
Chapter 3

*WARNING!!!! this might make some of you feel very uncomfortable!!! there are some torture scenes going on, if you don't want to read the torture scenes, stop reading when after 2 days, Mary comes back period*

When Liliana woke up, she saw darkness surrounding her, her hands and legs were being tied tightly together, she felt her entire body aching so badly, the injuries she got from the fight was still there, she also realized that she had a choker on her neck.

Suddenly, a bright light came through an opening.

"Young lady Liliana, I have come here to take care of you, here is your food."said Mary

"Mary what am I doing over here? Is Ryan alright?"asked Liliana

"Young lady Liliana, you are here because of what you did to Ryan. Ryan is now in critical condition, he has a high possiblity to die, Duke Xalen is mad and wanted you to be locked up in this dark place, so that you can repent and suffer from what you have done to his son and the proof of this is that your body is not healed, they want you to feel the pain that Ryan is going through. They all hope you will die or be tortured by the pain."replied Mary

Mary started to feed Liliana some food, Liliana spitted the food out, she found it totally unbearable, it tasted so horrible.

"Mary, what is in the food?"asked Liliana

"It's just a basic food with cockroaches, poison, bloody liver, pig intestine...., the list is countless and all your food will be now revolve around this menu"replied Mary with a smile

Liliana was absolutely disgusted by the food, she began to vomit out everything she ate, she felt so sick.

"This is what happens to a killer, sinner and a devil, they want you to eat this disgusting food so that you will either eat this food that is unsuitable for human consumption or you will suffer from starvation."said Mary with a sweet tone

Liliana condition became worse but she absolutely refused to eat any of those food.

Mary left her alone and once again she was surrounded by the darkness.

I guess I am really a killer, I almost killed Ryan and have already killed my mother, I am a devil, a sinner, I need to repent for what I have done, I want to rest now, oh my eyelids are becoming more heavy, it feels so hot, am I starting to finally get what I deserve, will I finally be able to make my father and brother happy for once, will they be sad by my departure? Will they be more happy? Spirits if you do exist please do heal Ryan, I don't want him to die because of me, I did not do this intentionally. Spirits if I am gone please protect my family.

I am absolutely fine, I just hope that they will be alright and happy without me.

I am a bad child, a very bad child. I am a devil, a devil, I am a sinner, a sinner, I am a killer, a killer.

Spirits if you are here, please do protect my family, no matter how much they might hate me, I still love them very much.

Oh I can't move my body at all, my entire body feels like it's burning in flames, oh is this the end for me?

Liliana couldn't even open her eyes, she fainted because of blood loss, she herself didn't realize when she had reopened her wound.

She layed down over there for at least 2 days

Mary came again but this time with some torture equipments.

"Young lady Liliana, I pity you very much but who told you to be a killer, sinner and a devil, I have received orders from your father to beat you up, because Ryan is now in super critical condition, your father did not decline to the request of Duke Xalen since you were at fault. I hope you will clench your teeth and bare with the beating, I promise you that I won't use my full strength."said Mary

Liliana was still unconscious, she felt a sharp back pain, it hurts a lot! then she got hit in all those places where the wounds were in, Liliana couldn't help but shout, and scream in agony!

"Mary please stop! Please stop! Please stop! Don't hit me anymore! I will be a good child, I won't do bad things so please don't hit me anymore."begged Liliana

But the hits started to become even stronger than ever before.

"Young lady Liliana, the more you lie the stronger the hits will be, that's what the Duke Zavastor and Duke Xalen decided on. So stop making excuses, you are a bad child, a devil, a killer and a sinner, stop crying, crying doesn't help, the more you cry the more powerful the hits will get"said Mary with a cold tone

Liliana finally realised that asking and calling for help won't be possible, she realised that staying quiet and enduring the pain is the only way to survive, she could feel her body bones shattering and breaking, she had started to become numb to this pain.

Whenever she felt like she could finally rest in peace the hits got harder, she didn't know how much time had passed by.

Mary finally left from the room.

Liliana developed a trauma from this horrible experience.

She couldn't bare to refuse Mary's words, all of Mary's words got implanted in her brain permanently.