
Lyle Prince and Death Parade???

Nyx was sitting in the garden area.

There are 11 Shadow guards warming up in one corner and Julian was in the other corner stretching his body.

Max was by Nyx's side watching the 'Grace' kid like a hawk.

He thought the person Nyx has chosen might be an adult seasoned fighter or some big bulky muscular man.

Isn't when one thinks about bodyguards, they think about muscular bulky men??

[A/N: Nah, Max. Nope, it is just you.]

But no, he's like a twig. A teenager with a body of a twig.

He can't see any muscle on him, Is he even eating properly?

Max was in his own world when Nyx suddenly spoke up waking up from his thoughts.

"Okay, thats enough warming up. I dont have much time, I need to go sleep, so this needs to be quick." Nyx said.

Then she pointed at one of the Shadow guards under Max.

"Hey you, yes, you. You go up first."

She told the guard to go first to fight against Julian.

Julian watching Nyx order one of the guards, got ready and move to the centre of the garden.

The shadow guard and Julian stared at each other and were evaluating each other.

"Start!!" Nyx shouted and with that signal from Nyx both fighters charged at each other.

It started out with probing punches and kicks.

Julian doesn't have much fighting experience but he has been training under Aurora, Sabastian, Ian and Timothy.

Aurora and Sabastian are monsters in their own tier, Ian is getting there he just lacks the experience and Timothy is just below them.

If Nyx were to say, compared to the 4 of them the 'Shadow guards' are toddlers.

'Julian could probably take a couple or so more.' Nyx thought watching the fight between the shadow guard and her 'SHADOW'.

"One on one, he will not lose but he would expend too much stamina." Nyx muttered. Max was able to hear Nyx as he was just beside Nyx.

And just like Nyx has predicted Julian defeated the Shadow guard.

He found an opening on the shadow guard's defence and he took it.

He faked a punch, quickly grabbing the arm using the shadow guard's weight he pulled and slammed him on to the ground.

Max was surprised by watching the teen boy fight.

From the looks of it, he doesn't have much experience but with this sparring match, he is gaining a lot of experience and learning quickly.

He is like a sponge absorbing all the experience and knowledge he gains from a fight and during a fight.

But he was more surprised at Nyx as he can see Nyx can actually understand and judge the fight also was able to criticise the fight properly.

"If you are thinking about, do I know how to fight or not, then I will answer you if you ask instead of coming to your own conclusion thinking who knows what. You dont have to think so much." Nyx said without looking at Max.

"I know how to fight, but I'm weak. I can only do as much about a couple of moves." Nyx told Max, then she pointed at three 'Shadow guards'.

"You, you and you. Go at him together, go straight at him no need to take a break or anything." Nyx said to the guards.

"I have been learning for years, surely you didn't think I was just eating, sleeping and studying, right?"

Max fell silent hearing Nyx.

Nyx chuckled seeing Max's expression, whenever he finds something difficult to understand or doesn't want to answer anyone, his face becomes neutral devoid of any expression.

Nyx's face then became sombre, looking at Max who was by her side.

"My parents were murdered, I have become an orphan. I'm the 'Prince heiress' because I'm the only child of my parents. They left me with so much wealth and assets that other people on the Prince family are jealous of me. I'm supposed to take charge of the Prince Industries in the future. I have lots of enemies, Max, I know. I knew, thats why I try hard to study, cause I, Nyx Aurelia-Rose Prince has to shoulder millions of peoples hope and dreams on my shoulders." Nyx said then she turned away from Max to watch the sparring match between the 'Shadow guards' and Julian.

"In the future, my enemies will tremble when they hear my name. I will make sure of that, and I promise you. I, Nyx Aurelia-Rose Prince-" she stopped then got up from her chair.

Julian was having a tough time against the three 'shadow guards'.

He is already out of breath and his focus is dwindling.

Still, as someone who was trained by Aurora Blood, he is far from giving up and end the fight in his defeat.

He punched one of the guards on the left side of the chest, around the area of the 10th and the 12th ribs.

*Crack* (sfx- cracking bones)

In earlier bouts he noticed, he injured him badly at that area so the guard was conscious about that area.

'Oof' he might have cracked those ribs, Julian thought.

Then a roundhouse kick to the side, right under the ribs at the area of where the kidney should be to another guard.

He turned to face the last remaining guard, who was

Charging towards him.

He took a step forward, missing the punch he grabbed the arm of the guard using the guard's momentum against him, he did an overhead throw.

The guard quickly got up and was about to charge against Julian once more, when Nyx declared "Stop!!!"

"Thats enough." She said to the guards then turned to Julian.

"Take a breather, you look like you're about to collapse." Nyx telling Julian to rest, turned back to face Max.

"Will kill those who took my parents away from me with my own hands." Nyx focussed her 'murderous intent' Max.

"Death Parade and my uncle, Lyle Prince both will pay for what they have done to me and my family."

Max gulped in fear.

"How did you find out about the connection Death Parade has with your uncle?" Max asked Nyx.

'Death Parade' is a notorious secret organization.

There's not enough information about them, but their purpose is apparent. It is to rule from the dark by causing chaos and destruction, pulling strings and making puppets to do their work.

They are extremely dangerous, and they will do anything for their pleasure to cause chaos and destruction.

Arthur Prince, Nyx's father found out that his own younger brother wants to kill him and his family to become the head of the Prince family.

Arthur also found out Lyle's connection to 'Death Parade'.

But somehow Lyle found out about Arthur knowing everything about his plans.

So Lyle acted fast and tried to kill Arthur and his family sooner than he expected.

He sent 'Assassins' to kill Arthur and his family but Arthur managed to save his wife and unborn child by sacrificing himself.

The next day, Rose Prince, Nyx's mother went into labour but Lyle found out about their location so he sent some 'Assassins' once more to kill Arthur's family.

Rose got shot by one of the 'Assassins' and died later on giving birth to Nyx.

"I found out Lyle Prince made contact with some members of 'Death Parade' some time ago, and you just confirmed it for me. So Lyle and 'Death Parade', huh? I'm not surprised. Well, anyway, it doesn't matter as I'm going after them both." Nyx said giving a chilling sinister smile to Max.

"They have once more have touched someone they shouldn't have touched." Nyx muttered softly, so Max wasn't able to hear what she said.

For what they have done to Tessiana, Nyx/Aaron will surely make them pay.

She turned around to face Julian.

"Goto the clubhouse, Aurora is waiting for you." Nyx told Julian off.

Feeling bored and sleepy, Nyx went inside the manor and asked a maid to inform Kira that she doesn't feel like eating today and that she going to sleep, probably will wake up tomorrow morning at 6 am.

After telling the maid off, she went to her room to sleep.

Aaron hasn't slept since last night, so the strong sense of drowsiness Nyx is feeling, is because of Aaron.

She doesn't want to collapse like last time, so she better sleep it off before she collapses.

Plopping down at the bed, in a few moments she collapsed.

Good thing, she decided to sleep it off or else she would've been sleeping in some corner of the house like last time.

Here's the new chapter!

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[(1/5) Weekly chapters released.]

Hyacinth_FScreators' thoughts