
Outlandish Fantasy

One's life is never perfect. Whether you've lived your life to the fullest or achieved your highest dream or when you died with no regrets. But when you're as young as a high school student, you don't really wonder as much with these types of topic. Instead, you focus more on what is presented in front of you. Charlotte, a young lady, isolated in her class but a heart plentyfull of love from her family. Who would have thought she'd die young? But what was more of a wonder was, where she ended up next. Reincarnation? Possibly a dream? Or is this what afterlife is like? Forced into an environment she has never encountered, being in a caved city, having elongated ears, waking up on the streets of a slum, dirty, frail and hungry. The only possible reaction to these sudden change of setting is panicking. She can't even fathom what has happened to her. But one thing was for sure, she will find answers to the overflowing questions built up in her mind. Will she find them? And when she does, will she even accept them no matter how hopeless it seems?

DaoistzHgDwD · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Chapter 1: A day of my life

Hahh hah.. ugh..

I take deep and fast breathes, my sweat dripping from my forehead down to my legs. I've got goosebumps all over. I just woke up yet I already feel exhausted.

I sit up from my bed and ehh, this sweat feels so gross. Goodness, how did I get like this? Did I have some sort of nightmare or something? Maybe I had sleep paralysis? Ugh, seriously, what did I dream about.

Nevermind that, its already morning. My phone clock says its 7:28. I should get ready now.

The soft sound that fabrics make as I get out of bed seems quite satisfying to hear, although the feeling of stickiness on my body does not seem satisfying in comparison.

Hurriedly showering to keep up with the time, I let myself indulge in this daily routine. After finishing my morning routine, I went out to the dinning room, seeing the breakfast already displayed, I sit and eat.

"Eat properly, don't hurry or you might choke." My mother added as she was washing some dishes. I look over to her and ask, "Did brother already went ahead?".

She looks back at me and dries her hands with her apron, "You know your brother wakes up early, of course he already went. Fix your hair, dear."

Taking my last bite, I take my plate with me and place it on the sink. A kiss on the cheek should be fine, right? Hehe. She looks at me with one eyebrow raised.

"Okay okay, I'll wash it.. hehe." It's just one plate and a spoon anyway. After washing it, I fast walk out the door and hear my mother yell "Your hair!". Looking back, a slight smile found its way to my face. So I tied my hair in a low ponytail.

Walking on the street towards school, although it was a long way, it felt short. With my own mind to accompany me, it doesn't seem as lonely as what others might think. Within a few minutes, I have already arrived at the school gate.

Great, another day of dozing off again. They say school is a place where you bloom and develop as a person and get the opportunity to discover yourself. That's funny. Does that mean others' talents would be gossiping. This place feels more suffocating than being in a box.

I'm not really being physically bullied or anything, I'm just isolated.. To be honest, it was my fault in the first place. Socialize isn't really my forte. I used to have friends but.. I don't wanna remember.

It's funny how time seems to pass by like nothing yet moves so slowly. Like how I've already arrived at my class door compared to how I want to grow up quickly and get a job, preferably become a psychiatrist. It's not a bad dream, after all with my grades, I could go for a few high-paying jobs with ease.

Once I have went inside the classroom, the atmosphere becomes different. Like I said, it's suffocating.

I give it no mind and just walk towards my seat, settle down and as always, start to doze off.


As if time passed by like nothing, it was already dismissal. So I quickly gather my things and head out.

Out the school, out the gate and unto the streets, I walk in the direction of where I want to be. At a cafe.

A small cafe, it has a cute interior design and quite peaceful. A sign hangs from above the door "Tiny cup". Bells start ringing when I opened the door to go inside.

I was greeted by a young man. With soft curly hair colored brown, light brown eyes, round like almond. He wore a sweet smile while looking at me in the eyes sincerely. I couldn't help but smile back

"Welcome, my dear sister. How may I help you?" He said with a silly smile and a chuckle at the end. "Haha, very funny." I retaliate back.

I walk towards him at the cashier and decided to sit close to him, across the table. "How'd your day go by, miss..?"

"It's miss Charlotte Endavor, sir Ron Endavor." Pitching my voice up a little playfully. We both have a small laugh at our silly gestures.

"No, really. How was it?"

"You know.. Like usual, lecturing, taking notess and boring stufff." I lazily reply. I don't want my brother to know how my everyday school life is like. He'd just uselessly worry and might neglect other important things just to make me feel better.

He snickered, "So that's how my amazing sister's day went by. What a waste, you could have went with your friends today."

Friends.. I don't have any. "Ughh, it's tiring. I'd rather taste my brother's delicious cup of creamy coffee than go out with my non-existing friends." I replied sarcastically. It's true though.

"Awhh, how cute. I'll charge twice as much for that sarcastic compliment." He pointed at me and swinged his finger. I dramatically formed my face in a shocking manner.

"How could you! I'm gonna have to call Marise for this." Playing along is a natural thing to reply with my playful and sweet brother. Marise, she's the manager, a few years older than us. I have noticed that my brother has a thing for her so teasing him is the only plausible thing to do as a sister.

I can see little tints of blush on his cheeks and ears right when he heard the name Marise. Hehe cute. "Heyy," he shushed, "Quiet, she's right at the back." As if I didn't know. I just loovee to tease him.

He starts brewing the kind of coffee I enjoy. Waiting for him to finish, I look outside and through the window. At the street, people walking by, other shops, and the sky painted with orange and pink as the sun sets.


I doze off a little as I wait outside for my brother. His shift just finished for the night. Additionally, walking home with him is also a part of my daily routine.

Signals came with the tiny bells ringing and I watch as my brother get out the door.

"Shall we?" My open hand gestures out pointing towards the street along with a wide smile showing my teeth.

"We shall."

We walked and talked and laughed until we finally arrived. Greeted with our "cool" mom on the couch watching TV.

"Ron darling, can you prepare the dinner for tonight? Having the deal postponed today really gave me a headache." She turns towards us as we take off our shoes. "Suree."

Without even changing, my brother walks to the kitchen, puts on the apron and starts preparing. While that was happening, I went to my bedroom to get changed. Looking at the mirror, I couldn't help but be impressed. That's a gorgeous lady right there.

Lovin' the straight like a line black hair that extended down to my waist, that roundish face, and slanted eyes which was coal colored. Beautiful.

The fragrance of a delicious meal went knocking at my door and decided to break it down. I can feel my stomach rumbling because of it.

As I get out my room, I've been slapped on the face with the smell. So, with no hesitation, I ran to sit on the table and get ready to eat. My brother walks up behind me with a spoon of what he's cooking. He gestures me to taste it.

A small bite of it and I am craving for more. "What's lacking?" He asked. I replied with, "Eating it is what's lacking." My mother and brother laugh along with my joke.

Dinner. Some people think as long as they are eating, it's okay. But for me, I don't think I'll be full without my family eating with me. Dinner time is much more than a meal time for my family and I. It's a feast.