
Our flower boy

Kian Gray is an omega, he loves flowers and owns his own flower store. And despite his gender and people looking down on him for being an omega, he was living a peaceful and quiet life he was happy. But things never go as you want when you live in a world overpowered by alphas and ranks. And kian’s life turns upside down, when he meets the two dominant alphas Grayson and Dion. Grayson and Dion the two bosses of GD cooperation one of the biggest companies in the world with multiple hotels, restaurants and clubs both dominate alphas with great power. **Disclaimer** this story is about a three way between the two alphas and the omega** This book is my first I wrote so if there is mistakes I hope you can look over them because it is hard to make everything perfect Im sorry. But I hope you will still enjoy.

heyladyA · LGBT+
2 Chs

Flower boy [ the beginning ]

I pick out the flowers by hand from the pods around the store, I take them to my work table and with a thin piece of string I start to wrap around the bottom of the flowers to make a bouquet. The flowers I'm using are beautiful and has a nice pink and blue colors, I finish up the bouquet and lay it on the front desk for the customer to come and pick it up tomorrow. I look and the clock "shit" I whisper to myself, I promised Fay to be home by seven but it was already eight. I hurried out to the back to grab my things so I could get home as quick as possible.

I ran all the way back to me and Fay's apartment, to get there as fast as possible, when I finally came I stopped in front of the door to catch my breath, but she must had heard me because the door opened " you shouldn't run when your heat is coming up" her faced looked worried "I'm fine don't worry about me, let's go in". The tv was on "what were you watching?" She sat down in the sofa "just the news" I sat down beside her "anything interesting" I laid my head slowly on her shoulder " not really" I was tired, I stood up "I'm going to bed good night" I bent down and kissed her on the cheek "sleep well" she smiled "you too". I went to my room, I laid down and fell asleep instantly.


I opened my eyes it was blurry, I felt like shit.

My insides was burning, a gentle hand touched my forehead "Kian, Kian" the gentle hand whispered to me "Fay?" I couldn't see the person's face my sight was too blurry "yeah it is me, are you okay you are burning up". I really was I felt like I was on fire "I think you are in heat" Fay said while walking over to my drawer that was placed in the corner of the room " where is your suppressants" she looked at me "it should be in the drawer" she looked trough the drawer but with no luck " I don't think there is any, let me hurry down and buy some" "okay thanks" she hurried out of the door and I could hear the front door close.

I was laying on my back but switched to my side when my member started to rise. I rapped my arm and legs around the duvet while grinding my member against the fabric. I slowly started to touch it first rubbing against the top and the stroking the full length, I buried my face in my pillow trying not to let a moan escape my lips. When I finally came I could hear Fay was home.

I fast took a pair of underwear and went to the toilet I all of a sudden felt embarrassed to have relieved my self when i knew Fay was gonna come home any moment with the suppressants. She knocked on the door " are you alright, did anything happen" " yea I am fine I will come out in just a second" I took on the new pair of underwear and laid the dirty one behind at stack of toilet paper, that was stacked on the floor for when the one on the toilet paper holder is gonna run out. I took on the pajamas pants and walked out of the bathroom embarrassed. She was standing beside the bedsides table with to pills in her hand and a glass of water " it is normal to satisfy yourself when you are in heat" she looked with her gentle eyes at me " I know I know" I crawled over the bed to get to her, she passed the pills and water to me " are you planning to go to the flower shop today" she asked " yeah i am already feeling better and the pills will probably hold until tonight" I had been so out of it before that I didn't notice that Fay was dressed up all nice in her tight skirt, a silky white blouse and a navy blazer, her long dark hair was tied up in a low ponytail and she was wearing shiny black heels " aren't you supposed to be at the office?" She worked in a big company in the middle of the city " I asked for the morning of and because I don't have heat as a beta I don't have many sick day so they said it was okay" "when do you leave?" I asked, she sat down on the side of the bed "twenty minutes" she answered "let's leave together" I said, she looked confused at me "I think you should stay home today" I looked at her with big my deer eyes " Friday is a busy day and I will have a lot of customers" even tho she looked worried she tried to hide it "okay, get some clothes on so we can leave" she stepped out of the room so I could get ready. It was no lie Friday is busy and I make better money but it is always suffocating to have people come and buy flowers for there lover, it reminds me of how lonely i am. But I need to get It over so I can rest trough the weekend, so I took on my favorite light blue shirt and a lose pair of jeans and a grey zip up hoodie on top even tho its summer it sometimes could get a little chilly. I took my bag and went out to Fay who was ready to go, I threw on my gray and white Jordan's that Fay got for me on my birthday "let's go" she said and opened the door so I could go out and she went out after and locked the door. We lived on the second floor of an apartment and when we got down to the street she took her car to drive and I had a ten minute walk to the shop. "see you later, I will be home late because of an small party the company is holding" "oh okay see ya, I will text you when I get home" I said and she drove of.

