
overlord - wish granter

Akabaru - one of the 41 supreme beings of the great tome of nazarick As one of the supreme beings he helped create some of the inhabitant of the tomb. He mostly working with bleu planet to create the 6th floor sky but was the creator of one of the five worst. (Its the life of one of the 41 if he had chosen a different race in the game, leading him to miss out on a promotion that would have taken all his time away, letting him be there in the final moments of the server shut down.) (i try updating in the future, still thinking if i am about to drop it where it is now.) (i do not own Overlord, pictures and content except that of my own)

KAAS_Sad_Dragon · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
35 Chs


Ainz was finishing up in the mausoleum as his NPC, Pandora's Actor stood beside him…

He had retrieved the necessary equipment and gotten the world items out of storage.. Ainz didn't know how serious it was going to be but from what he and Akabaru suspected it would lead to a fight in the end..

He casted a final glance and the mausoleum

When his comrades left the game one after the other, Ainz made the Avatars to store their equipment. Those friends of his who had not left the game had once asked him why he had made the Avatars, and this was how he had answered:

He might need to use them as a final defensive line of guardians.

However, as the number of members steadily decreased, the motivation behind the creation of the Avatars was simply because he was lonely. After all, he had fewer and fewer friends who could play the game with him.

He had made the Avatars to symbolize the struggles he and his friends had shared in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, and to compensate for their absence.

This was also the reason why this place was called the Mausoleum. Initially, it was known as the Innermost Sanctum of the Treasury. But Ainz had changed its name in memory of those friends who had left — or rather, vanished from — YGGDRASIL, and turned this place into a resting place for his comrades.

"Its truly depressing."


Akabaru waited in the throne room of the guild seeing most guardians enter with only their second in command as he didn't want it to be to crowded. The only one that had yet to arrive was Ainz himself…

Ainz entered the room with Pandora's Actor at his side, he was a level one hundred NPC personally designed by Ainz and placed in charge of the Treasury. His talents lay in disguise, and he could copy forty five separate forms and even their abilities — though only at eighty percent of the original's potency.

His hat bore the crest of Ainz Ooal Gown, while the uniform he wore was very similar to the uniforms used by Neo-Nazi elite guards during the Euro-Arcology Wars twenty years ago.

Keith begun as Ainz sat on the throne and Pandora bowed with the rest of the guardians..

"As some of you may know.. Shalltear has been brainwashed by a world item… the item in question is not yet identified and the attackers are still unknown, but they will not be forgotten… we have gathered All the available guardians to attend." Akabaru's tone was clear seeming to have no visible emotion other than his fist that were clenched.

"Akabaru where is Shalltear now?" Ainz looked at Akabaru while his tone was as serious as it could be.

"She currently resides on a clearing in the forest.. we will be able to move her to nazarick with the use of portals.. will the use of the arena on the fifth floor be allowed Aura, Mare?"

"of course lord Akabaru!" both said one clearer than the other but both in unison

"Great plan.. but how?" Ainz asked seemingly puzzled on how Akabaru pooled it of.

"A simple change from stand guard to wander the area." Ainz nodded as if understanding what Akabaru meant..

"Then I shall deal with the guild.. Ainz you should deal with any remaining thing you have to do after handing out the world items to whoever you deem fit.. if I am back before you are done then we can get her together but if not than I will wait for you at her location..." Akabaru explained intending to deal with possible humans that had seen her and survived that had reported to the guild.

"Yes.. go with haste, I will deal with some companions so I will probably arrive after you at Shalltears location..


Getting to the guild hall Akabaru immediately went up the stairs not wasting time by requested a meeting with the guild master.

"Guild master Isaac!" Akabaru stormed into Isaac's office, surprising the man

"Who are you? And what do you want?"

"A vampire was spotted in the area, a friend of mine, new to the guild has been hunting her for a great part of his life, he joined the adventurers recently and doesn't have any real merits.. but after hearing from him that he had seen the creature I immediately came, but before we will attack I came to warn the guild…"

"..I know of this vampire and the guild already has a team to hunt it down, you shouldn't risk yourself if you aren't qualified…"

"Did You not hear me speak, The vampire could defeat any unrepaired Adamantite party.. I nor my friend are of their rank, But as you know rank isn't a perfect representation of strength." The guild master appeared shocked after hearing Akabaru's words

"even if rank isn't a perfect representation I can't allow you to do something that reckless without proper support.." Akabaru interrupted Isaac

"…I came just to inform you that we would be hunting the vampire. Nothing else."

Akabaru turned to leave as Isaac sat there in contemplation, the guild was still preparing to launch a attack but it seemed that it would maybe be useless, Isaac couldn't stop the adventurer but that would mean letting the vampire be alerted and be more difficult to kill, but if they could then…

"Adventurer.. If you bring the vampires head as proof.. or at least the disintegrated ashes than I will reward you personally… if you fail than.." Isaac saw that Akabaru did not stop and so he just kept the words hanging in his mouth.. feeling that it was useless.


Akabaru left the guild hall and tuned into a dark alley nearby to teleport away towards Shalltear..

As he arrived he noticed Shalltear still patrolling her new area guarding it, with only her presence,

He sad down on a rock looking at her and waited.. Ainz was more proficient in making gates and the chances of Shalltear wandering in one were slim but if they entrapped her with a gate then she would eventually enter one of them.. in the game it would not work as people could not kidnap NPC's ore player via a portal but in the new world it seemed to be the simplest thing.

As he waited Akabaru saw a approaching suit of armour. The armour looked to be a platinum-like scale mail, making it look like a humanoid dragon.

The armour stopped as it saw a human looking at it close to the vampire that he wanted to take down..

"How interesting.. who might you be?" Akabaru asked the flouting armour

There was no responds from the armour as the only sounds between them were the footsteps of Shalltear and the wind.

"Not very social.. I see.. but sadly this fight is already taken.." at this remark the armour began to lower itself to the ground..

{"What are you talking about.."} His voice seemed strange seemingly not coming from a throat as no air was expelled when the sound was made.

"This vampire is a old rival of mine… I was hunting her but it seemed as though she is mind controlled.. but no matter, I only need to get enough energy to teleport her to a trap that I have set up as I couldn't build it around her…" Akabaru begins too blabber, while he contacted Ainz that someone was there with him and to use the mirror of remote viewing and see if he could track it back.

Before the guy could presses it all Akabaru continued.. "If you attack the vampire then all my preparations will be useless, twenty days of work not to mention finding her."

{"You are confident in your strength.. but I am more confident in my own.."]

"Listen here, If I fail then you can still kill her she will just be in a different location.. if you fail and even if you win than all my work would be waisted.. the only thing that separates the first and the second option are the chances at winning.. So, do you agree..?" Akabaru smiled like a businessman seemingly kind of hart but only to further his own goal..

{"Fine, where will she be teleported to?"}

"the traps I set are up north in a cavern only a hour walk and short enough for me to teleport her to it and die there.."

{"I will return In three days, if the vampire is not slain then I will deal with her myself"}

"Understood.." the probably empty suit of armour left.. waiting until he was out of sight Akabaru messaged Ainz asking if the armour was trackable, and to his surprise it was for a while at least, the range of the mirror wasn't infinite and it seemed as though the guy employed some effect to hide himself as he disappeared from few.


With the unknowns out of the way the transportation of Shalltear went off without a hitch, only taking a while as even when mindlessly wandering she seemed to stay clear of portals that stood in her path.