
Otsutsuki traveling the Multiverse

My first attempt at writing something. Constructive cristiscm would be appreciated. The story starts in Naruto, with a guy that 'reincarnated' in the Narutoverse as an Ōtsutsuki. He got 3 wishes and starts his journey though the multiverse towards becoming a true God.

Ol_T4 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
28 Chs


After flying above the forest for a while, I found a clearing soon enough. I sat down and started circulating my chakra.

Slowly and gently I pushed my chakra through the channels leading towards my eyes. As soon as it touched my eyes, a pulse of chakra went outwards and my view completely changed.

If there was an observer looking from the outside, they'd see a small boy standing in a clearing, a pulse of chakra he emitted pushing the grass away from him as if he was manipulating the wind and his eyes glowing a pure and bright blue.

Information rushed through my brain, it was almost too much to bear but I stuck with it, and after a few seconds of acclimating to everything I could think clearly again.

My view was totally different, I could see in a 360 degree angle all around me, with no obstructions hindering my sight. Seeing through trees and the ground proved to be no problem at all.

At first I thought I might just have some weird version of the Byakugan, however as I went through the information transmitted to my brain, my eyes widened in astonishment.

This was so much more than a simple Byakugan or even Tenseigan. While it could do the same things as the Byakugan, without it's drawbacks like a blind spot, it gave a 360 degree vision, seeing chakra, and being able to look through obstructions, it could do a whole lot more.

I didn't have the Tenseigan chakra mode, Silver or Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion or even the Truthseeking balls, but I wasn't feeling sad in the slightest.

My Dōjutsu allowed me the ability to control both attractive and repulsive forces, just like the Rinnegan did, but also to create a barrier or bubble of space-time around myself to protect me.

Thinking back on the fight I just had, if the fire ball came flying towards me and I activated my space time barrier and made it cover my body, the ball simply would have met almost infinite space whilst also experiencing tens/hundreds/ or perhaps thousands of years of time. Thus making it impossible to reach my body.

I could tell that with more chakra and mastery in both aspects of space and time I would be able to push my barrier outwards, creating a bubble of space and time in which I was the master of everything.

Ideas kept flowing through my head and I was giddy with excitement thinking of the possibilities. Just thinking of trapping someone within and letting them experience hundreds of years in a second.. and just like that they're dead. Or teleporting only half their body and whoops their upper body is here whilst their lower body is still standing in the same spot over there.. and they're dead.

'Damn I'm going to be so OP.' I thought grinning to myself.

After getting out of my fantasies I started with my barrier first, since it was by far the most exciting. I activated the ability and I could see ripples just above my skin on my whole body. It wouldn't be possible to see with the naked eye but for people that could see chakra it'd be possible.

This ability came automatically without me having to do anything, and while it drained quite a lot of chakra, it was definitely going to be a life saver.

I could tell that if I got more knowledgeable and attuned to space and time in the future, which I assume to be my main affinities, I would be able to develop new techniques. My Dōjutsu wasn't like any other.

Techniques of the EMS or Rinnegan were set in stone, and all one could do was work on mastering and incorporating them into one's fighting style. But my Dōjutsu had the ability to become more in tandem with my mastery over my affinities. Truly glorious.

While I would have liked to try more things, I deactivated my space time barrier, wanting to try out my attractive and repulsive forces.

Since I still had my 360 degrees vision I instantly noticed a pebble laying on the ground and pointed my left hand at it.

"Universal Pull"

The pebble came flying right to my stretched out hand, I could tell I didn't have much control over it, since it actually stung my hand quite a bit as I catched it. However it was my first try so that was to be expected.

"Ultimate Push"

The pebble went shooting from my hand, flying towards a tree and speeds hard to see with the eye and embedded itself into its bark.

Grinning, I was quite satisfied with my Dōjutsu, but as I started to feel my chakra starting to run low, mainly because of my barrier, I stopped sending chakra to my eyes. My vision turned back to normal but I still had a stupid big grin on my face. Totally happy with the boons this day brought me.

Now I was met with a difficult decision, whether to stay in the forest for a while longer, trying to get more familiar with me new abilities, or wether to go looking for a town and gain some information about where I am as well in what time period I am.

I closed my eyes, thinking of the pros and cons of both options and relatively quickly came to a decision.