
Overlord in a new world

The ancient texts talk about legendary cultivator's ascensions. But for a hundred thousand years no one managed to achieve such a feat. After becoming the greatest cultivator of his era, Bai Jingshen came to a conclusion: The Great Cultivation world was already declining and could not support any ascensions anymore. In order to not be stopped in his path, Bai Jingshen sought all cultivatiors to aid him in breaking the barriers of this world. With their power he succeeded, but arrived in a world of far evolved science. Was this really the immortal realm? But why was eveyone talking about exploring this new world?

xVolum3 · แฟนตาซี
78 Chs

Cooperating with Elena

The room fell into silence for a few seconds, before Sam took deep breath in. He looked at his brother next to him, but he knew that he had to make this decision himself. Therefore he was the first to answer Elena:

"Miss Thobar. I am very honored by your proposal and gladly accept. I hope I can live up to your expectations."

The young woman smiled at Sam and happily nodded. Now Sam and Elena both turned their head to Bai Jingshen. Although both of them would be glad if he accepted the cooperation, but Bai Jingshen wouldn't let himself be pressured by their gazes. The former emperor was trying to dissect Elena's words just know.

The young woman seemed to hint at their special constitutions. Those were indeed signs of unlimited potential. On top of that they were extremely rare. A situation like theirs, where three non-blood related cultivators with special constitutions randomly gathered outside top organizations like the Rising Dragon Union, was probably a once-in-a-million occasion. The former emperor could also see the benefits of them working together. However, tying himself down so early on might not only bring advantages. Therefore, he had to ask for more details first:

"Miss Thobar. I can also see the potential a cooperation would have. However, can I ask you what exactly you had in mind?"

"Of course. You see the normal procedure would be to have elite members sing a contract with the company. These need to be presided over by two directors, with one of them taking a blood oath from the young elite. Afterwards the elite receives the company's best nurturing in exchange for long term loyalty. I will have you guys sign a normal contract but will fake the blood oath.

Although contracts are still protected under the Republics law, they are in the end only a piece of paper. On top that organizations are becoming more and more independent since the New World's descent. Some states have completely lost power already. The republics situation is slightly better, since the Church is honestly interested in furthering cohesion. However, even if you break your contracts and someone reports you to the Republic, they will at most give me a slap on the wrist.

Therefore, you can enjoy the benefits of the elite program, while still being able to roam around, create your own organizations, or whatever you have in mind. I only hope that we can all profit in this cooperation. For example, if you manage to join the Scholar's Tower it would be great if you could help us with strengthening our bionics."

At this point Elena was playing with open cards. She would be lying to herself, if she claimed she wasn't nervous, but her face only showed a professional smile. Bai Jingshen was contemplating this offer. He knew his own worth. If he proved that he had a special constitution, every sect in the Great Cultivation World would fight to have him.

However, no one would present him with such good conditions as Elena's. If he joined a strong organization, they might train him all the way towards becoming an immortal, but he would never be able to leave again. He slowly realized the genius of Elena's offer, It simply contained the best of both worlds, while giving him a strong ally as long as their interests aligned.

Under Elena's calm, and Sam's emotion-filled gaze, Bai Jingshen suddenly said the words they have been waiting for:

"I agree."

With those historical words, the three young cultivators instantly grew closer. Elena and Sam showed genuine smiles on their faces, as even Bai Jingshen felt a comfortable feeling in his body. While leading the two young men into a side room obviously designed for relaxation, Elena told her AI to give them some drink to celebrate. They sat down on a soft couch as they clinked their glasses, celebrating their cooperation. Luckily Elena only went for something light, so Bai Jingshen and Sam as Qi Gathering Realm cultivators wouldn't get drunk in the middle of the day.

Shortly after Elena took the two bracelets lying on a table before her. Bai Jingshen had already been eying them, asking himself if these were already waiting here for them. If this was the case, it surely spoke of Elena's confidence. Ignoring Bai Jingshen's raised eyebrow the young woman explained, now back to her professional self:

"These bracelets are already prepared for you. As long as you are within the transmitter's range, your AI can communicate with the rest of Thobar Bionics. Outside however, they sadly don't have much meaning anymore. You are only able to communicate with people in your immediate vicinity. And for cultivators above the Gene Activation Realm their functions are pretty much redundant, and it doesn't make sense to produce bracelets that can withstand a fight between cultivators at that level. However, for now they are still helpful to you, especially within the company."

