
Out of Sweet Lies

Desiring to be the best, the golden and perfect child, the trophy of her clan will always be Kelsey Anne Ferrer biggest goal and purpose in her life. Being the youngest and only grand-daughter of the late President of the country and one of the most powerful and influential business figure, and the daughter of a politician-and-business tycoon made her life perfect, as for they thought. Growing up with so many eyes on her, either waiting for her to fail and be miserable or waiting for her to shine the brightest and become better than all her brothers who had succeeded in their respective lives without so much help from their parents. She was forced. Forced to be the best, the shine, the gem, the diamond that everyone around her should look upon to. And marriage to someone who has great reputation as their family will guarantee the happiness and proudness of her dear clan. To marry well, that is what she was made of. She was the diamond of a reason. Marrying Xavier Cassius Servilliano, the young billionaire, a sought-after bachelor across the continent, came from a clan with no single scandalous affair, will for sure make her parents proud of her. But, how can she do that? Xavier was a free man, unlike her. His family was not forcing and will never force him to marry for just for the sake of money, company, or anything in this goddam world. Kelsey had to do something to make him love her-like at least. She has no other resort but Xavier. She did not want this. She does not want to marry in all honesty in the first place but she has to. And her mind keeps telling her that the man she shall marry.

Guianianaaa · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs


The people were all settled with their own circles. Some of them are already busy chatting about business, and some wives were catching up with another businessmen wives. All of us were wearing gowns, as the usual, an event with the elite people.

I've been with this kind of events, and I was taught to act like a perfect grown woman, the usual again. But, seeing other middle-aged woman here? A part of my heart tells me that I don't want to live like that. Not that it's a bad thing... it's just, I see myself elsewhere, doing something I know will enjoys me.

Some married women here are happy with their lives, some just wants the life—luxury life. And others? Some of them were forced for the marriage they are in now.

"Kelsey," mom called.

I averted my gazes and then looked at her in the eyes, asking.

"Yes?" I asked.

"We don't really need to be here, you know. Your grandfather called me, I have to be there with your uncles. Your brother will stay with you here," she said and I just nodded.

I waited for my brother, Lucian, to stand beside me. He was also wearing a tuxedo. And on my other side was Kairro. Both of them looked really serious.

We are on a charity ball, organized by a British businessman, if I'm not mistaken he is a friend of my brothers. That's why we are here.

I patiently waited for the ball to continue and such. Some people will talk to me and I have to return the same energy. And some mothers, together with their daughters are coming for my two brothers. But both of them will just nod and give a small conversation.

They told me they are not into marriage. Funny, they can decide for that but I can't. As if we are still living in middle ages. I have to marry well, to make our family standing looks immaculate. Yes, I study but just for display.

They left for a moment to give their donations but some of their colleagues intervene. So, I had no choice but to wait once again. I look like a lost kid to be honest.

I left for a while when their conversation took some time. I went out to get some fresh air.

I was busy looking at the sky, at the stars shining that shines so bright.

I got myself back to reality when someone shrugged and cleared his voice to get my attention.

"Mr. Servilliano?" I questioned him.

He's standing few steps away from me. He's looking at me directly.

"You know me now," he mentioned. I nodded.

I believe he's aware to the article that made noise about our lives three months ago.

After I read that article, Lucian scolded me. As if it was a bad thing, it is not. He was so mad that even our mother could not intervene to that scolding session. Lucian sometimes act as if he's my father. He's more strict than our real father to be honest, so unnecessarily.

It was proven that I was not seeing Mr. Servilliano, of course I am! That article was made to divert the attention of the people online to something else, from the real problems of big people in the media to my so-cold-dating with the man standing beside me now.

I looked at him. He's towering me again. He's so tall and handsome as hell I can say.

But, why does he looks unbothered about our issue?

"Of course, I know you," I said then smiled at him. He just looked at me, didn't even mind to smile back.

"So, what are you doing here?" He asked in a baritone voice.

"My brothers were invited, and my mom told them to brought me here with them," I explained. He just nodded.

We are standing next to each other again. Just like that night.

"What about you?" I asked, looking at him.

"Got invited," he shortly replied. I just nodded.

"Then, why are doing here outside?" I asked once again.

He looks the type of guy who's not really into conversation so I might as well start asking in order to have an open-ended talk with him.

"You're here outside too," he did not answered my question.

"That's because I have no one to talk to inside," I simply exclaimed.

"You have."


"Some people approached you."

I nodded at that.

"It was a short approach. They only talked to me so that they can talk to my brothers." I explained.

He looked at me, straight on the eyes.

I thought he'd say something but he remained silent.

"I'm bored inside," he said then sighed. As if he's venting out.

"Oh, I see that."

We stayed here for a little while. I didn't think about what Lucian will say again. We're not doing anything wrong. Besides, I am not even close or has really a connection to Mr. Servilliano. It's just a normal conversation.

"You're always like this?" He asked. My forehead creased at his question.

"Sorry? Always what?"

"It seems like you always try to run away from the event and stay in a place where you can be alone.. and free. Just like now." He stated. He paused for a second before he opened his mouth to speak again. "Well, not that you're totally alone and free right now, you're with me," he chuckled.

His presence screams powerful. The first time I saw him, I thought that he's a man of few words. Just like the other businessman I've met. I think he's the type of businessman who will choose to shut up instead of chatting. Just like my brothers.

"What about you? Are you escaping them too? But you are needed there, many folks must be waiting to see you." He shrugged.

