
Our Glass

One hospital, 12 Teenagers, And a Baby?! It's a series of unfortunate events but somehow they all seem too familiar?! Is it a coincidence or is it something else? Sereth, Jaqson, Lineth, Lory, Lamplite, Forcesth, Marxis... what will they do now? Only time will tell...

Lanea_Ricch2005 · วัยรุ่น
9 Chs

The Beginning

It's 7 o'clock in the morning. Her eyes are glossy from her sleep. "Yervis, Get up. We gotta wake up the others and leave before they find us." Yervis fatigued from his sleep he opens his eyes slowly. "mhm." Yervis says in response to Sereth's request. "Everyone wake up now, we gotta go!" Yervis yells at the top of his lungs. Everyone groans as they walk across the house to meet up in the living room. "Okay, so we're going to have to go south of the western border. If we go south it'll give us a shortcut but we will need to ration out our food to last us about 3 weeks." Jaqson makes eye contact with Lineth. "So what do we need for our 3-week trip?" Yervis clears his throat and says " We're going to need about 5 cans for each person to last us about a week, and about 3 water bottles per person so that we can survive this journey." Everyone begins getting up from their seats as Yervis finishes talking. Forcesth goes to grab his bag to put supplies in and he breaks down in tears. "BROTHER!!! WHY ARENT YOU HERE WITH ME?! YOU PROMISED...YOU PROMISED!" Forcesth falls to the ground with the bag his brother used for school. It had Orange and black stripes on the straps of the bag. The bag had a hole in the front pocket and the zipper is broken. Sereth goes over to Forcesth and hugs him as he whimpers. " Go get everyone packed I'll take care of him." Yervis nods his head in agreement as he slowly backs away from Sereth and Forcesth."Look, I know you miss your brother but you got to pull it together. Lamplite wouldn't want you like this. He would want you to survive and live to tell his story." Sereth says in a very gentle voice. Forcesth leans his head on Sereth's shoulder and says "Can you be mine forever?" Sereth flinches out of reflex and doesnt say a word. She looks at Forcesth and gently shrugs her shoulder to motion him to move his head. "Look, I--" Forcesth grabs her hand and says "You don't have to answer now. I'll give you time to answer and you just let me know okay." Sereth smiles gently at him, and runs her fingers through his hair and then gets up and walks away. Forcesth looks at her as she walks away and he grabs his bag and heads to the basement where all of their supplies are.

     Many Monments Later

"Its crazy how far we've gotten since May 6th of 2021" says Lineth. Sereth hears this and falls. Her body Jerks back and forth vigorously as she hears Lory's voice again. "Sister! I need you! I'm trying to be strong but I can't." Sereth says. Her body grows limp and her hands grow cold. Her heart stops beating and the memories of all of her friends and their pasts come rushing in. "This is the key to what you're looking for." says Lory. Sereth allows her body to relax and her mind to help her find out why they are on the journey they are on today.