
Overlord: Just a god having fun

Just a god having fun in the New World no harem, dark MC complete wish-fulfillment

DaoistDRZ · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs

Arcadia having fun(mini chapter)

This will just be a mini chapter of Arcadia having fun(she isn't triggered). It will not have any effect on the story line.

I tried to write some torture, so yeah, enjoy?

Forgot to mention, time flow's faster in the tower.


The Baharuth Empire

A guard was walking around a certain mansion. He had just gotten a new job with double the pay he had received at his last job so he was taking this job seriously. The job itself was simple, guarding a mansion with only 3 girls living in it and some servants.

He was walking along his usual route, not really expecting anyone to actually show up. But what he didn't expect was exactly what happened. Without him noticing a figure in black had appeared behind him. The figure slowly took out a dagger and silently moved towards the unsuspecting guard. With a single slash the guard's neck was cut open and a hand placed on his mouth. He was dead in seconds. Slowly placing the guard on the ground, the figure gave a signal and 2 more such figures ran by, moving towards a mansion.

Just like the guard hadn't noticed them, they also hadn't noticed a figure standing on the roof of the mansion.

"So predictable."

The 3 intruders didn't waste time on the servants and only dealt with guards that were in a way. They had clear orders.

Capture the 2 targets. No unnecessary killing.

What made the mission difficult was that there was no intel on which room the targets were at.

Since that was the case, the 3 figures separated to hasten the search.

The same assassin that killed the guard opened one of the doors to a room that didn't look like a servant quarter and had 3 figures sleeping in it. This made the assassin happy, but just to be certain he decided to check if these were really the targets, before notifying his teammates. The closer the assassin got to the bed, the more certain he was that he had found the targets. He was about to notify his teammates, when he made the mistake of looking back. The door to the room was missing. Not just the door. It looked like there had never been a door in that wall. Looking down at the bed again he was horrified to realise it was empty. Panicking the assassin started looking for a way to escape. He remembered there had been a window behind him, but when he looked behind him he saw no window. This made the assassin go full on panic mode. Suddenly the assassin froze. He felt a hand, as cold as ice on his left shoulder. The assasin immediately turned left ready to attack whoever was there. The moment he turned left he heard the sound of door being pushed open.

Having no idea how that door appeared there or not seeing anyone next to him, he immediately started running, not caring about anything else, but his life. This place was too fucking weird. Without him knowing, there really was another person standing now in that room, making it 4 people in total. The person standing took a short look at the 3 sleeping girls before following the assassin.

The assassin kept running and running, but this damn hallway seemed neverending.

As the assassin sprinted down the never-ending hallway, his breaths echoed loudly in the oppressive silence. Panic clawed at his chest as he realized he was trapped in a nightmarish labyrinth with no way out. Every corridor he turned into seemed to stretch endlessly before him, twisting and distorting like a nightmare made real.

Right as he was about to turn another gorner he felt that same cold touch. This simple touch that seemed like the touch of death itself, completely rejuvenated his body allowing him to increase his speed.

Turning the corner what greeted him was a woman. Her hands were were covered in bandages as well as part of her face. That woman, no. Demon was smiling from ear to ear. Literally, the skin on her face looked like it had been pulled apart and broken.

The only thing the assassin heard before losing consciousness was the demons laughter.

Waking up the assassin felt himself hanging. His hands tied above his head, his toes barely touching the floor. Scanning the place he was in, he was horrified to see his 2 teammates with him there. One of them strapped to the table and another in a 2x2 cage.




He heard steps behind him.

He tried to question the one behind him, but didn't receive a reply to his questions.

"You tried to interfere with My Lord's plan, for that you must be punished. All of you."

P.O.V Arcadia

I took out 2 rusty daggers. I forcefully pushed them into this filth's back and pulled them down. Cuttting large flaps of skin and muscle from his back and severing his ribs from the spine. I opened the ribs out to the side to form a sort of 'wings'. I finished the ritual by pulling out the victim's intact lungs and laying them over the extended ribs.

By this point he should be dead, but we can't allow that, can we now? So I cast a spell to keep all of them from dying. Kind of like immortality.

As I was done with him for now, I went to the one strapped to the table, who had obviously woken up by now.

Oh how I enjoyed them begging. Not like it was gonna help them.

I started by pulling off all oh his 20 nails, followed by skinning his whole body except his left upper side torso, where his heart would be. Some salt here and there along with pulling out his teeth. By pulling I mean punching his teeth in, for shit and giggles.

I placed a rodent on his upper left side torso and a metal bucket on top of it. This is something knows as 'plan C' and started slowly heating the bucket from the top. Not sure why it's called like that. After some time the rodent started digging it's way towards the victim's heart. Just before the rodent could damage the heart, I removed the bucket and threw the rodent away. I took out the heart and held it with my hands before placing it above his mouth and pushed the heart down his throat. Just to make sure I also broke his nose.

On the third victim I wanted to cause more mental torment, than physical.

So I first cut his larynx, sewed his mouth and eyes shut and pushed 2 metallic tube like objects into his ears.

You shouldn't speak

You shouldn't see

You shouldn't hear

I continued by making him feel as if one side of his body was as cold as ice and the other side on fire. Every once in a while the sides would switch.

Looking at my masterpiece, I was feeling quite proud of myself. Considering this was my first time torturing someone. Now that the round 1 is over, should we start with round 2?

Next chapter Arcadia will reveal her little project.

should I add ArcadiaXMc?

can't promise my try of romance won't make you throw up.

DaoistDRZcreators' thoughts