
Our Bonds (A Kantai Collection Fanfic) (Remastered)

Being an Admiral sounds fun but it is not easy. First there is the war with the mysterious Abyssal Fleet, which have decided to lock down the sea and it's surrounding airspace, indiscriminately shooting at anything they deem a threat. Then there is the issue with logistics and resources, which is hard to come by with the whole lock down going on. Most important job of being an Admiral is ship maintenance. No, not that kind of maintenance. I'm taking about making sure your ships are both physically and mentally well, since they are actually girls who possess memories of historical naval warships and have their own personalities. Join the Admiral of Maizuru Naval Districts he tackles the Abyssal threat and other potential problems, like dealing with the feelings his Shipgirls have for him. PS: I don't own Kantai Collection or Azur Lane. Kantai Collection and Azur Lane belongs to their owners, DMM Games and Shanghai Manjuu respectively.

Tamayako · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
89 Chs

Chapter 84: Under a Ring of Fire

The following day, Aimi sent out Aquila and Hornet to search for the weird Wo-class. After making sure she is no longer in our mission path, Akiyama and I carried out the rest of our mission. I'm alone today, since the other girls have duties to fulfil.

Akiyama's Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model II swooped in and filled the last Abyssal bomber with holes. It pulled its nose up one final time before exploding.

"Perfect defence for point T. Mission accomplished!" (Akiyama)

"Good job everyone. Alright. Let's report this-"

"Woah! What is going on?!" (Goya)

"It's night time already?" (Hachi)

"It's dark!" (Ro-chan)

"What is happening over there?"

The monitor is blank but sound is still coming through. 

"Everyone, surface. Try to find out what's happening. Akiyama, what are the planes seeing?"

"It's no use. The fairy pilots are disorientated. I'm trying to guide them back to base but it's too dark. They are not outfitted to see in the dark. What? A ring of fire?" (Akiyama) 

"Admiral! Look! The sun!" (Shioi)

"Yo, Camera Fairy. Look around for the sun."

I can see some sharp movements and tiny glimpses of light as the fairy tries to oriented itself. After a some jerky camera movements, it finally located the sun. 

Or at least, what should be the sun.

"Is that...?"

"So cool!" (Iku)

"Iku, now's not the time to be impressed." (Imuya)

A thin ring of fire has now replaced where the sun should have been. It was an eclipse.

"Was an eclipse scheduled to happen today?"

"Not that I'm aware of, but that's not the point." (Akiyama)

"Everyone, head back to Rabaul Forward Base. Will you be able to find your way in this darkness?"

"We still have our navigation data. We will be fine." (Shioi)

"That's great. Return to base and take a break. Akiyama, we should call for a meeting soon. I have a feeling this eclipse might affect our existing plans."

"I concur. We will observe for a few hours. This is a solar eclipse. It should only last for a few minutes. The lunar ones can last more than a hour." (Akiyama)

"Ever seen one yourself?" 

"When I was younger. Parents brought me for a vacation in America. I was smart enough to look at it directly and my eyes hurt for a while." (Akiyama)

"Huh. That's the first time I hear you admitting that you did something stupid."

"Shut up." (Akiyama)

"Shioi, I need you to hold your position for a while and watch that eclipse with me. The rest of you head back to base. Akiyama, I will update you in a bit once we are sure that eclipse is here to stay." 

"Copy that." (Akiyama)

"Guys? What the heck is going on over there? I'm getting reports from my girls saying that the sun suddenly vanished." (Aimi)

Commander Aimi has entered the chat.

"Oh. You're here."

"There is an solar eclipse happening right now. We are not sure if it will affect our pre-existing plans." (Akiyama)

"But it's just an eclipse right? Those kind of things go away after a while." 

"It happened immediately after we fulfil the conditions to lure out the boss. I won't be surprised if that boss is responsible for this." 

"Oh damn. If an Abyssal is involved, then it's not an ordinary eclipse." (Aimi)

"Our LBAS is in disarray due to the sudden darkness. I'm going to have to guide them back in pairs. At least their guiding lights are lit. They should be able to avoid crashing into each other." (Akiyama)

"You do that. I will continue watching the eclipse with Shioi. Shioi,"

"Yeah?" (Shioi)

"Don't stare straight at it. Remain underwater and use the water as a lens."

"Okie~" (Shioi)

She sounds happy.

"I will give an update in 30 minutes. For the time being, do what you feel is necessary."

"Got it." (Akiyama)

"Yep. Keep in touch." (Aimi)

I waited for a little while, just to make sure those two have left the channel. Seems like it. It's just me and Shioi now.

"This is your first time seeing an eclipse. How is it?"

"It's a little ominous, but it's also cool and gives off a kind of mysterious beauty." (Shioi)

"It's intriguing. This is also my first time seeing on live."

Albeit through the camera fairy's lens.

"Really? I'm so happy!" (Shioi)

About what?

The two of us continued monitoring the ring of fire for a while.

"Say, Admiral?" (Shioi)

Although it's dark, I can still barely make out Shioi's shape and movement. She is moving her hands like a jellyfish.

"What is it?"

"Di I... do really well?" (Shioi)

"Hm? That's unusual. Did something happen?" 

"Just answer the question." (Shioi)

"Of course you have. You have been a great help to me."

"Really? You're not lying?" (Shioi)

Where is this going?

"I'm not. Why would I lie about something like this?"

"Yup, that's good then." (Shioi)

The two of us continue observing the eclipse for a while more in silence. It has already been more than 10 minutes. I doubt this eclipse is going to disappear anytime soon.

What's with her all of a sudden? Why do I feel like I should be expecting something? 

"Admiral?" (Shioi)


"Can I ask something of you, Admiral?" (Shioi)

Ah. I see. She wants a reward.

"Sure. If it's within my power."

"Yup, just one thing... alright?" (Shioi)


"I... Can you..." (Shioi)

"<USS CV-8 Hornet, reporting. All units, be advised.> A large whirlpool has been spotted towards the east of Rabaul base. I'm seeing a figure crawling out of it." (Hornet)

The sudden radio transmission from the organizational channel made me jump. Did Aimi sortie her carriers in this darkness to conduct a recon mission?

"Keita, what is the situation?" (Akiyama)

"The eclipse is still here. We are definitely going to need a change of plans."

"Figures. I will initiate an emergency meeting with HQ tomorrow. Aimi is helping us collect the data we need. Shioi can come back now. There is nothing we can do here." (Akiyama)

"Understood. I will send her back shortly. Sorry, Shioi. We got interrupted. What were you saying?"

"Eh? Ah. N-no. It's fine." (SHioi)

"Oh come on. You want a reward, right? If it's within my power and budget, I should be able to get it for you."

"Ah... Ahahaha..." (Shioi)

What's with that awkward laugh?

"Th-then... Ummm, can I... umm, can I take part in more missions?" (Shioi)

That's... simple enough. 

"Sure. I can find more sorties for you. But, is that all you want? You can ask for more."

"Yup. That's enough for me." (Shioi)

"Okay. But if there is something else you want, just let me know. Alright?"

"Yup. I will." (Shioi)

"I'm signing off now. Make your way back to base safely."

"See you later, Admiral." (Shioi)

I turned off the radio and monitor. 

This eclipse is was unexpected. We can use Night planes to finish this mission, but we will need to sacrifice some equipment space to equip NOAPs, and in turn, some firepower. We will also need to use Searchlights and Starshells to light up the area. 

This part of the operation might very well be an perpetual night battle.