

This book revolves round the lives of students and teenagers. Welcome to our diary. Welcome to Zeal highschool.

HeartzDiary · วัยรุ่น
14 Chs

Chapter 9

Quote 8: Remember it's You vs You everyday. Always  has been.

Loads of thoughts filled her head as she stared at the mirror in confusion and agitation.

How did  the mystery person know my name?

Why was I called?why me?

Ariel didn't know what to think anymore as she banded her hair in a ponytail. Things were getting weirder and more mysterious by the day, how long was all this going to last? The thought of Camille's lifeless body drifted to her mind, Who was doing all this?

Are their death really worth it?

Ariel got downstairs as she swung her bag to her back while meeting the eyes of her father Mr Daniel Garrett . Her father was deeply engrossed on his laptop as he hurriedly typed the keyboards not noticing the presence of his daughter after a few seconds. He was a busy man being a business tycoon which Ariel despised wholeheartedly.

"You are off to school?" He asked looking at her through his glasses.

There were no response from her as she approached the door.

"Be careful...I have been seeing the news lately about your school" He stood up with his hands crossed.

Ariel was annoyed by his constant talks of concern, when did he start caring about her education or how her life was?

"It's none of your concern, Mr Garrett" Ariel responded rudely while pronouncing his name.

"I told you I hate when you call me by my name, have some respect Ariel" He scolded her with a stern forming on his face.

"Then stop meddling in my business" She interjected.

He ignored what his daughter said while sitting on the large cushion chair comfortably. "I've been thinking...um, how about I transfer you to another school?"

Ariel turned to him with a dazed expression.

"I won't be transferring to any school... when did you start caring about me uhn?" She wanted to say hurtful words at him but she obliged in her mind.

"You are my only beloved daughter it's only normal am concerned" A tone of arrogance and mischief could be heard as he spoke.

"Beloved daughter?"she chuckled dryly. "Quit the stupid act already, Mr Garrett" She hissed in anger while slamming the door behind her.

How dare he pretend to her face?

She was now his beloved daughter all of a sudden.

Aidan didn't know what to do as he heard the heartbreaking news this early morning. Camille's death was on every student mouth as he got to school.

He couldn't believe his best friend was gone within a split seconds, How did it all happen? He had just regained his self from Jade's death and now Camille. This was getting really frustrating, strange and more mysterious as the time ticks.

As he scrolled down his phone in disbelief , the news read:


  'Another life is claimed as Zeal Highschool student Camille Locks commits sucide on March 10,2022 during the early night at Beverly Tower.

Zeal Highschool claims another victim!

Reports says that a sucide note was found on her pocket while investigating and autopsy was made which confirmed she actually committed sucide by falling from a mighty height?

Sucide or murder?

  What is behind the several deaths in ZHS?

Netizens says this mystery person is the SKULKER -'

  The press had already gotten involved due to the incessant news spreading.

Aidan could not continue reading every words broke his heart. Why would she commit sucide? On the night Jade was buried? A sucide note?

For some reasons he really needed to see the contents of the note because he knew all this were not exactly true.

Then a thought popped in his head which made his brow creased in fear.

What if this Karma?


" Camille was literally my crush..."

"Sucide again!..."

"Yeah...So scary she died?"

"People say this so-called person is called..."

"The SKULKER...?"

"I must say it's a catchy name..."


The class was filled with talks of Camille's death. No one could expect one of their top student could could commit sucide for reasons they couldn't decipher.

Suddenly, a male student with red hair rushed in panting while standing in front of the class attracting the whole class attention.

"Guess what?" He looked at the faces of each students in amusement.

"Spill it "A voice yelled from the back.

"We will be having a new teacher for biology" He announced while the students where all surprised by the news that Mr Yande, their biology teacher was going to be substituted for what exactly.

"Is he sick or what?".A timid dark skinned girl asked.

"From what I gathered, the principal said he quitted with no short or specific reason "Fred, their newscaster as his nickname was known said.


"Maybe he got tired of teaching us"

"I hope it's a hot male teacher am tried of seeing old faces like my grandpa..."

"You're right... another thing to interest me in biology..."

"That subject is boring as hell!.."

'The world is cruel. And to survive it, you need to be a monster and there is nothing wrong in monsters killing monsters right?'  The figure spoke in a sarcastic tone with a smirk.