
Overlord Naruto

This story is taking place in alternate Narutoverse. The main character has a different judgment and mentality from the original naruto. And the memory of Naruto's childhood has a deep effect on him when he woke up on his body. His soul has transferred to the body of recently died Naruto as compensation from a true god. He woke up with all the memories of Naruto. As he is from the earth he will not stand the rude behavior from others towards himself. He is not alone. He brought the guild of Ainz Ooal Gown and ultimate system with him.

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80 Chs

Chapter 79 Kai's leave

(Another Narutoverse)


(A few days later)

Kai is standing there with his maids in the gates of Konoha. And Tsunade, Shizune, Naruto, Boruto, Sasuke and other Rookies of Konoha are there with them. Kakashi, Guy and Jiraya are also there to say goodbye to them. Most of them forgot about the involvement of Kai killing urashiki. Kai erased their memory about the incident and planted some other memories in their place with the help of his magic. Sasuke and Boruto think that they saved Naruto in this timeline with the help of Jiraya.

"Take good care of yourself and come back when you have time," Tsunade said to Kai. As she still looks at him as her brother Nawaki. She is a little emotional about his departure.

"I will come back if I am free. You know I am a very busy man," Kai said to Tsunade. He is going back to his Narutoverse. At least his excuse put a little assurance in the heart of Tsunade.

"Where will you go? Are you going to do the magic show in other places? " Naruto asked him. He wanted to know his plan. He forgot about the incident where Kai killed Urashiki a few days ago. So the subject is never brought again in few days.

"I am going to a place which is very far from this place. I may use magic more often than just for a show there," Kai said to Naruto. He is leaving this timeline and going to his world. There he will use magic more frequently.

He talked with everyone a little and then he has a thought in his mind.

" Before I leave I will show you my greatest trick. You will not know how I left from this place," Kai said to them. He has a smile on his face. He wanted to finish with a bang.

"So you wanted to do magic before you leave," Tsunade asked him. She doesn't know what other thing she will say to him.

"I left a gift for you in your office," Kai said to her. Tsunade doesn't know what he left for her.

"Thank you so much for the gift. I will make sure to see it as soon as I reach my office," Tsunade said to Kai. She is looking at him and wondering what he would have left for her.

Kai snapped his finger and his body and Pleiades body started to shine. As if something covered their body in bright light.

"So you are leaving like magic," Tsunade asked him with a sadness in her voice. She can almost cry in front of everyone.

"It's goodbye for now. You all have a lot of trials ahead in your life. Be careful and try to keep each other safe. I am kai Uzumaki and I am going home," Kai said and he smiled. But then his body and Pleiades body started to disappear as if something pulling their body back somewhere.

After few moments his body disappeared along with his maids. And all of them looked at the place where he once stood. Kakashi opened his Sharingan to see through his trick but he didn't find any chakra signature.

Neji used his Byakugan but he cannot see anyone find them anywhere through his Dojutsu.

"I can not see his chakra anywhere and it doesn't look like he is hiding anywhere. He left but how did he do that," Kakashi said to them. Well, Kai's tricks amazed him many times even during his shows.

"Not only that I cannot see him anywhere close to Konoha with my Byakugan. He left like magic and I cannot even trace him," Neji said to them. He is truly amazed this time.

"That is one youthful exist if you ask me and the greatest trick of a magician which can deceive Sharingan and Byakugan together. A true exit for a magician like him. He is truly the greatest magician I have ever seen," Guy said to them. He has a smile on his face. He has seen the peak of magic in his opinion.

"Did he left like that? I couldn't say goodbye to him in a proper way," Naruto said to them. He almost forgot to say goodbye to him.

"How did he pull that off with a Sharingan and Byakugan looking for him," Shikamaru asked them curiously. He never thought that someone can deceive two of the three greatest Dojutsu at the same time. Even his brain didn't know the answer about it.

At that time an Anbu arrived to inform something to Tsunade. All of them looked at the guy at his sudden arrival.

