
Overlord - Undead Guardian.

Baron, just your average 21-year-old dude, is living his best life after getting accepted into a top-notch university. Life is all rainbows and unicorns until one day, out of the blue, he spots a truck barreling straight towards him at lightning speed. Talk about bad timing! Read and judge for yourself.

Atarired · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

Chapter 5: Defeat the bro.

[Defeat the Bro.]

I stared at the quest notification window, and before I knew it, a blinding flash of light revealed the entrance of a mighty individual.

The man had flowing blond hair, tied back neatly in a ponytail, and his sharp jawlines and intense eyes gave off an air of strength.

And get this, he was rocking a pair of pants that covered his lower half, leaving his upper body all shirtless and showing off his chiseled physique. It was like he was born ready for battle.

In one hand, he wielded a round shield, while a short sword was firmly gripped in the other.

The man exuded confidence and purpose in every step he took. But then, out of nowhere, a surprise attack came barreling towards me from the right. Talk about catching me off guard! Acting on instinct, I clung onto my own weapon for dear life and managed to leap to the side, narrowly avoiding getting obliterated in a single strike.

"Ugh," I muttered under my breath, barely managing to dodge that first attack. But guess what? The guy didn't waste a second before launching another strike, this time coming at me with a surprising side slash.

[You have died.]

And just like that, I bit the dust. Well, this game certainly knows how to give a warm welcome. 2B wasn't kidding when she said it's a training ground.

I couldn't help but chuckle to myself, realizing that even though I have the Traits of Argonistematem, apparently that doesn't include dodging virtual attacks. Guess I'll have to learn the hard way that watching Mojo jojo fighting off powerpuff girls doesn't make me a fighting pro.


I clicked the restart button and here I am to where I was before. The weapon of choosing.

Realizing that my scythe wasn't exactly cutting it (pun intended) in terms of action, because I thought it was cool to swing a scythe with effects, I decided to go for a weapon that is a bit more practical. So, I opted for the spear, because apparently, it's the go-to weapon for all the cool kids in the fictional world.

As I held the spear in my hands, I couldn't help but chuckle at its simplicity. It was basically just a long stick with a pointy metal thingy at the end. I mean, seriously? Is this the best game developers could come up with?

I tried to swing the spear around like a circus performer juggling bananas. I tried to look as badass as possible. And then the prompt appeared

But seriously, this game has a hell of a tutorial. Though who needs a gentle introduction anyway?

It's like they said, "Hey, forget about learning how to use your weapon or stretching those gaming muscles. We're throwing you straight into the chaos, buddy!" I can almost hear the sadistic laughter of the developers.

"Ah.. damn developers"

Another prompt appeared.

[Do you want to start the tutorial?]

[Yes No]

After getting a taste of the intense combat skills displayed by the [Bro] earlier, I realized that I needed to up my game.

There was no way I could match their level of fighting since they are experienced since they are programmed that way. So, I made up my mind to focus on mastering my second weapon. The spear.

"2B?" I called out, hoping to establish a connection with the main system of my virtual reality device.

"Yes master? " 2B replied

"I need you to find me a book or a video on how to master the art of the spear"


A blue transparent window immediately appeared on my right side showcasing a man holding a spear. The man moved and displayed a myriad of attacks, from thrusts and sweeps to parries and feints.

In a matter of seconds, I found myself comprehending the intricacies of the spear's techniques and strategies. It was as if the knowledge had been directly downloaded into my brain, allowing me to grasp the essence of each maneuver with astonishing ease.

Was it because of my Trait [Battle Junkie?] I thought to myself.

A sense of excitement and empowerment surged through me as I realized the immense potential of this Trait.

The movements that once seemed foreign and unfamiliar to me now flowed naturally, as if I had been wielding the weapon for years. It was an exhilarating sensation.

Taking a deep breath, I decided to mimic the old man's moves and put my own spin on them. Surprisingly, I found myself grasping the essence of the spear techniques.

With each strike, I felt a newfound sense of precision and control as if I can single strike the [Bro] I have fought earlier. Thinking about this, I eagerly press [Yes] to put my newly found skills into a test.

After pressing the button, the same bro from earlier materialized once again, equipped with his round shield and short sword. With a confident smirk, I positioned myself into a stance, gripping my spear tightly.

As the bro lunged forward with a fierce attack, I smoothly sidestepped, effortlessly evading his strike. With a swift and fluid motion, I countered with a lightning-fast thrust of my spear. The tip of my weapon found its mark, piercing through his defense and knocking the sword from his hand.

The Bro stumbled backward, seizing the opportunity, I thrust relentlessly launching a series of calculated strikes. Each movement flowed seamlessly.

The power and accuracy behind my attacks left him no room to counter. In a matter of moments, I smirked as I disarmed him completely, leaving him defenseless.

I thrusted my spear one more time in his bare chest as the tip of my weapon touched his chest, the Bro dematerialized into ashes.

[Congratulations you completed the tutorial]

With a satisfied grin on my face, because of completing the tutorial and defeating the bro. I acknowledge that my victory isn't because the Bro is weak, but rather it's because I have mastered the full potential of the spear.

This led me to the possibility of achieving similar mastery with all the other weapons in the game.

And since I have the trait of [Battle Junkie] and [Efficient] why don't I master all the weapons? I grinned.