

A group of kids suddenly got chosen to be the fairytale characters... but wait...why isn't Prince Charming happy with his story line and what is Snow white hiding.

kaylaxxyyy · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


Ryan's POV:

     I stormed out of there furiously. I can't believe the shit they told me. How can you force me to love someone I don't even like?!

Laura grabbed me out of nowhere.

" What was that? Do you how much trouble we could have gotten into" She was fuming. I first assumed that she was mad because of the whole cupid thing but then I realized she was actually mad about me storming off.

" How can you not be mad? For goodness sake Laura, do you really want to marry me?"

" Yes I do" Her eyes were sparkling with determination. What is wrong with this girl? I know a lot people want their happily ever after so badly but hers is to the next level.

  "I know you don't love me, so why are you fighting for something that's not there?"I questioned.

She looked away. She's hiding something. Ever since we started to hang out I realized she hid a lot of things from me. I mean it's not like we're friends or something but I keep on having this bugging feeling that her problems are relevant, like they somehow affect me. I shrugged it off. Maybe it involves me being her Prince Charming.

" You have no right to judge me Ryan. Who doesn't want to be a Prince Charming? You're obviously hiding something as well, so don't go round interfering in other people's business" scoffed Laura. She was right. I also had secrets. Her secrets probably won't be as bad as mine. My secret might eventually get me killed but if I'm cautious enough with finding  loopholes to our stories I could get away scott free.

My first step is to gain the trust of the fairy godmother. I met her this morning. She certainly didn't look like Laura's puppy as the rumors said. In fact they looked close, almost like sisters.

I think her name's Harriet or so. Okay, judging from the color of her eyes and hair, I'm sure her powers have started to kick in.

I just have to take one step at a time and gain her trust slowly. By the time her powers have fully taken over then I'd fill her in on my plans. Though I have to make sure she doesn't agree with the system.

If she doesn't, all I have to do is convince her but it won't be easy. She's a a fairy. Why would she want to change that?

I walked past Laura and she followed. We headed to the cafeteria. All eyes were on us. Some cooed and others scoffed. Apparently,

we were being hated by others because we got lucky with fate. If only they knew that I'd do anything to not be in a fairy tale.

I sat at a table and Laura automatically sat by me. It didn't take long for Jake to sit at the table. What shocked me was that Claire sat right beside him. I couldn't help but growl under my breath. All I wanted to do was snatch her away and place her on my lap.

Laura sensed that I was tense. She gave me a questioning look. I didn't think twice before putting my arm around her. She smiled at me thinking I had come to a compromise. Unfortunately she didn't know I was just using her to make Claire jealous, which seemed to be working because Claire had an annoyed look on her faced.

I decided to push things to further so I pulled Laura closer to my body. She played along by putting her hands on my chest.

Jake who was oblivious to what was actually happening said" Why don't you two get a room? "

" Don't worry we'll definitely get one later" I winked at Laura. She giggled at my comment. Claire muttered something under her breath. I only got the words 'stupid' and ' privacy'

I couldn't help but enjoy her jealous attitude. It basically meant she has some feelings for me also. I couldn't stop smiling stupidly. Which also pissed off Claire because she thought I was smiling because of Laura.

" Bro, you do know you're smirking like an idiot right?" Jake said. He laughed at his remark.

I grinned at him. I can hate this guy. He's my buddy after all. He never chose to be the Beast. I suddenly pondered on that thought.

" Hey Jake if you're gonna be the Beast, how come I haven't seen any changes on your body yet." Everyone looked at him.

He sighed like we were the dumbest people on earth." Don't you people know anything?

I need the fairy godmother to curse me before I turn into a beast, duh"

I rolled my eyes at him. Speak of the devil. Here comes Harriet and the soon to be cinderella. I think she's a cheerleader or something. What's her name again? Dora, Danielle or is it Dawn. Yep, Dawn sounds about right.

I smiled at them especially Harriet. I tried to get a smile back but she ignored me and sat by Laura. I tried Dawn instead. They are friends aren't they? It makes sense when Cinderella and her fairy godmother get along.

" Hi Dawn, how are you doing?" Jake burst out laughing and Laura started to shake her head. I was so confused at their reactions

" Next time you try to make friends Ryan. Try knowing their names first. Her name's Diane, isn't it cupcake? " This time I shook my head. Jake never loses the opportunity to flirt with girls.

Diane blushed and nodded her head." It's okay if Ryan doesn't know my name. After all I'm not that important." She said

" Speaking like a true cinderella" Jake nodded his at me. Diane looked happy with what he said. I laughed inwardly. She didn't get the joke. Jake was trying to indicate that she's a fake. Almost everyone here is. There's this girl called Kayla, ever since she was chosen as Malificent she's been an outcast. It took only one day for everyone to  turn on her. She now wears hoodies which hides her face. I really wanted to go sit beside her but I can't, not with the cameras watching.

Good and bad are never meant to associate. The Assembly consider it as a risk to our stories.

I heard a shriek from Harriet. She had milkshake pouring all over her hair. I saw

Asher and his friends smirking. What the fuck? I looked at Laura. Our eyes met but she looked away quickly acting like nothing happened.

" Just a little gift to our new fairy godmother" Asher said. Both Jake and I stood up. This was going to be messy but before we could do anything Harriet gave Asher an earsplitting slap. The whole cafeteria was shocked at the new revelation. The fairy godmother got guts. Another slap landed on Asher's other cheek.

Harriet looked mad like really mad." For your information Asher, I'm not that same girl who everyone thought as Laura's butt kisser." Laura lowered her head almost ashamed.

Harriet continued" I'm stronger and I don't have time for  your nonsense. As a matter of fact you're just a piece of shit who doesn't have anything valuable to do but bully someone who doesn't give a damn about what you say or do anymore"

Asher was in a moment of shock. People began to snicker. Some even imitated his face of shock which was hilarious. Asher looked embarrassed then infuriated. He looked really angry. He lifted his hand ready to hurt Harriet but her hands started to spark. In a second, lightning shot out of her hands and sent Asher flying across the cafeteria.

" Damn" I muttered under my breath.