Fay never actually told me where she worked I had asked her in the past but she said I shouldn't worry about it. But she has a good pay, she is also the reason I can live in such a nice apartment, I wouldn't be able to live in our house if it wasn't for her. But she said it was good place and I trust her.

When I finished thinking about Fay's work place I was in front of my store I opened up the door, and turn the sign from closed to open and went inside. I went to the back, I took of my hoodie and put on my apron so my shirt would not get dirty' I also took on my cloves and started to work. After ten minutes in the store the first customer came in it was a tall handsome man with yellow blonde hair, and casual clothes " I am here to pick up a bouquet I ordered yesterday" his voice was calm and dark but smooth " yeah it is in the back, I will go get it" I went to the back to get the bouquet it was a big one with pink and purple flowers. The man was waiting in front of the counter "it is a very beautiful shop you have here" he looked around and then back at me "thanks, this is it" I handed him the bouquet "do you perhaps have a card I could write on" he asked "sure" I took one from under the counter "is it to a lover?" I asked "yes it is to my girlfriend" he smiled slightly "congratulations" I smiled. Of course he is off limits how could he not have a girlfriend when he looks like that "thank you very much" he paid for the flowers and I watched him walk out from the store. I was never gonna find a boyfriend like that I don't have the luck.

The hours passed and customers came to pick up or place a order for a bouquet of flowers, but I could not stop thinking about the man from earlier and how it would be to have an alpha that buys flowers for you. But before I could think any deeper a woman came into the she looked stressed out, she came up to the counter "can i help you?" I asked "please tell me you make bouquets that can be done by tonight" I am sorry but the bouquet can first be done by tomorrow "please, I will pay double" she was begging "I don't know miss" I felt guilty but I was also tired and i only had an hour left so I would have to work overtime. She tried again "what if I paid you four times more the what it cost and you deliver it to my company in two hours" she sounded very serious but was still begging. I could not help to feel bad "fine I will deliver it by seven, could you please give me the the address" I had to help she looked so helpless "thank you so much!!" She smiled big time and took a business card out of her bag where the address was on. She left the store, she kinda looked like Fay in her clothes the same type of skirt, blouse, blazer and hair. But I had to stop my thoughts because I had a big bouquet I had to hurry to get done.

The clock was 6:30, I had searched the place up in advance so I knew how I long it took to get there. I would take twenty minutes to walk there so when I saw the clock was 6:30 I packed my stuff and took of my apron and put on my zip up hoodie and zipped it all the way up. I left the store and walked to the address even tho I was tired.

I was in front of a extremely big hotel, it was a least 50 stories high and the hole building was covered in glass. I walked in trough the big rotating doors. On the other side was a big open room with a front desk an a lot of elevators the room was almost to big to be called a room, the selling was to stories and it was light. I tighten the crib around the bouquet I never made a bouquet for such a fancy place. I went to the reception and asked one of the ladies behind the counter "do you know anyone here that has ordered a bouquet of flowers?" she did not look up from the computer in front of her "do you have a name?" She asked. I thought about it the woman never gave me her name, but then I remembered the business card, and fished it out of my pocket and gave it to her. When she looked at the card her eyes looked surprised up at me, she was shocked and froze "sorry" I was confused. She fast stood up and bowed to me "I am so so sorry" she was embarrassed "it is totally fine, but do you know who the flowers are for". She looked confused at me "do you not know?" She asked "I do not" I answered, she smiled slightly "you are lucky" I was so confused know where even am I. She called over a guard, was she gonna kick me out. "Please help this gentleman up to the private room" she said to the guard, the guard nodded "this way" the guard said and pointed his arm over to an elevator. I just followed after him silently, I was unsure of where he was taking me so I asked him "where are you taking me?" The man was wearing a black suit and black shades " I am taking you to Mr.Grayson and Mr.Dion's private room" we walked over to an elevator he scanned his card and pressed the bottom. I looked around there were no other elevator where you had to scan a card, but who was this Grayson and Dion even "I am sorry but who is Mr.Grayson and Mr.Dion?" I asked and the doors to the elevator opened so we stepped inside before he answered me "they ere the CEO's of GD corporation" there was only one bottom in the elevator, it was called private room. " I have never heard of that" he smiled "most people know of it" I smiled back " what floor is it" I asked the guard "fifty floor" that is gonna take a long time I thought. So I took my phone from my bag and texted Fay 'I think I will be home by 8, what about you?' I wanted to spend the evening with Fay maybe watch a movie. I put my phone back in my bag and waited for the ride to be over.

