
Our past Together

" you really have a perfect life, I wonder if you have ever experienced a problem, you lnow those in most novels like too tragic to believe its real, you're an orphan after all but seeing you now, you're quite alright" Her friend said eating the chocolates that was supposed to be for Mian. "I've experienced enough pain to make me realize that world is really cruel. Enough to lose my first child because I was too depressed after he left me, until now I still blame myself. I tried to live a happy life becaise I don't want my baby's death to go waste, If you think my life is perfect, maybe there's something in your brain" Mian smiled while looking at her friend whose hand was hanging near her open mouth shocked on what she just heard. She had known Mian for a long time and this is the first time Mian had open up to her about her past life. Looking at her friends eyes, Lisa can see that behind those smile hid a deep pain. She goes to Mian and embrace her tight. They stayed like that not speaking a word. They did not notice that thier boss and his assistant was standing at the door and heard their conversation. ******************* " Ah ji.... I am pregnant". Jiro could still hear those soft voice in his mind. Standing infront of the mirror of his office one would think that he's thingking such great problem but in his mind he's was the face of a woman who's smiling sadly. ' I was a fool that time, a big fool. I'm sorry Mian... my Mian" he thought to himself. ******************* "Ms. He if you don't have any place to stay you can stay with me upstairs it has two rooms" Jiro said, looking at the documents in his hand. " It's fine sir, Lisa already offered her apartment fo me to stay until I find a new place to stay" Mian said and her boss a professional smile. " It is more convenient to stay with me... I mean upstairs with me. I'm a man I can help you incase those jerks come after you again. Besides... its not like we were'nt live together before" Mian was burning with rage and wished to just cut his tounge out of his mouth so that he can't speak anymore. They are currently in a meeting together with the directors and its an embarassing topic to begin with. What if the directors would thibk that she He Mian climbed up to this jerks bed to stay in this position. "It's okay sir, I've made up my mind. I managed to survive all theses years without a mans protection. Also past is past and I wish for it to stay in the past" Mian casually replied, feeling the curios gaze of the directors she excused herself to get them tea but before she could walk a few steps Jiro asked " So does that mean Ms. He has been single for 6 years? " Mian stop in her tracks, taking a deep breath to calm herself Mian turns her head, smiled and said " You are right Sir I've been single for a long time now" Jiro just nod his head, rejoicing in his heart that his Mian was still single and maybe still love her. "But I'm not planning on dating, I am fine myself, I don't want to be with those jerks who are only good in bed but does kot know how to take a responsibilty. And besides I don't pick what I just throw, they're garbage, for Me I should not pick them up or else I'll get dirty" Mian said those words looking straight into Jiro's eyes. Secretary Cheng : "......." Directors : "............." 'There is really something between these two they just thought to themselves. Jiro was dumbfounded after hearing her words. after a moment he regains her self and thought to himself 'atleast she thinks I'm hoof in bed, I still have a chance'. He felt proud for his self. ************* Author's Note: This is my first time writing a novel and english is my third language, I am not good at grammars though,so please bare with me and try to read my story and support it. I accept critics and corrections. Thank you love lots ???

piem317 · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
2 Chs

Faith Works Hard

<p>After hearing her answer Jiro did not speak for a while. As if reading his boss's mind, Secretary Cheng cough lightly to ease the awkward atmosphere. Jiro immidiately came back o his senses and said "ok you will be my personal secretary aside from Secretary Cheng. You may leave now". After hearing those words Mian still can't believe what she just heard ' I will be staying by his side like 24/7? Can I quit now?..'. Seeing her in a daze expression Jiro thought to himself 'she's still the same hmm'. while pointing his finger in his chin. Seeng that she may not recover anytime yet he decided to ask her again " Do you have any questions Ms. He?" " none Sir, I'll be leaving now." She turned around without looking back and slowly closed the door afraid that if she makes any sound the person inside will call her again and she cannot help herself but quit this high paying job. Gladly, she was still in her right state of mind and decided to bare with anything since she really need this job. <br/> After returning to her area, she bid goodbye to her workmate and friend Lisa. They were not really close before since Lisa is her senior when she start working this company. Lisa would always give her unnecressary tasks which for her is not really important and thought that Lisa is just trying to make her work difficult. Years of being together they easily understand and gets each others attitude thats why they became friends. Lisa came from a broken family and does'nt spend most of her time together with her parents. Maybe that's the reason why the easily click on each other since Mian's situation is not far from Lisa. The difference is that Lisa knows who her parents are while Mian does'nt. "Call me when you get home, stay safe" said Lisa <br/>"hmm you too, goodbye. " they part ways at the entrance of the company. <br/> She arrived at her house, it was a small house with two bedrooms. Its style was simple, the living room was decorated with DIY decorations but that does not lessen the view. The kitchen is just small, it has one dining table that could fit four people, a refregerator, an oven and a gasrange. She lay her exhausted body on the sofa, looking at the ceiling she remembers the events of this day. She remembers the way he look at her. She can't help but blow out a deep sigh. His eyes were so gentle to her before. ' Everything changed' she thought "sigh..." After thingking for a moment on what she should do tomorrow she fall into a deep slumber immidiately.<br/> A young woman was waiting outside the door of an apartment. After a while the man that she's been waiting for arrived together with a girl she knows very well. " What are you doing here?" the man looked at her with disgust. "Please Jiro just let me explain, I.. I was really telling the truth, please believe me.. I don't know what happened but will you please forgive just for our child. Please.." she's crying while begging him but the man in front of her did not show any mercybor oity towards her, instead he just walked past through her like she's nothing to him and there's nothing netween them. After witnessing what had happened, the woman with Jiro hold Mian's hand and said apologitically " I'm sorry Mian but I'll try to talk to him okay?.. you know Jiro's temper. I will talk to him for you but for now you need to go home and rest well now that you have a life to take care of." "Hmm.. okay thank you Sabrina" she bowed her head and ready to leave when the door open once again and Jiro came out with a bos in his hand, shoving it to Mian he said " These are all the things that you gave to me, you can keep those what I gave to you but l'm suggesting you to throw it or burn it, I don't want to have anything to do with a girl like you." Mian look ate him with red eyes, she can't believe what she just heard, 'Is he breaking up with me?. what about our baby? don't you love me?, you said you will love me forever. ' all those thoughts run through Mian's mind but she can't utter a single word because of shock. She just look at him while sobbing and did not utter a word. When Jiro was about to enter the room Mian already recovered from shock and ask him " Just because of my one mistake you decided to break up with me not even listening to my explainations, you disregard my child, your child because of that one mistake. ha!!" She laugh sarcastically " Jiro Kang, Am I that unimportant for you?, For you to say those words easily, you never really love me don't you?" she cried "I will never love a woman like you! and.. " he glance at her tummy that shows a little bump. " that child is difinitely not mine" Hearing his last sentence shattered Mian's world. Her heart feels like it was being ripped and pierced. " Well then" she smiled but the tears keep on falling from her face. " I will not disturb you anymore" She immidiately left towards the elevator but nefore she could enter " Lets not see each other again, I don't want to have anything to do with you. I hope this will be the last time we meet each other and that child, it has nothing to do with me" she paused when she heard his words but she does not turn to look at him. " I will keep that in mind, By the way I don't regret meeting you, I regret loving a man like you, this will be the last time you will see me. I know you have dreams, achieve those dreams and I hope I won't see you again"<br/> Jiro got up from bed after dreaming about the events that had happened 6 years ago. 'We both wish not to see each other again but we just met a few hours ago,ha!! faith really works hard'.</p>