"Lady Hokage, Kai Uzumaki left all his profit money for you and transferred all of them in your account. We got the bank details about it which arrived just now in the Hokage tower. Shikaku san told me to inform you immediately about it. And Kai also left a sealed letter and Scroll for you on your office table which cannot be opened by anyone. And for some urgent matters, you are called into the office," The Anbu said to Tsunade. After delivering his news he left that place with a quick shunshin. Tsunade is shocked to know about this incident and doesn't know why he left all his hard-earned money for her.

Tsunade is not the only one who is shocked but the people who are there are equally shocked by this news.

"Why would he do that? He worked very hard for it but didn't take it but instead gave it to someone else. I couldn't understand him," Ino said to them. She is frustrated to think about it. She cannot come to any conclusion or reason behind it. Then she looked at Shikamaru for an explanation regarding the current event.

"Don't look at me like that. Even I can not decipher his intentions behind it. I have seen him doing many impossible feats and this is one of them. Only thing I can think about it he did it due to his relationship with her. But even then it is very difficult to take it as a reason. I give up, I don't have a clue or idea why he did it. I have no shame to admit that someone outsmarted me for the first time," Shikamaru said to them. He knows the more he thinks about the matter the more confused he will become about this subject. Maybe in another few years, he might be able to think more clearly about it but not right now.

"I should leave for the Hokage tower. Shizune let's go," Tsunade said to Shizune. She wants to know what else he left for her. Even though she is surprised about it. Kai left everyone puzzled about his latest actions. She left with Shizune to the Hokage tower.

"He never wanted the money, I guess. Sometimes things can be very simple and we are the one who makes things very complex. Let's not think too much about it. The more you think the more difficult it will become to see the actual reason. And Magicians never reveal their secret. Well, I should write it down," Jiraya said to them. He took out a paper and write it down for future use in his novel.

They started to walk away from that place. Boruto and Sasuke will leave after the Time device gets fully charged in few days in which both of them came in this past timeline. But they are still discussing, why Kai left all his money for Tsunade.

( Hokage tower)

Tsunade and Shizune arrived at the Hokage tower and they saw Shikaku is inside the office and looking at the scroll and letter. It looks like the scroll is stuck on the table And the letter is stuck on the scroll.

"So what are the urgent matters which needed my immediate attention? " Tsunade asked Shikaku. And the Jonin commander looked at her and then he is thinking for few seconds about how to explain the situation.

"Kai Uzumaki left the letter and scroll for you. It has an Uzumaki swirl on both of them before you ask how I know about the sender. And we got the debt clearance of your gambling debt which is also cleared by Kai by some unknown means. And the money from the magic show is directly transferred to your account. As I delivered my morning report I am going to my desk for the office work," Shikaku said and left that place. He wants to sleep after stressing his body too much in the morning.

Tsunade took the scroll and letter easily after a barrier around them lifted by her touch. Shizune also wants to know what is in the letter. Tsunade opened the letter and started to read it.

Dear Lady Tsunade,

I may not come back in the future as to where I am going is on the other side of this world. It is very difficult to travel from that place to here. And the Ryo has no use for me there. So you can keep it for me. Don't gamble too much it is bad for a hokage reputation. And I left seven powerful Talismans for you inside the scroll along with a twin yin seal technique. All the talisman has one-time use and it will remove your bad luck. The only thing you have to do is put the talisman on your forehead. If it burns automatically and doesn't leave the paper of the talisman, then use another one like the previous one. I am quite sure you need all seven of them to burn all your bad luck. And twin yin seal is an advanced technique of the Yin seal. I hope you like my gift. Don't tell others about it as they might be thinking and confused why I didn't take that much money. Even then I have gold mines under me. I have no use for that money. I hope you can make good use of it.

Your relative

Kai Uzumaki.

