
Overlord: The Dragon Monarch

Granted a wish after his death. Nouflex starts his new life in the world of Overlord as the Dragon Monarch an overpowered existence who rules over other life forms through his genius and powers. Discover Nouflex's adventure in YGGDRASIL and the new world. How Nouflex who was an average everyday normal motherfucker becomes ruthless, cruel and cunning when it comes to achieving his goals. How he will build his kingdom, to make it into an empire later by destroying those who oppose him. How he will shower his enemies in fear and terror and become 'The God' of the new world. [DISCLAIMER]: I do not own the story or any of the characters in the book except for the OC created by 'me' the Author himself. [ATTENTION]: THIS BOOK CONTAINS A LOT OF CONTENT AND VIOLENT WORDS, SEX AND EVEN TORTURE. PEOPLE UNDER 18 YEARS OLD ARE NOT ALLOWED TO READ THIS BOOK. AND IF YOU ARE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD, THEN WEAK SOULS TO ABSTAIN! Patreon: Nouflex_Naoufal

Nouflex · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
68 Chs

Chapter 17: Annihilation [1]

If the first ten years of YGGDRASIL were the peak of the game and its pinnacle, then the last ten years are known as the fogotten part and the downfall of it.

People stoped progressively playing the game, day after day, month after month then after, the years flew by, the flame of YGGRASIL was slowing extinguished.

Only a small percentage of player kept playing as well as the new coming players who consisted of young people mostly. But even so I kept playing with passion and enjoying the game to the fullest trying to become stronger.

Last year I told my old friend Steve the head developper to create a kingdoom for me, and so he did. He made a small city where in the middle of it is a huge castle. And when I say huge I really mean it.



I started creating my NPCs that will serve me, I gave them equipement and everything. It took me a whole year to finish all of my NPCs, at that moment the skelleton dragon finnaly finished his mission and came to my castle. The day I first met him I told him that I would be at this place since I was planning on creating my castle in this spot from the beggining, making it 16 years from the day I was reincarnated and started playing the game.

With the help of all the stuff he has been collecting during this time I finalised all of my NPCs and now they are roaming around the castle, with the skelleton dragon in the underground.

From all the things he brought with him, there were two world Items that I dont even use and are stocked inside the treasury of the castle.

Talking about treasury, I emptied 95% of the things in my storage ring inside the big treasury that is guarded by one of the one of the guardians.

The world items I got are two rings totally different and each one has its own ability. The first ring is...

The Ring Of Telekinesis: One of the world Items. Just like it's name indicates it give its user strong telekinesis powers.


As for the other ring.

The Ring Of Elements: One of the world items. It gives access to superior types of elemental magic such as ice, lightining, sound and magma.


These two rings are really interesting and have incredible abilities but unfortunatly I cannot use them because of my Dragon Monarch race.

It is true that the game started getting boring since people were leaving the game, and for this reason I contacted once again Steve and told him about the plan I have.

*Flash Back Two Months Ago*

*Knock* *Knock*

"You can come in Steve!" Steve openned the door and took a seat in front of my desk that I was putting my legs on.

"Hello Boss! Its been a while." Steve bowed lightly his head.

"Oh come on Steve! How many times did I tell you to speak to me without formalities? I think of you as a friend, you know that you are my favorite right?" I tapped the tip of my 1000 dollars cigars making the ash fall down.

'This is why I made you the head manager of developpers, more experienced people competed for that post but I decided to choose you, this is one of the advantages of being my dog after all.' I thought.

"I-I will try to..." He stuttered out of nervousness, he always has been like that.

"Anyways lets get into business shall we-" I turned off the half cigar and threw it to the trash as if im throwing a banana skin.

"Let's be real, YGGDRASIL is dying day after day and if we let things keep going that way we will end up shuting down the game."

'This is what I want, but im still not ready yet since there are a few things I need to have before going to the new world.' I though before cotinuing my speech.

"So, for you, what do you think is the best thing that would make players come back and play?" I asked steve.

"Uuhmmn... M-maybe an event?" Steve answered expecting a big 'No'.

"BINGO!!! You are damn right. See Steve? You can make it when you want. But not any event would make the players come back, we need something that when those idiots will hear it they will go like 'OH SHIT! I cant possibly miss this!' " I answered mimicking the social slaves know as poor commoners.

Steve seemed to be a bit puzzeled and not understand so I simpified for him.

"My old friend steve, I made a plan that will make us rich again. We will create an event with a cash prize of a 5 millions dollars and a brand new 50k dollars gaming setup, but this isnt what is going to catch people's attention..." I catched my breath then continued.

"The interesting part is that not only one player can win the prize, and not only two... But all the players who survive!"

"Wait, if you are planning to give this kind of crazy high prize to all the survivors, arent we going to make huge losses?" Asked Steve massaging his temples imagining hom many 5 millions dollars we will have to pay.

"This is where comes my genius plan come into play Steve! The event is going to be something that players when hearing it, will think that it's something easy anyone can do, but actually its completely and utterly impossible. So do you have any guesses of what the event will be?" I asked with a devilish smile making him shiver.

"N-no, P-please do t-tell me..." I heard him gulp at the end of his half sentence.

'Boss Nouflex is really creepy when he smiles.' Thought Steve.

"Hehehe my dear Steve. The event would be for the whole players of YGGDRASIL to have a full war against my city. The one, or guild to kill me would get 15 million dollars to each member, as for the other survivors they will have the 5 millions and the set up each. So what do you think of the idea." I rested my chin on my right palm bringing my legs down to the ground.

"But Boss, dont you have unlimited leveling capacity? Its going to be a massacre for them! They dont even stand a chance!" He got excited and got up from his seat.

"This is exactly what we want Steve. They dont know about that, so we will give the players one month to prepare themselves they will thinks that its an easy task and everyone will pay to get the best and strongest equipement thinking that they will make up for that money when they win. In other words they will consider it as an investment." I rested my arms on the desk leaning forward.

"J-just how do you come up with those ideas boss, with this we will both have active players back and make crazy money. You are the best!" He got excited again and started jumping around.

"Alright lets get to work steve, I will leave making the annoucement to you, and tell the commercialization departement to start working on the trailer, I need it ready in four days!" I waived for him to leave the room, and I took another cigar cuted its tip and lit it up with my 6000 dollars lighter.

"Understood!" And he went running back to his tasks.

"Seriously, these commoners... Stupid monkeys."

*Pufffff* I exhaled the cigar's smoke.

*End Of Flash Back*



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