Bai Jingshen and Sam took their respective bracelets. The former emperor let out a light chuckle as he was welcomed by 'General Mao'. After they reactivated their AIs, Elena took out the aforementioned contracts. Since Bai Jingshen knew they had no binding power, he only readd them once, before signing without worry. Sam was even faster than him, eager to officially cooperate with his two friends. A month ago, he could have never imagined to receive preferential treatment from Elena Thobar, but now he was already closer to his dream of advancing together with his close ones.

In a good mood Elena watched the young men sign, before she continued:

"Ok that's it from my side. If you don't have any questions left, I would say you can start training."

Afterwards they thanked Elena as they said their goodbye. This time they didn't leave through Johann Tal's office, but directly entered the hallway from Elena's room. Just as the wanted to call an elevator, Bai Jingshen felt a weird sensation on his back. He turned around, only to find a big, slightly fat man staring at them from across the hallway. Since this man had the aura fluctuations of a cultivator above the Nascent Soul Realm, Bai Jingshen didn't dare to observe him closer. He quickly entered the elevator Sam called with a furrowed brow. The young man made sure to remember this man's face as they arrived at the 30th floor again.

Following their AI's direction, they walked a few meters down the hallway to their right before arriving in front of a closed door. After verifying their identity and entering, they suddenly heard a surprised exclamation. A young teen of around fourteen years turned around and looked at them with big eyes. After a second of confusion, he happily shouted:

"Are you new here? Did I finally get some flat mates? Nice! It's so boring being here alone!"

Bai Jingshen quickly understood the situation as he answered with a smile:

"Well, it sure seems like it. I am Bai Jingshen and this Sam. Nice to meet you!"

"Ohh, right. I am Torren! Bai Jingshen, right? Are you named after someone from the Great Cultivation World? That's so cool!"

Bai Jingshen was slightly surprised. He knew that Ra was a fan of some of the Great Cultivation World customs, but he met another one so soon. It seems their cultures were already interwoven tightly. The former emperor felt like he might get along well with the kid in front of him as he asked:

"Well, Junior Brother Torren. We just arrived here, can you show us around?"

With those words Torren suddenly put on an angry face, as he seriously told them.

"You have to call me Senior Brother! I'm a member of the elite program longer than you!"

"But we are stronger, so we are naturally the Senior Brothers."


As Bai Jingshen was surprised by the teen's outbreak, Sam hurriedly stepped in.

"Of course we are your junior brothers. Don't worry. You are right."

With Sam's words, Torren smiled again, although obviously not as happy as before. Therefore Bai Jingshen also decided to not be so strict as he apologized:

"I'm sorry. This was my mistake. We are your junior brothers."

"Good. Then follow your Senior Brother. I will show you around."

With those words Torren turned around and gave them a tour of this flat. It was mostly simple, but a good place to live. The hallway they were on led to six individual rooms, with rudimentary meditation chambers. The bedrooms were rather sparsely decorated. For this reason, a big common room lay at the end of this hallway. It had everything one might need here from a kitchen to all kinds of things for enjoyment.

Bai Jingshen took everything in and realized he actually wasn't used to living in such a normal looking home. Since high-leveled cultivators might go into seclusion for years, their chambers were usually very plainly designed. A chair and desk might already be seen as luxurious for some. Most cultivators would build themselves a cave abode, living as close to nature as possible. He wasn't sure if the Rising Force World had a similar custom, but at least Elena's training room was also rather luxurious by his standards. However, he didn't think living here was a bad thing. At least until he reached the Nascent Soul Realm he was happy to enjoy the comfort provided.

After entertaining Torren for an hour, and carefully asking questions about the situation among the young elites, Bai Jingshen and Sam finally went to cultivate in their own rooms.