"I knew that he came from afar place but another side of the world. It is no wonder many things are different there from here, even currency. But why he never told me. We would have arranged something for him," Tsunade said while thinking. And Shizune heard her.

"So the currency is not the same there. So do you want to tell others about it? They are racking their brains about this subject. They have their theories but everything is leading them nowhere. It was Kai's grand magic exit that even his departure is hidden by mystery. And it made them overthink about him. No one saw this coming in the first place. As Elemental nations use only Ryo and no one saw this possibility," Shizune said to Tsunade. But at that time Tsunade fixed her eyes on Shizune. As if she is going to give her some strict orders.

"No need to tell them anything about such a simple thing. Let it be a mystery that is known by only two of us after Kai left along with his Followers. If they want to know about it then they have to solve it by themselves," Tsunade said to Shizune. Her assistant immediately agreed with her.

Tsunade kept the letter in her pocket and took the scroll and inside she can see seven Talismans are kept within the scroll. And the scroll is the Twin yin seal scroll. And the explanation is very vivid and it even explained why certain people cannot master the yin seal and how they can do it and further enhance it.

"Is that an unknown jutsu Tsunade sama?" Shizune asked her curiously. She didn't pay much attention to Talismans as they look only attractive Talismans.

"Even better than an unknown jutsu. It is a twin yin seal scroll. It also explains how anyone can master the yin seal easily and advance it into a Twin yin seal. But it needs a lot of hard work while attaining the advanced stage. Well, this scroll will help you advance for that yin seal you want for a long time. But we will read it later in private as it is one of the advanced seals we got our hands-on," Tsunade said to Shizune. She knows somewhere in her heart that Shizune wanted to follow in the footstep on Tsunade. Shizune got medical whole knowledge of her but she was never able to attain yin seal.

"It can help me to attain yin seal, lady Tsunade. I failed last time," Shizune remembers the last time she tried to create her yin seal.

"It has such vivid description that it will help you attain it. But for now, keep it a top-secret about this seal. For now, I will remove my bad luck. Kai Kun has given me the best gift to remove it," Tsunade said and picked one Talisman and placed one on her forehead. And it burned and turned into dust immediately without harming her.

"The talisman can burn bad luck. Did it work on people's bad luck? I have some doubts about it," Shizune said with a doubtful expression. She knows Tsunade has terrible bad luck. But mostly it is related to her Gambling habits where she loses most of the time.

Tsunade already put two more talismans and they burn away one after another.

"Let me use all of them. Then we can try our luck with cards for a trial," Tsunade said to Shizune. And she started to place one talisman after another. Till the last one remained and when she placed it on her forehead. It burns more than half and it stopped after that.

"It didn't burn like the other one. Did it work for you? " Shizune asked her. She is still doubtful about it.

Tsunade kept the Twin seal scroll in her pocket safely to study it later. And it is her private property and a gift given by Kai to her.

Tsunade sat on her seat. And signalled Shizune to sit in the chair of the other side. Tsunade took out her cards and shuffled them and disturbed the cards. And when both of them opened their cards. Tsunade won it by few points. They played it for several rounds and Tsunade won it only by few points but Shizune won sometimes too.

"Your previous bad luck is gone but you shouldn't gamble with it. If you would have won repeatedly I would have thought that a calamity is going to occur in few days. But it looked so balanced. You lost your bad luck but you still don't have godly luck like the time when terrible things always happen and you started to get jackpots," Shizune said to her mentor. And Tsunade sighed at her words.

"You can go and do your work. I am busy and Kai kun left today. I already started to miss him. But I am happy that he left a Forest stadium for me. I have to take good care of it. I still hope that we can meet one day," Tsunade said to her. And Shizune left the room afterwards. Tsunade has some thoughts about Kai but she started to bury herself in her paperwork.

A chapter ended in this universe but many chapters of Kai will continue in another universe as Naruto Uzumaki.

( Note:- Our Mc has returned to his universe and he will be called Naruto Uzumaki instead of Kai Uzumaki after this chapter)