
Overlord Of Light and Darkness

Ok I am a returning reader. Why returning? Simple, life happens and it sucks sometimes... Now I am just here to chill and relax. And maybe write this fanfic from time to time. Fair warning, the update isn't going to be consistent cause well, let's face it, I ain't gonna prioritize this over my job or other important aspects of my life. It's also a wish fullfilment, and AU fanfic. NOW TO THE GOOD STUFF ------------------------------------------------------------- This is an Adventure Quest World/Overlord Fanfic. I apologies in advance for any inconsistency in Lore. I had just recently recovered my account in AQW. and can only barely remember the 13 Lords of chaos. Let alone the convoluted Mother of Monsters. So again sorry for any shortcomings in the lore. In short -Wish fulfillment, AU, OCs, And small harem pairings. (even if I catch Pokemon I don't play them all.)

Elliza_Faith · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Chapter 4 - Divine Invocation

Artix looked sadly upon his friend. Momonga had gone on a rampage killing three dozen men with his bare hands. His anger, made apparent through his sheer brutality.

And yet, despite wanting his friend to be allowed to vent. He knew he needed to step up. Unfortunate....

*BOM!* *BOM!* *BOM!*

The sound if massive tremors filled the air. And all eyes could see the source as Momonga continued to pummel one of the knights beneath his fist, from it's once prestine form, all the way down to a pile of red paste and shattered steel, iron and dirt.

And yet his cries of rage and anger still reverberated through the air. Artix did not have the courage nor the strength to stop him. As he himself is still struggling with his own rage.

A sob escaped Momonga's lips. But was drowned out by anger and again- *BOM!* another fist was thrown to the already worthless pile of flesh and blood.

Suddenly a voice broke through the grim atmosphere.

"...my son... please, I need you."

Artix turned and saw Celestia with the bodies of two little girls in her arms. Her once prestine form now tarnished and bloodied. Artix could only look away from her tear stricken face.

It was one thing to be hurt, it was a different thing entirely to see another hurt... specially your loved ones.

'There is no greater pain than one inflicted onto those of yours.'

Hero-Hero himself could only bow his head beneath his hood. But Momonga was different, he picked himself up. His foot falls, softer than they should be and walked towards his mother and embraced her.

She began crying in his arms and was laid down upon the grass.

Not able to bare the weight of failure, Artix decided to begin the interrogation. He grabbed the one they called 'captain' and dragged him away while Hero-Hero remained with the others.

In wasn't until the clean up had begun that Momonga suddenly made an announcement.


"Yes...." he answered while holding his dead wife.

"I want you gather your dead." the elder looked up at him in confusion. "I will be casting a powerful spell, 'Resurrection Magic.'"

"C-Can you truly?"

"I make no promises that it would work...but we lose nothing for trying."

Thomas immediately, went into action along with everyone still capable of moving.

The village square was cleared where the bodies were laid properly in a circle around Momonga. A set of new arrivals came but was halted under a line of silver and black spears. And so they could only look on as Momonga stood quietly at the center, under the gazes of the prisoners, the villagers and their new visitors.

Releasing a deep breath along with all of his hesitation and fears. He activated his spell.

"Divine Invocation: Mass Resurrection!" He announced with arms wide spread.

The sky all of a sudden spiralled and until only a shining golden light in the sky remained, sweeping the dark clouds unto the side.

Then, a bell tolled.

The first bell... casted a mystic aura around Momonga. Blowing his cape in the non-existent wind, casting a divine glow upon his armor.

The second bell... and littles motes of lite began floating down from the golden sky.

The third bell... and and injuries began closing.

The fourth bell ...and lost limbs began regrowing.

*thud!* Momonga suddenly fell on his knees. Signaling for Hero-Hero with a shake of his head, who in turn stoped anyone from interfering.

The fifth bell tolled... and color began returning to their skin.

The sixth bell... And all of those who had died were emitting their own glow.

Momonga's arms shook. He soon looked towering with back held straight, as he looked up. His palms held open, as if he was holding a gate wide open.

And then the seventh bell tolled and was followed by the sound of jingling bells. And ever so slowly, the morbibg sky returned with the motes of light slowly vanishing with every second.

The people waited with baited breath. The fear of failure crawling up to their hearts with each passing second. But none squashed the lingering hope that is still trying to hold on within their hearts. No one dared disturb the silence, until a gasp was heard.

