell us, Lannister, how did you intend to defeat the undefeatable?"

As Blanc drew near with calm footsteps, King Lannister mumbled his plans with trembling lips. The servant, stifling a chuckle, reported, "Your Highness, King Lannister thought he could outwit you by... flinging cheese at the dragons. Yes, cheese, the smell of which would repel them."

The room erupted in laughter from the gods, and I joined in, my draconic laughter echoing through the chamber. "Cheese, Lannister? That was your brilliant plan? Did you think we were mice, easily scared by your dairy projectiles?"

I couldn't resist any longer. I took a piece of cheese from the nearby table and flung it at King Lannister, who winced as it bounced harmlessly off his chest. "There you go, your mighty weapon against the dragons."

The mockery continued, each jest and insult driving the king deeper into humiliation, his arrogance reduced to ashes. In my dominion, he was nothing but a pitiful, defeated fool, and I reveled in every moment of his torment.

"Listen you idiot dog, I will not kill you now since I still need you for later, but I will send you somewhere you will really love, love so much that you might go crazy haha." I crossed my legs.

"PLEASE! I-I know I was arrogant and stupid but please have mercy..." The idiot started crying but I just ignored him and ordered the royal guards who were stading by.

"Guards! Take him to the torture room, tell Gumball and Darwin to have fun but to not kill him."

"Yes my lord!" Two of the draconians shouted with their spear in hand, as they moved to executed their orders.

"NOOO! PLEASE! DRAGON MONARCH! Nouflex! mercyyy!" His voice grew weaker as he was taken away.

"I will make an example out of you for people who dare challenge me, until the day I find the tranquility I want in the word, I will keep fucking up idiots like you." I annouced with a firm voice.



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