
Price of freedom is steep.

Ana finished the manuscript of the latest volume of 'Adulterous adventures of Trixie Kattermore'.

Sending the copy of the manuscript to her editor, Ana stretched her arms and neck.

"Vell, thiz iz good! Finizhed it 2 monthz earlier than the deadline given to me." Snapping her fingers Ana got up from her desk, closing her laptop.

She was all alone at the apartment.

Nyx, Erisviel, Aurora, Ian, Zulkernyn were in school. Aaron went to Country X to find his old tutors for Yong-Hyeon.

Sabastian took a day off to rest, so he went to watch a new movie that just came out on theatres.

Ana arriving at the kitchen.

Opening the fridge, she saw that there's no leftover from last night.

Ana sighed.

She doesn't want to make anything for herself feeling tired.

Taking out a bottle of juice from the fridge, Ana left the kitchen.

At the living room, sitting on the sofa.

Ana shivered, having a sensation of chillness.

"Vhy did it 'ad to be zo cold today? Ah, I can't ztand the cold!" Ana muttered shivering.

Getting a blanket from the basket in front of the table, Ana wrapped herself in it.

Grabbing the remote of the T.V, Ana tried to find some shows to watch to pass time.

Suddenly, her phone vibrated.

Looking at the caller ID, Ana was surprised!

It's the editorial director of the publishing company, she is contracted to.

"Vhat prompted the editorial director to directly call me?" Ana wondered before picking up the call.

"'ello. Good morning, Mrs Jenkins!" Ana greeted the caller.

"Hello. Good morning, Ms Petrova! I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you in the morning." A woman's voice could be heard through the phone.

"It iz alright, Mrs Jenkins. I vas not busy, in fact, I just zent Mr Waters the manuzcript of the final volume of my book. Zo there'z no reason to apologize." Ana replied.

"That's great! I look forward to reading the next volume. Ms Petrova, the reason that I have called you this morning is that I have great news for you!

" I want to let you know that the recent volume of 'AAKA' just sold out! It hasn't even been 2 days that the volume was released, all 75 thousand copies of the book sold out completely. Congratulation, Ms Petrova!"

(A/N: AAKA - Adulterous adventures of Trixie Kattermore.)

Ana smiled before replying to Ms Jenkins.

"Thank you, Mrs Jenkins."

"Yet another successful volume and a great story, Ms Petrova! We hope to keep working with you. Thanks to your stories, we EZ group have come so far and became one of the best publishing company in Country O."

As Mrs Jenkins was congratulating Ana and talking about the books and future works.

Ana was in her thought.

She has been thinking for a while, about stop writing novels and focus more on medical science.

Also, with her now being in Nameless, her superficial fame of being a novelist is no use to Nameless.

She loves writing but over the years it became more like a hobby, something she enjoys occasionally than to pursue a full career on it.

As she was thinking about her future, she didn't hear anything about Mrs Jenkins nonsense.

After finally deciding on what to do, Ana spoke up interrupting Mrs Jenkins.

"Uhm, Mrs Jenkins. I'm zorry for this zudden decizion of mine. I vill zend zomeone to your office thiz afternoon, zhe vill reprezent me to zort out my departure."

"Huh? Departure? I'm sorry, I'm not following-"

Interrupting her once more, Ana clearly explained this time.

"I'm zorry, I vill no longer be vriting any more in the future. The next volume of 'AAKA' vill be the final vook that I vill ve publishing. My reprezentative as I 'ave zaid vill be arriving at the company, 3'o clock in the afternoon to zort out everything. Thank you for all the 'ard work and 'elp that you 'ave given me pazt theze five yearz. It 'az veen a pleazure vorking vith everyone at EZ group. Thank you and farewell!"

After finish telling everything, Ana hung-up the call.

Ana thought she will be sad but somehow felt relief?

"Vell, that vorked out fine!" Ana muttered opening up the bottle of juice before taking some sips of the juice.

She stared at the wallpaper on her phone.