"Let them be," he pointed out. He nailed his eyes on mine. As if he's reading what's running on my mind. We were busy staring at each other, but this feels so calming.

I cut out staring contest.

"Your name?" His baritone voiced kinda echoed in my ears. I looked at him for a bit of time before throwing my gazes somewhere else.

"Kelsey," I said.

"Kelsey." He said my name while making a small nod. I was about to ask him again, about his real name. Because all I know about him is that he is the CEO of Servilliano Empire.

That he is a great businessman, well, their empire won't stand that high and mighty if the boos isn't smart enough to handle that.. on his case, I guess he is far from being just a smart boss. He is more than that.

"Kelsey Anne!" I heard a familiar voice from our behind. It's like he's ready to scold me anytime.

"Lucian," I said in a low voice while looking at him now. Kairro is not with him. He was standing few steps away from us.

When he walked towards us, my heart was beating quickly.

I know Lucian. I know what he's capable of. His face were dark.

I averted my gaze. I saw and felt how Mr. Servilliano face and presence changed. It's looks like my brother's presence is not good with him.

So, they really had a bad blood.

"What are you doing here?!" He hissed at me. Lucian held my hand in a not so gentle way.

I'm on my brother side now, in front of Mr. Servilliano.

Both of them were just having stare war. Like if any of them talk, then that's the signal for a war.

"Oh-" Kairro's voiced. I looked at him to ask for help but the man just smirked. He walked towards us.

"Hey, you two should stop." Kairro said in a serious but kind of playful tone.


"If you want to fight, not in here. Many people can notice it laters," he said making a great emphasize on the letter "s". "Besides, there must be a camera somewhere we aren't awre," he paused then looked at me. Seriously, I may look calm with this situation but I just wanna get out.

"Not in here. Don't fight in front of my sister," Kairro stated with a finality and warning on his voice.

But, Mr. Servilliano and Lucian being the hard headed they are, I guess.. didn't mind what Kairro said.

So, instead, Kairro just held my other hand then we walked out away from the two man who were acting like a kid.

"Kairro,"I whispered.

"Let them be.. they are not a kid anymore," he told me. Before we walked out from the venue, he looked at me for a second them smiled, he even winked.

"You know, little sis, I don't really mind if you want to date him. But, it's just I'm not in a full support with your relationship with him."

"I'm not dating him! Nor anyone!" I defended myself, because that's the truth.

I am not dating anyone. I'm just here.. waiting who my parents will want me to marry.

"I believe our grandparents from dad and mom side will want you to marry that man. Our parents won't be so against of him and you," he continued and stopped when we reached our car. The body guards were ready to open the door for me.

"But, with us, your brothers, especially Lucian... he might be the one to put an end with your relationship with Cassius," Kairro said before he left me with my body guard.

"I have to go," he bade his good bye. He looked at my body guards as if his eyes were telling them to look out for me.

That night was chaotic. I had to go home without my brothers with him. Good thing they didn't say a thing about what happened to mom and dad. I didn't utter a word too. I just let it slip on.

I know Lucian got a bad temper but never seen him like that before. Or, maybe because all of my brothers were just keeping their true emotions and feelings inside.

All of us were good at it, hiding ourselves, our true feelings.

I kept my days busy. Just like reading magazines... magazines that was made up for Mr. Servilliano and his family. I didn't even realize that he is that kind of man, rich rich. He also came from a wealthy and influential family.

It's like we are the same but the thing is... they are so away from the media. Even though they are the front page of a magazine, their lifestyle will still not be included. Just their business and how successful it is. I admire him for being a great businessman, I read from the magazine and article that he had to take over their business when something bad happened to his father, and grandfather. He was the only one to take over the business. He was so young back then but that did not stop him for thriving.

For some reason, I can't stop myself from thinking about him. Even on my busy day, I still think about him. Like, what's really the real deal between him and my brother, where's the bad blood coming from?

The semester was about to end. And we will have a semestral break. My brother, Ashton told me that he will sponsor my trip for this vacation but I don't where I would want to go. I might just stay here or in any of our private beaches. On the other thought, I want to volunteer to my father's foundation. He is a politician, of course he has foundation all throughout the year.

I wonder, will I still see him?

After that night where my brother almost started a fight with his dark attitude.

I told my mom that I'd go out for a shopping. My body guards were with me. We went to a five star hotel that has designer store.

Now, I'm alone in this room where all the bags from my favorite brand is being displayed. I kept on thinking if I should buy that one bag... the bag I've been wanting to buy but I can't. Although my allowance was good, still I can't afford it. Unless, I'll ask for my parents to buy this for me.

"This looks good," I whispered while looking at the bag. I'm on my gloves. There's someone assisting me. She's just standing right behind.

"That will look so good on you, too," someone unfamiliar uttered.

I looked at where the voice coming from. I frowned a little but tried to make my face calm and elegant. I looked at her from head to toe. She's nice. Pretty. Looking smart too.

"Thank you," I mentioned. She just let out a smile.

"You like that?" She asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, you like that too?" I asked.

"No, I actually like something else." I nodded with her reply. Good for her.

"Anyway, I have to go." She said then I nodded and bade my goodbye to her too.

"You looks so immaculate... and pretty." She paused.

"Thank you! You look so pretty, too. I'm Kelsey Anne," I said. She smiled at me so sweetly.

"I know." She replied.

"Sorry?" I asked, while my forehead kinda creasing. She giggled.

"I'm Jane Margarette Servilliano."