

A group of kids suddenly got chosen to be the fairytale characters... but wait...why isn't Prince Charming happy with his story line and what is Snow white hiding.

kaylaxxyyy · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


Ryan's pov:

  The whole auditorium was so quiet. I'm not really surprised. This is day that decides our future. Apparently no one is giving a fuck about what The Assembly is  saying. We're all nervous. I glance over at Claire. She looked really anxious. All I want is for us to be together. Everyone is expecting me to be a prince because I got the looks and I'm the captain of the football team.

Of course I don't mind being a prince, I get to live a good life but as long as Claire is my princess I don't give a damn. The Assembly finally stopped talking. It's time. The Book of Tales suddenly opened. I closed my eyes as I heard the spirits of fairytales fly around the auditorium. I heard the screams and cries of students.

Some were joyous sounds whilst others were straight out terrifying. All out of a sudden, I felt something go through my soul. It was painful as hell. I felt fire within me. A burning sensation was on wrist. It was like something was drawing on it with a flaming sword making it cut deep into soul. He or She was settling my future.

The spirit went away and I felt my body cool down. I still refused to opened my eyes even though the cries were gone. I heard the Assembly talk...well one of them but all I could think was who was I chosen to be. What about Claire? I felt someone slap my shoulder. The voice of my buddy, Jake came out" No way dude, we get to be princes together" What! I quickly opened my eyes.

There I saw it. A tattoo of an apple on my wrist with a crown on it. I'm Snow white's prince. Shit! Laura better not be Snow white.

" Score, you might get Laura. She's as hot as fuck. Well you're not alone. I'm Sleeping Beauty's prince" he said whilst showing me his wrist with a tattoo of a spinning wheel and a crown on it." Guess who's my princess? Claire! I mean she's not bad. I can work with her"

My fists curled up. Jake better stop talking if he doesn't want a punch flying his way. I tried to calm down but I couldn't get it out of my head that my best friend is getting my girl. Well... Technically she isn't mine yet. Whoever wrote my story hates me that much doesn't he?

The Academy ! I have to find a way. There must be a loophole somewhere or at least something. There's gotta be a way out of this. Before I knew it, I was marching over to The Wisdom room. I'm pretty sure the Assembly went there.

I run past fighting kids. Obviously some were mad about their fairytale character. This is isn't right. How the hell doesn't anyone see this. I saw the Assembly and rushed over to them."Hey people or whatever you are, I need to change my character" Maybe that didn't come out right but I'm so livid that I can see red. One of them approached me and said" Son, you must be grateful, judging from your tattoo you're a prince. You must uphold your name with integrity and respect."

" Integrity my ass. So you're telling me I have to kiss a total stranger..no, not even a total stranger a dead corpse, a fucking dead corpse and marry her off. Doesn't that sound sick to you? Where am I even going to find a freaking castle much less a whole kingdom". I could almost feel the smoke coming out of ears.

" Your kingdom will appear along the line." He clearly didn't hear me out. I realized I was just wasting my time with these people. I'm not the only one who has complained so what makes me so different.

I turned around leaving in annoyance but I stopped as his voice crept in my ears " Don't get any ideas Ryan you know what will happen if you go against your storyline." Damn right I do. They have basically instilled in it our minds.

I walked back into the auditorium only to find the Heline twins arguing. I looked at their wrists, Each of them had a tattoo of a frog and jewel. I forgot the title of their story. All I just know is one of them is gonna be spitting frogs soon and the other jewels.

Seriously doesn't anyone see that this is so wrong. Having our fate sealed is damn frightening. Others might think it would be great especially if you have a happily ever after but they never stop to think that we never get the chance to fall in love, we'll never go to college unless when our stories have ended. Fuck the person who decided to determine the future of us, the people of the past and the next generation.