It was Nyx's picture of when she was sleeping, Nyx had a slight smile on the picture.

"I'm not veak az you think I'm Nyx..." Ana murmured staring at the picture.

Over the years, Ana could only help Nameless through her medical knowledge.

The Tevittar tribe didn't want to let her go, so Ana made a deal with Sabastian's mother.

Ursula will protect her from the Tevittar tribe, till she is eighteen.

The protection period ran out 7 months ago.

The Tevittar tribe are looking for Ana.

From now on, Ana has to resist against the Tevittar tribe alone.

She has paid a terrible price for her freedom.

For forcing Ana to take such severe actions toward herself.

The Tevittar Tribe must pay!

Ana chuckled ridiculing herself.

"The price of freedom really is steep in the Sacred Noble society!"

She thought of the devil that she made the deal with.

Ursula Margaret Heilige.

"That voman zhowed mercy by not taking my life, because I vaz 'er zon'z bezt friend... Vhat a cruel mother you 'ave Basti!"

Ana shook her head before sending a message to someone.


[Zak - Huh, so you finally contacted me after years! What? How's your life treating you? I heard that imp of a prince is looking for you?]

Ana smiled reading the reply.

[Anastasia - What about you? How's life treating you after running away from the 'Cage'?]

[Zak - ... Tsk...

Zak - What do you want?]

[Anastasia - Supplies.]

[Zak - *eyes rolling emoticon* Did you join some kind of organisation or something?]

[Anastasia - Maybe, maybe not. Who knows? If I have, would you like to join too?]

[Zak - I will not be a slave to anyone!!!]

[Anastasia - Suit yourself! I want supplies and you are the only person who can provide me with it from the 'Cage'.]

[Zak - How do you know?]

[Anastasia - Shouldn't have used Anastasia's as your token.]

[Zak - ... They are good flowers... I missed you, Tasha.]

[Anastasia - Me too, Zakior. I'll see you soon at 'Cage'.]

[Zak - See you soon, sis!]

Ana sighed, reading the last message.

Leaning back on the sofa, she changed the channel on the TV.

Finding a series that she liked, she started watching TV.


Sabastian was looking down at the four idiots who were following him for the past few weeks.

"Say, who do you four think you are to jump on me? Sabastian Franz Heilige. I cannot kill you guys but I can torture you guys, you know?"

One of the idiots got up and charged forward towards Sabastian.

"Such futile attempt, just stop embarrassing yourselves." Dodging the fist coming at his way by sidestepping, Sabastian grabbed the arm of the idiot before twisting it.

"Aaaaaaarrrrrhhhhhh!" The guy screamed in pain kneeling on the ground.

Sabastian shook his head in disappointment.

The level of the Heilige disciples of the current generation is so low that he felt his stomach turn from embarrassment.

He doesn't want to deal with any of the idiots anymore.

Taking out his phone, Sabastian called his older brother.

When the call got connected, Sabastian greeted his brother.

"Good afternoon, brother!"

"Hello, Sabas!"

"Bro, listen up. These idiot disciples of elder Diedrich have been following me for a couple of weeks. Finally, they got the chance, more like I gave the chance to jump on me. They were so terrible! Like for real, what are they treating the young disciples of our family! Anyway, can you sent someone to pick them up? I will send them to the hospital and text you, their location."

"..." Sabastian's brother.

"Okay, I'll send someone to pick those trouble makers. Thank you, for informing me Sabas!"

"No probs, bro!" Hanging up, Sabastian looked at the four idiots laying around squirming in pain.

Stepping on one of the disciple's knee cap, Sabastian broke the knee.


"What! I'm just starting and you are already screaming like it's the end of the world!!! Tsk..." Sabastian complained before breaking the other knee.

Sorry for the late upload.

I fell asleep, so wasn't able to upload the chapter at the usual time.

Here's the new chapter.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Help me improve myself.

Like the novel so far? Then please, add it to the library!

[(3/5) Weekly chapters released.]

Hyacinth_FScreators' thoughts