
Our Mini-D&D

My friends and I(the dm) played what we called mini-d&d in our Dual-Credit Comp I class when we got bored. We typed it all down and this is as far as we got before graduating. Hope someone finds it an alright campaign. Bonus: might put in some other campaigns as well.

supremeboop_daoist · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

New Campaign (using mrpg app)

Welcome to the land of FROIDIK (An apocalyptic wasteland.) You are survivors that were born 2 centuries after the world leaders decided to nuke alien invaders all over the world. Humanity is dispersed with settlements of varying size throughout the wasteland. You'll face mutants, raiders, aliens, and more as you try to stay alive!

Stat System (Custom): Health Points (Players start with 100), Armor (Start with 10 meaning 10 percent of damage taken is negated), Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Strength. The players are given 15 attribute points to allocate to Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, or Strength. Every 2 points = +1 to a roll dealing with that attribute. If multiple attributes are used the most prevalent one will be used for the bonus.

Melee attacks shall use a d10 and Ranged shall use a d12.


Chad Joins the Campaign

Mmmmmmmm joins the campaign

Lyra joins the campaign

Haralor joins the campaign

Jake joins the campaign

Koltav joins the campaign

Welcome Apocalypse Wanderers!

You can choose a hazmat suit (+20 HP and +3 Armor), an Iron Pipe (20 Attack Damage), or a Medpack (3 uses, healths between 10-40 hp)

Haralor, Mmmmmmmm, and Lyra choose the hazmat suit

Jake chooses the Medpack

Koltav and Chad choose the iron pipe

You are a group of people who grew up in the same settlement. Sadly you are fleeing your home settlement as it is under attack.

The settlement is in the outer rim of the wasteland with unfertile soil, wrecked buildings, and vast areas of random craters and broken concrete. Various groups of raiders and mutants terrorize travelers in this wasteland.

The group you are in is led by a man more experienced traveling the wasteland, Torvi.

He knows how to get to two settlements Cord and Queo.

He explains To the east is Cord, a settlement run by a ruthless man if you do not follow his rules, Doon. More northbound is Queo, a land with claims on it by many groups.

He asks for a vote on where to go

Mmmmmmmm, Koltav, and Lyra vote to go to Queo

Chad, Jake, and Haralor vote for Cord

Torvi breaks the tie

They begin the journey towards Cord

Mmmmmmmm "Jake, I guess I'll go with you."

Koltav "Ugh, fine. Cord it is..."

Haralor slaps the dust on his shirt "Damn wasteland!"

Jake "Keep up guys"

Lyra "Yeah, yeah I'm coming"

Two hours later on their journey, Torvi comes to a sudden halt

Torvi "Ssshhhh, listen"

Everyone stops and looks around. (Perception check occurs)

Chad and Haralor feel vibrations and hear what sounds like an engine.

Lyra can feel the vibrations and looks eastward.

The others frantically look around unsure of why they stopped.

Torvi dashes 5 meter's and jumps into a crater.

Torvi "COME ON!!"

Everyone except Koltav runs and jumps into the crater.

Koltav looks around for a better hiding spot

Haralor "Lookin to take a piss Koltav!"

Koltav "Ugh" jumps into the crater with the others.

Torvi "Keep your heads down!"

Koltav "Yeah, two hours and no bathroom break now we're in a crater"

The vibrations and sounds are becoming louder and stronger


Haralor "Quiet guys"

Engines Roar!


Haralor Shivers

Koltav "This is where the fun begins guys"

Haralor attempts to throw a rock but it slips out of his hand and hits Lyra and she punches him

(Perception Check)

Lyra glares and then looks at the approaching vehicles

Lyra " Looks like the Scorpio Raiders about 17 of them. *sigh* great they got some jeeps and motorcycles"

Jake *whisper* "Dumb Haralor"

Haralor "I heard that"

Lyra "Both of you shut it"

Jake "My bad, sorry"

Haralor attempts to get up slightly and slips

Torvi "SSHHHHHH!, the raiders are about to pass. Shut IT!"