The villagers were up on their feet almost instantly looking hopefully at the array of people and then they heard it. "...mama..."

All a sudden the villagers carefully rushed towards their loved ones. Each one crying but this time, in rejoice as those they had just lost has been returned.

*Thud!* echoed the sound. The people turned only to see Momonga, in all his golden glory had fallen on one knee.

Artix was next to him instantly while Albedo and Narberal raised their weapons, halting some of the people's advance.

Momonga raised his hand signaling for the two to stand down and though they lowered their weapons, neither of the two stood aside.

Creating an obsidian chair and ignoring the gasp he heard from behind, Artix sat Momonga upon it.

'Suzuki, answer me. What happened!?'

'....do not fret brother. I am merely tired.'

Hearing their more intimate label at each other appeased Artix greatly. But his concern still lingered, waiting for him to continue.

'the requirement for casting such a spell was simple and accessible, but maintaining it was more... interactive than I thought.'


'To be precise, it felt like I was holding a pair of heavy doors open.'

'A pair of heavy doors?'

'Yes, I could feel them Artix. I could hear them, I could speak to them... I could feel them pass through those doors.'

Artix halted as his mind tried to wrap around what he had just heard.

'Artix, I couldn't convince them all...' Momonga said solemnly.

As if on cue, a man walked forward with his wife and daughter, still in their blood stained clothes standing beside him. But on his arms laid an old man, still unmoving.

"...my lord, please. I don't think it worked on everyone." the man pleaded.

"How dare you demand and question!!!-"


"But, Momonga-sama!"

"That is enough." he said chastisingly. He then turned towards the family.

"I am sorry but this was no mistake... he is with your mother now. It was his choice to be at peace."

The family though stained with tears, gave him a nod of acceptance with sad miles still gracing their faces.

A sense of rejoice filled the villagers. Each one embracing, crying and simply laughing at each other's presence once more.

But the prisoners felt something else entirely, doubt and fear. In their eyes, they saw a man wield magic said to be impossible even with The Six's blessing. And yet before them stood a man, bathed in divine light and was actually deemed worthy enough to be granted their blessing.

For such a man to go against their cause, they questioned what does that make of them.

And while the prisoners wallowed in despair. The new comers or rather the band of warriors that had just arrived looked both afraid, in awe or downright confused.

The tallest of them then started approaching and again was halted by a spear to his neck by one of the Celestial Knights. This aggressive action caused the other warriors to draw steel which bought about a cry of fear amongs the villagers, causing a bit of panic which once again brought more of the Celestial Knights and Infernal Knights into action, as each one drew spear and trained them towards the band of Warriors.

Amidst the hushed and barely contained chaos, it was Artix that walked forward. With his sword planted to the dirt and his hands crossed atop the hilt, he asked.

"State your business, now."

Gulping a little at the young man's dark aura, he answered. "I am Gazef Stronoff, Head Warrior of Re-Estiz Kingdom. I have been sent by the king to hunt down those causing death and destruction upon this lands."

Artix looked to the Chief who shook his head.

Artix drew his sword. "He doesn't know you Stronoff. You will have to present proof of your allegiance for your words to be believed."

Nodding, Gazef slowly reached for his pocket and then tossed what looks to be a medallion. Artix had the medallion inspected by the Chief and confirmed it's authenticity.

Seeing the Knighs in Silver and Black lower their spears made Gazef sigh deeply in relief. Artix then ushered the man towards Momonga who is currently being stressed upon by both Albedo and Narberal.

And as soon as he reached them he said.

"Momonga, meet Gazef Stronoff. The reason for this senseless slaughter."

Both were shocked at his declaration, even the Vice Captain trailing just right behind them.

But before Momonga could say a word, voice broke through them.

"Momonga onii-chan..."

Momonga head snapped towards and filled with overwhelming happiness at what he saw. A family of four. He was all tears seeing the two little kids up and about again and much to his joy, still possesses the same life filled eyes they used to have.

He stood up under Narberal and Albedo's assistance. And ran his gloved hands through the two sister's hair, eliciting a round of giggles from the children and smiles from the two parents accompanying them.

Releasing a deep breath once more, his shoulders sagged as relief flooded him and his stress and fears left all of him behind. Not knowing what to say to the two, he just gently brushed their hairs and ushered them off.

