
In the Distance

Considering how tired Cheng Zinuo must have been standing at the "wedding" all day, Du Jinnian specifically bought a lot of energy replenishing food to send to Cheng Zinuo.

However, Chen came back panting to tell Du Jinnian that Cheng Zinuo had disappeared after the end of the "wedding". Cai Zhize had already called the police. Sadly, Cai Zhize's grandmother was hit and died in tears.

Du Jinnian suddenly felt like he was struck by lightning.

How could this be?

At home, Ann Susu received a text message: "Sister An, I have settled the matter. Please transfer the remaining funds over."

A sly smile flashed at the corner of Ann Susu's mouth. She put down her cell phone and turned to look out the window at the pouring rain. Her body and mind, however, felt an unprecedented sense of relaxation.

Cheng Zinuo, from today onwards, you can forget about ever taking another step into the Gangcheng!