The elevator doors opened and the guard signaled to get of he was taking it back dow so I said "thank you", he nodded and smiled and the doors closed.

I was starting to feel warm again and because I stood still the suppressant was starting to warn of but if I just fast dropped of the flowers and went home to take some more I think I would be fine. I turned around from standing i front of the elevator doors to face a long hallway. The hallway was around twenty meters long and the ceiling was high and there were no widows only paintings. I started to slowly walk down the hallway there was a big door at the end, the hallway was filled with alpha pheromones and every step i took my body started to get weaker and warmer and the closer I got to the, the more worse i felt, my legs were about to collapse, my insides were burning up and I could feel the sweat running down my forehead, I could not hold my pheromones they were floating into the room but I had to get to back to reality so I grabbed the wall and tried to control my pheromones and breath. I took me five minutes to get It a little under control. I fixed my shirt and dried the sweat of my forehead, I took a step back from the door an when I was about to knock the door flew open and a omega with strawberry pink hair and no shirt stormed out of the room and over to the elevator, I had felt back because of the shock of the door opening. I took the flowers in my hand and used my last power to get on my feet again, I opened the slightly closed door, but all the power I had used before to get myself under control was useless, the room I walked into was filled with to very strong alpha pheromones, and my legs gave in on me and I felt half into the room on the floor and the bouquet also felt to the floor and a lady picked it up it was the woman that bought the flowers she tried to steal a glance at me but was told to get out so she left with the bouquet. I could not move a bone, the heat in my body raised again I could not control my breathing I was dizzy I felt like I was about to faith, I closed my eyes I was losing my mind the alpha pheromones was so strong that it was making my heat worse. When I opened my eyes a big body, with broad shoulders and a muscular body was squatting beside my head i looked from there shoes to there head I could not see who it was but his pheromones was making my body a mess and I was losing it even more so closed my eyes again, but I did not last long I could feel a hand going trough my hair from the other side of my head I looked again it was a different man he was taller but did not had as broad shoulders as him from before, they both stood up. They were talking about something I could not hear what, I looked up at them standing up over my body I did not know who they were and my vision was to blurry to see how they looked, I tried to speak but the phenomenons was so strong that the word would not come out. The door closed, the men was done talking, one of them squatted down and said something but I did not understand I could only feel his pheromones so I grabbed his arm and tried to cling to him I needed someone to fill me up, he took his arms around my waist and lifted me up holding me tightly under my knees and around my shoulder, I looked over to the other man he had a little smirk on his face and his pheromones were also strong he touched my face and kissed me not with tongue just a little peck on the lips he stepped out of the way so the man carrying me could walk he walked I could not see were to my eyes was to blurry but the room was dark and there pheromones smelled strong one of them smelled like dark Coffee and the other one smelled like mint but a mild but powerful mint and the two smells mixed together was too much. The man carrying me laid me down on something soft he turned me around gently so I was laying on my stomach, the position made my member twitch, suddenly to arms wrapped around me one around my waist and the under from under my arm up around my shoulder he was kissing my nape, I felt his member was grinding up against my hole and even with clothes on it felt good, the other man was in front of me he took both his arms around my waist and pulled me a little closer so my body came longer away from the man behind me but I pushed my ass out so my ass was up against him to not miss the pleasure, the man in front of me leaned in for a kiss forced my mouth open with his tongue his tongue explored my mouth and he finished up by sucking on my tongue he then turned my head slightly so my mouth found the man behind me's mouth he pushed his tongue into my mouth, the man's hand from in front of me traveled from my waist to down in my hole that had been leaking and twitching since earlier, he pushed one finger in and I came instantly.