
After 10 years???

Nyx woke up from her sleep.

Blinking her eyes a few times, she looks around until the sunlight hits her eyes.

Feeling uncomfortable and irritated she cursed under her breath.

After 15 minutes moving around her bed, she sat up looking at the window where the sunlight is coming off.

She grinds her teeth in irritation for a few seconds, then she gots up from the bed and walked towards the window to pull the curtains down.

She doesn't like the sun or bright lights, since it makes her feels irritated and uncomfortable.

She found out about this 2 years ago that she has light sensitivity, so she doesn't like it.

It pricks her eyes.

Moving her head to look at the mirror stationed near the corner of her bedroom.

She walks towards it and looks at her reflection in the mirror.

What is reflected in the mirror is a pale white-skinned young girl of 10-11 years old with long black silky hair, a girl with a delicate-looking face that gives off a lethal cute look, which gives people the urge to pull her cheeks and pinch her nose.

Her eyes cerulean blue just like her father's, that the people in the mansion always mentions it.

Nyx stares at her reflection for a while then moves on to the wardrobe to get some clothes before anyone could barge into her room, cause she likes to sleep without any clothes.

So currently, she is without clothes on herself completely naked.

Before anyone comes, she must go quickly to wear some clothes.

Everyone in the mansion knows about this particular sleeping habit of hers, that she can't sleep unless she is naked.

Quite unusual, it started a couple of years ago.

Kira nagged at her for days before finally giving in. Since everyone knows about it, no one dares to enter the room without permission.

The only exception is given to Kira, her nanny caretaker.

Putting on a pink t-shirt and black cargo shorts, she rings the bell on her bed stand and waits for someone to attend to her.

A couple of minutes later Nyx heard the sound of the door opening, Kira her nanny walks inside her room.

"My lady, good morning!" Kira said giving Nyx a bow.

"Kira how many times do I have to tell you to stop with the courtesy. I dont like it when you do that, it makes me feel distant towards you." Nyx said it with an annoyed tone, she really doesn't like it whenever Kira draws this invisible line between them that separates her and Kira.

Hearing her Mistress, Kira smiles but doesn't say anything.

Nyx watching that Kira is quiet looks at her and asked.

"What is for breakfast? I'm unbelievably hungry right now."

Kira replied to her question "Chocolate pancakes with honey syrup along with a couple of poached egg and fruit salad is for breakfast, my lady."

Hearing Kira, her eyes lits up and she mutters quietly 'ahhh food is life, life is food.'

"Then wait here for me, until I have freshened up. Then you can escort me to the dining table, Kira." Nyx said to Kira while walking towards the bathroom to freshen up.

20 minutes later Kira escorted Nyx to the dining table, where her breakfast is being served.

While having her breakfast, a plain-looking man enters her vision.

Nyx giving a smile towards the man, said "Uncle Rodney, have you had your breakfast yet?"

"Yes, I have my lady." Rodney replies standing beside Nyx.

"Lady Nyx, you are already at the age of going to school. Have you thought about where should you be going to study?" Rodney asked Nyx.

Max told Rodney yesterday, that he gave Nyx some options to choose where should she go to study.

After all, she is at the age to have friends of similar age groups and should start going to school.

Nyx was homeschooled until now for her primary education, she should be starting secondary school soon.

"I still haven't decided which school to go to Uncle Rodney. From the list, uncle max has given me? I dont quite like any of them even tho they are prestigious schools. I dont have any connection with them. Currently, I'm looking at foreign schools on the internet" taking a bite of her pancake with honey syrup she continues

"I have an interest in this particular school in Country O, that I have looked into." Finishing her first plate of pancakes, Nyx once again dives into her breakfast.

'Ah, chef Tristan makes good pancakes' Nyx said in her mind.

Hearing that Nyx is looking into foreign schools rather than looking into domestic ones, Rodney was surprised.

"Then which school it is my lady? I shall go and inquire about the school and will give you a proper report on it." Rodney asked Nyx.

"It is Carson Quinton De'ville high School in star city of country O." Nyx replied giving Rodney the Name of the Academy


Aaron waking up from his sleep looks around lazily.

Getting up from his bed he goes near his sister's bed.

Staring at his sister's peaceful face, which has an angelic smile plastered on it.

Aaron's lips slightly rose up and formed a smirk that looked devilishly mischievous.

Aaron stared at his sister's smile plastered face and thinks to himself 'must be having some good dreams'.

Eyes twinkling, he slowly removes the blanket off her and grabs her left hand leaning near her ear he shouted as loud as he could.


Aaron pulls her hard from the bed to throw her at the floor.

Aurora suddenly jolted waking up from her sleep and got so scared that she almost felt like she is going to die from a sudden heart attack.

Getting slightly hurt from being thrown onto the floor and her head ringing from that devil's shout.

She angrily looks at Aaron, her younger twin brother.

Her eyes showing anger to the point that it can scare anyone *hitless.

Erupting like raging volcano she shouted so loud that everyone at the manor could hear the shout, no matter where they are right at the manor.

"Aaron Christopher Blood! I WILL Kill YOU TODAY!!!"

Aaron smirking at her mutters 'mischief accomplished' under his breath and bolts off from the room before his sister can grind him *hitless.

I'm thinking of having release schedule of 5-6 chapters a week or something. I dont know I need to brainstorm for ideas and think of plots create stuff its hard for me rn to post daily chapters. anyway for now I'm post daily chapters until I feel like I need a change. again I tell you my readers that English is not my first language there might be lots of mistakes if you spot some try helping me correct them I dont have anyone to fix my grammar or stuff and 5th chapter yay!!!

Hyacinth_FScreators' thoughts