Returning his attention to Stronoff and his Second-in-command. He said, "This way, this is something better said elsewhere."

Entering one of the empty homes Artix casted a bit of privacy spells using a few scrolls as soon as Hero-Hero joined them.

"I'll make this real quick. Stronoff here was set up by a nation called The Slane Theocracy. They want him dead to weaken the King, accelerate the brewing civil war, and then aid The Empire into taking this Kingdom."

"Why? What is so special about him?"

"Gazef here is the King's Sword. His absence would cripple the old fool completely. Rendering him powerless, both politically and military."

"Have care of how you speak! That is the King you speak of!" shouted the Vice Captain.

"A fool is a fool no matter how much you try and deny it."

"...Explain Artix..." urged Hero-Hero.

"The Slane Theocracy, a human supremist. They are bigots glorified under the banner of Unity. They spread the faith of their Gods and decry others as Herecy. But what their true end goal is to wipe out all non-human races in this world. And to do that they needed Heroes. Sadly the Kingdom of Re-Estiz is far too corrupt. Any potential Heroes that may have risen up from it is discarded or crippled by the Nobility that rules the land. It has now reach to the point that maintaining it's existence has now been deemed un-acceptable in their eyes. And so they hope for the Empire to conquer the lands and it's people and put it's resources to good use instead. And they do that by both inciting conflict in between Kingdom and the empire while killing the only man defending their crippled king. Simple as that."

"A crippled King?" asked Momonga.

"The man is too old, too tired and too weary to rule to the point he is simply maintaining the status quo. Even if it meant allowing the nobility getting free reign towards his own people." Artix answered grimly.

Momonga and Hero-Hero turned to both Gazef and his Vice Captain, but all they saw was shame.

A second wind of anger began bubbling beneath his skin once more, Momonga asked. "you said they came to kill him. How?"

"By drawing him in and trapping him."

"So this isn't the main forces, how many?"

"Two hundred more knights, a hundred mages. A special ops that he called The Sunlight Scripture."

Gazef and his Vice Captain looked on with horror at what they had just been told, a reaction Momonga caught.

"I had spent much in the defense of this village and the preservation of it's people! Tell me what you know!"

"This man is the!-"

"It's alright Vice Captain."

"But Stronoff-sama!"

After giving a firm nod to his Vice-Captain, Stronoff refocused on the other three.

"The Sunlight Scripture. A group established with one purpose alone. The eradication of The Enemies of Humanity. *sigh* I had thought it was simply the Demi-humans. I guess I am are part of that lists now. They specialized in sorcery as their organization is consist of mostly 3rd to 4th tier mages. A small group of knights to defend them too but no one note worthy amongs those armored men." Gazef explained.

"...Any trump cards you either know about or have heard off at the very least?..." asked Hero-Hero.

"Rumors has it is that they are in possession of an artifact capable of calling upon the strongest angel in existence but that was more heresay than anything else."

Gazef noticed the three look pensive at his words and simply left them to their own thoughts as he himself had his own. Specially the golden armored giant before him.

Gazef hates to admit it, but this man makes his King look like a commoner. His voice was powerful, commanding and yet respectable. His movements, despite being sluggish still has a touch of elegance. And that is not to mention his power.

'no one has ever been said to have been capable of resurrecting two dead people at the same time...and yet this man bought back half a village... that's not even mentioning the strength all three of them carried. Even I could feel the absolute danger this ranger next to me poses....just who are these people?'

While Gazef was pre-occupied the three were having their strategic planning.

'According to Belius, their main combat capabilities were centered around summoning angels...of the 2nd tier...that was it.'

'...that is too underwhelming for someone who was said to carry the most powerful angel in existence within his pocket...'

'true but the only true angel worth of note, is the Principality of Observation and according to the standards of this world that was already entering the doorstep towards The Realm of Heroes.'

'So the inhabitants of this world are weak.'

'basically yes.'

'...not enough reason for us to lower our guard...'

'True, that is why we wouldn't.' Momonga turned to Artix. "I need you to spring the trap, Tomix will catch them from behind while I prepare against their trump card."

"Understood." "...understood..." with their piece said Artix stepped outside to prepare while Hero-Hero did the same with his own role.

Momonga turned to Stronoff and said. "Know this Head Warrior, this will come with it's price. And it will be a hefty one."

Gazef bowed with a smile and then said. "I will meet your price Momonga-dono. With my honor I shall see to it myself if need be."

