

Jesse_Agbo · แอคชั่น
3 Chs


Finally the day for the survival test came while the students gathered around " All students should gather at once so that they should be teleported " someone said through a speaker as the students gather and after a moment we were teleported from the school , some minutes passed away as everyone gathered with their groups then a signal was given all the students dashed into the remaining my group " Jones now " i said while deep into the Forest as Jones murmured some words " Earth beginners magic: Shifting surface" we started at place moving left then right , we finally reached a big and stopped " So guys see what am seeing right" Leo said we saw a beginner wind hulk three times bigger their normal size " Jones cage it down" I said as inspected it to know it's information " Earth beginners magic: Mounded cage " immediately long Mounded rock reached for the bird and captured it pulling to the ground,I stepped back with a surprise look all over my face " It's____ it's about to break to intermediate and it won't be easy to beat it" as i said hose words Jones was having trouble holding it and it finally breaked through and flied up to a distance" Hmmm we have to bring the to it " Jay said as Leo and Jones stood in a stance about to fight " Earth beginners magic: Stepping stairs " and rocks came out making way for Leo go up finally in range for attacks " Fire beginners magic: Storming flames " coming towards the beast immediately dodging the attack Leo was shocked how fast it dodge but he didn't give up "Fire beginners magic : Blazing flames " coming faster than the last attack just it was about to hit the beast it immediately dodge the attack , just it could turn to attack Leo he disappeared" Fire beginners magic: Sparking dark blast " before it had the chance of dodging the finally hot the beast, falling from the sky Leo let his guard down and was relieved" don't let your guard down " I shouted but it was to let as the beast casted out some wind lashes powerfully enough to bring down both Jones and Leo .


I stood with shock and was filled with rage , my lightning aura flouting around the air my eyes turned sky blue " Jenny wait a bit a while be back " I said in a deep tone walking pass Jones bit up body " I'll help you get up there " Jones said struggling to say it " sure you can handle it '' I said as Jones have me a thumps up " Earth beginners magic: Stepping stairs " I immediately jumped as I ran towards the wind hulk while in range" Lightning beginners magic: Destructive balls of mayhem " coming with full speed some balls of infused with lightning but the beast still managed to dodge and it send some wind slashes " Lightning beginners magic: Zeus shield " blocking the incoming attacks " I have to end this now " I kept on thinking in my head as I took a stance ready to launch other attack " Lightning beginners magic: Destructive curse balls of mayhem " i launched the same attack but it was different this time , each time the beast will dodge the attack it continued to fellow and ended up hiting the beast and finally fell down with some lightning impulsing through its body, Jenny then took its core from it's body . After a while we were back on your feet we started moving after catching some beast we finally found we will sleep for the night aware of the intermediate space wolf we hid yourself then we checked the team table and found we were last with the points of seven core while the rest where from ten above " Shit were at the last place all resort to some stupid plan " Jones said as we left us " Don't worry about him he'll be back " Jenny said as i put my hand on my chin to think of a new plan " Okay I've decided we're going with full force tomorrow.

( Author information: Please be free to check in my latest novel legendary assassin's hope you love and fell free to vote)


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