
Out Of Place: A Reality Bender In A Cultivation World

A man peers into the abyss. But what he finds, wasn't what he expected. "Cultivation can suck my dick. I can manipulate reality!" "The hell do you mean 'Dual Cultivation'! I barely know you!" "Yeah yeah, your great gramps will come back from the dead to kick my ass 'cause I kicked yours. Prick." "That was sarcasm! You tsundere!" Follow a Reality Bender on a quest to find his way through this new world. Preferably with a girlfriend. Or more, he isn't really picky. --- A/N: This was something I thought to try after writing for more than three months. So I thought, hey, why not do a cultivation book, but with a normal everyday dude instead of a masochist?

Dumby_3054 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

Local Man fights Bandits


"I can't believe that we have to use these commoner carriages, why couldn't father get the Courrian pulled carts, Nuo Mei?" I asked my servant, rather irritatedly.

It has terrible suspension when compared to the carriages my family normally uses! "I'm afraid I don't know Xiuying Yu, your Father just asked me to pack all of your essentials for an event your family was invited to." My servant said.

The one speaking was Nuo Mei, a servant who's been with me since I was a child, at this point, I would consider us sisters!

"Well, could you ask the coachman when we will arrive at the Feng Clan? I can only tolerate so much of this dreadfully bumpful journey." Nuo Mei nodded, but before she could open the carriage door, We heard the screams of the coachman.

"Bandits! Guards where are you!" He yelled, before the door was wrenched open by a shaggy-looking man equipped in low-tier soul armor, covered in blood.

He chuckled, a bloodthirsty grin present on his shadowed face, "Well well, seems we got a good haul, 'ey boys- *BANG!* -Gugh!" He was cut off by a hole suddenly put through his stomach.

Another bang was heard before he fell limp, the figure of my savior shadowed by the mid-day sun.

"Well, kept you waitin', huh?" He said. He walked forward from the shadowed tree line, where I could make out his features.

Dark brown untamed hair, scholar-like glasses resting on his nose. His piercing coal-black eyes had me a blushing mess. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Nuo Mei was in the same disgraceful state as I was.

He walked closer towards us. He was wearing some strange armor with a white cloak, in white and black. Pouches and straps dotting the clothing, a mask with two protrusions hanging from his neck.

But, in his gloved hands was what I assumed he used to kill that disgusting bandit.

The best I could describe it as, was something akin to those 'cannons' that Snowbell city has made specifically for a normal mortal's use. It was decorated with the outline of feathers, enshrouded by a blinding white.

When I tried to put a name to the elegant weapon used by my savior, he seemed to spot my curiosity and answered my unasked question.

"Oh, this ol' thing? Its name is 'Hawkmoon'." He said nonchalantly.

'As expected of my savior! Such an elegant name!' I thought.

"Soo~... what's going on? I just rushed over because I heard fighting..." He asked awkwardly. I couldn't help but feel a little dumbfounded, because I thought he was a covert guard my father hired.



I've always wondered how those characters in Naruto ran through the forest at such fast speeds without getting clotheslined by branches.

My dumbass went and thought, 'Hey, if they could do it so could I!'.

...That was a mistake.

*Crack!* "Fuck!" I yelled in pain as I hit the seventy-third branch win the last two minutes. ~*Why aren't just using your Spirit sense Inheritor? It would make avoiding these obstructions simple.*~

I sat up from the grass, "Because it would be a crutch, Ai."' 'And I don't know if it would affect my powers' went unsaid.

I sighed, before I started to run again.

'Wait... don't I need a weapon?... Fuck! I need a weapon!' I thought to myself, before facepalming because of my impulsive stupidity.

I stopped again, resting crouched on a large branch.

I need something that'll make me a master at fighting. I'm a scientist, so I just need to cheat a little. Fortunately for me, some sci-fi weapons were still fresh in my mind, as I played Destiny 2 for a while the night before the Chevron Incident.

What I needed, was a specialized Handcannon, preferably two, because dual-wielding.

...and another thought hit me.

"wait... can't I just make myself a guardian?"


After some seconds of self-loathing, I finally mustered up enough mental strength for an edit.

A contraption of metal and light, blessing its chosen, with its inheritor's deadly weapons in accompaniment. Two hand cannons, one of a Moonlit Hunter, another of a Lucky Hunter.

and I tugged.


The empowerment was a strange feeling, but it was also... warm. safe. I could feel my admittedly already peak-human physique being strengthened again, the light of the traveler flowing through me.

I could feel the presence of a new space in my mindscape.

With a mental command, its contents were transmitted to my mind.

It held a Hunter armor set, specifically the Extinction Armor set, along with the Hawkmoon, and the Ace of Spades.

with another mental command, the armor was equipped, along with the Hawkmoon, fully upgraded and masterworked, of course, as I empowered myself with the game version of the Hunter in mind.

with a double jump, I was off.


The sound of fighting was really close now, and I could see the Bandits slaughtering the under-equipped guards.

I sighed, before I focused once more, and four clones appeared. "Take a different section, slaughter them all. I'm going for the main carriage." I commanded. One of the clones snarked back, "You mean the fancy one?" I rolled my eyes in response, and they sped off.

I could hear the gunshots before I jumped taking aim at the bandit that wrenched the carriage door open.


With a twitch, I fired.

The bandit lurched forward, holding the new gaping hole in his stomach, before I fired again.


He fell flat, dead.

With him out for the count on the floor, I could see the inhabitants of the Carraige. Two women, one in a fancy white robe, the other in servant robes.

THe one in fancy robes had white hair and red eyes, looked like someone from a regal clan. THe other had black short hair, she was both small and plump in stature. one of her defining features was her elf-like ears.

I couldn't help the need to make a reference no one would understand.

"Well, kept you waitin', huh?"