(Stealth Check)

As the raiders drive past they see nothing at first (Mmmmmmmm, Lyra, and Koltav) and overlook a weird rock (Chad)

A random raider signals them to stop they see someone (Haralor)

Mmmmmmmm "You've doomed us"

Jake "Haralor you clumsy fool, no medpack for you!"

Koltav tries to dig a hole without much luck

Koltav "Uhhhh, let's wait for them and blitz em"

Mmmmmmmm "You messed up, but your our friend lets do this."

Lyra "Crap Crap Crap Crap"

Raider points to the crater "Over there!"

Torvi "You guys run!"

Torvi tries to run away alone towards their old settlement, but Jake grabs him and now they're running together.

Lyra "Common guys let's go"

Lyra begins to run in the opposite direction.

Chad follows

Koltav "We're not gonna outrun those jeeps and motorcycles"

Mmmmmmmm hides behind Koltav who stands his ground

Haralor remains on the ground

A motorcycle catches up to Torvi and Jake

Lyra "Son of a" she turns back around "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!"

A jeep storms over and tries to run over Lyra. Lyra jumps over the jeep and gets clipped. A raider grabs her and they both tumble on the ground.

Lyra "Screw off" She lands on her arm in the fall.

Chad tries to do the same but slams through the windshield of the jeep and kills the remaining two with a kick full of glass to their faces. The driver's corpse slumps over onto the gas, and the jeep starts to pick up speed.

Koltav charges towards the nearest group of raiders.

Lyra struggles to get up and stomps down on the raider.

Koltav trips and falls flat on his face

Lyra takes the machete from the raider and hacks him to death.

Mmmmmmmm fails and encouraging Koltav after his trip and demoralizes him instead

(Haralor goes AFK at this point so he is no longer in the story)

A raider gets off his motorcycle and tries to attack Lyra, she dodges and decapitates him

Borbuc the raider "RUN EM OVER YOU IDIOTS"

Chad slips into the driver seat of the jeep and turns back to head towards the group.

Mmmmmmmm convinces the raiders to fight honorably

Jakes opens the door to a jeep and jumps through and stomps down a raider.

Lyra gets on the motorcycle as a raider charges her. He is sliced in half.

The raiders all group up and get off their vehicles.

Borbuc the raider charges Jake and attempts to stab with a pocket knife

Jake tries to grab his arm to stop him but has his hand stabbed instead

the blade pierces his stomach.

Jakes uses Medpack

Koltav sits back and just watches

Lyra rides the motorcycle towards the raiders only to have an iron pipe thrown at her that knocks her off

Jakes retreats to the jeep and runs over some of the raiders.

Chad finds a hunting rifle in the jeep, Jake finds a Katana, and Mmmmmmmm finds some bottles of alcohol

Chad tries to shoot Borbuc with his new rifle as Jake rushes to slash with his katana

Borbuc pulls out a revolver and dodges the shot and katana and tries to shoot in retaliation but misses

They continue to try and hit each other but no one is hit.

Jake "You should surrender most of your men are dead and we've taken some of your vehicles"

Borbuc the Raider "You think I'll stop after what you've done"

both sides back up

One of the remaining raiders reveals explosives on his chest and attempts to grab onto Jake.

Jake shoves him and rolls away outside the range of the explosion

The rest of the raiders reveal similar explosives and grab each of the party members.

Borbuc reaches for the detonator.

Jake shakes the raider off of him and throws his katana at Borbuc.

Borbucs hand is cut off and the detonator is destroyed.

Borbuc raises the revolver in his other hand and Torvi is killed

Lyra convinces the Raiders that all is lost and their boss can no longer help them. They leave.

Borbuc all along and injured falls to his knees and remains still.

Lyra and Jake charge him and with a machete to his chest and a katana to his neck Borbuc is defeated.