Momonga then inspected the Head Warrior's armaments. ".....you are ill equipped."

"Yes, yes I am. The Noble faction that opposed the King prevented me from taking any of the Kingdom Treasures with me. Makes me wonder if they had a hand in all this ...."

"Chance doesn't seem to be in your favor then. But alas, I cannot have you dying until your debt is paid, specialy since your own nobility could not be trusted."

Momonga then pulled out from his inventory a set of silver and gold armor atop a black gambeson. Crafted with elegance and style with multiple designs that makes the armor more akin to a piece of art than an actual piece of defensive weaponry.


Momonga signaled Gazef to put it on, completely ignoring his baffled and surprise gaze as he inspected the finely crafted armor.

A man then rushed towards them, informing them of the approaching infantries and the mages surrounding the village. The words of his soldier made Gazef put on the armor as quick as he could while Momonga stepped outside to quell the panic.

But to his surprise, there was not much panic at all. Not far from him is his Mother guarded by Narberal herself. Assuring the villagers of their safety. Her actions made him smile and softer even more when he saw little Nemu being carried by her on her arms.


"Son! Is there any lingering pain? Anything at all?"

"I am fine mother. Right now I must prepare to join the fray. I need you to promise me something."

"What is it?"

"If worst comes to shove, I need you to return to the guild immediately."

"No! I will not leave you here!"

"Mother you know me. I have contingency plans on contingency plans. I will be alright I assure you."

"You assure me nothing! This isn't the same as before and you know it. There may not be any do overs for us here."

"I know mother, but I can't face whatever it is that I am about to face without the assurance of your wellbeing... Please, trust me. As you always have."

"I won't get in your way. But I'm sorry my son, but I won't run away either."

Seeing her unwavering eyes truly drove home how stubborn his mother truly is. A soft reminder that for all the changes they had gone through, deep within she is still his mother.

Nodding in defeat and acceptance, he instead ushered her to watch from afar while safeguarding the villagers.

The villagers moved to the large barn where Celestia casted several defensive and protection magic. While outside stood the Celestial and Infernal Knights, safe guarding those within.

And while Albedo relented to his order regarding ensuring the safety of his mother, Narberal instead was the one who surprised. Vehemently refusing to allow him to enter the battle unaccompanied.

"Momonga-sama....while I understand your belief in yourself and friends. Specially your confidence in your own power but please my Lord, understand as well that I cannot in good conscience let you fight unattended."

"Narberal, your devotion to me is admirable. But if your truly know me, then you should know by now that my mother's safety would always be Paramount to my own."

"I do my Lord. I remember, you had always told me so after all." she replied, with Momonga showing signs of recognition regarding her statement. "But please remember as well my Lord for which purpose in which I was born. Please remember....Suzuki-sama."

For a time non spoke as Momonga stared intently at the kneeling maid before him. His mind going through many different things but amongs them is the hammering reminder of a certain fact....they remember everything from the days of Yggdrasil.

A sigh left him, as his shoulders drooped as well. He then actually began rubbing the back of his helmet. Momonga in the eyes of the few observers was looking less than the mighty leader and more of a shy man not knowing how to say what he wanted to say.

It was such a sight that a few onlookers actually had their jaws dropped at what they were seeing.

Taking a deep breath Momonga settled seemingly have come to a decision.

He held the girl by her arms and then raised her up, straightened her back, fixed her collar, settled a few frills and even dusted her skirt and the nodded.

"Remained presentable in presence....Nabe-chan."

She showed a beaming smile and answered with a tilt of her head "Always!....Suzuki-san."

While the two walked away, Chief Thomas could not help but ask.

"Forgive me my Lady. I do not mean to pry regarding your noble affairs but I must ask... Uhmmm... Momonga-sama has been called both Dage and now Suzuki as well... We were wondering as to which is his true name, so that we may better address our benefactor my Lady."

"Well... Suzuki is a more intimate name Chief. Please do not openly address him as such. He would be most displeased. As for a name, Momonga would do. It is after all, whom he had always strived to be."

"Understood, my Lady. Thank you."

Celestia nodded with grace and turned to the only other person there, glaring heatedly at Narberal and grinding her teeth all the while.

Seeing her blood crazed expression, Celestia knew then a conversation could wait no longer.

"Come Albedo! We have much to talk about."