
Otis’s Odyssey: A Man’s Journey in a Woman’s World’

A world where the male/female ratio is skewed at 1:25. In this dystopian world, societal norms have been completely reversed. Women now hold all the power, and men are left to fend for themselves. This drastic imbalance has led to a complete shift in the power dynamics between the sexes. Women are now the dominant force, and men are reduced to mere objects of desire. Chastity is no longer a virtue in this world. Instead, promiscuity is encouraged, and women's sexual desires are amplified to an extreme degree. Most men are afraid of women and try to avoid them at all costs. The few men who do interact with women do so at their own peril, as they are often subjected to the whims and fancies of their female counterparts. Otis, reborn in such a world, aims to become a womanizer, a dream he could not achieve in his previous life.   This was Otis's story, and he was determined to make the most of it. He was going to live life to the fullest, and he was going to do it on his terms. He was a man reborn, and he was ready to take on the world.

Roni_Sarker · สมจริง
42 Chs

Whispers Through the Door 4

Of course, the woman is also feeling the sensation of having her breasts pressed together and the tingling sensation of her nipples being stimulated as the man's penis rubs against them. But even so, the overall pleasure she feels from this type of stimulation is often far inferior to the intense, almost overwhelming gratification experienced by the man. Her pleasure is more diffuse and less concentrated than the singular, laser-focused bliss of her penetrating partner.

In other words, for men who love boobs, this is heaven. The sensation of having their penises nestled between a woman's soft, pliant breasts, with the added stimulation of her nipples grazing and caressing the shaft, is an experience that borders on the transcendent. It is a primal, almost animalistic delight that taps into the most basic and fundamental aspects of male sexuality.

And as a man who loves boobs, Otis was in heaven. Every time her tits move up, the penis feels the pressure and friction, and every time her tits move down, the penis feels the weight and softness of her breasts. And every time she sucks on the tip of his cock, his body shudders with pleasure. It's a pleasant experience that seems to simultaneously satisfy his physical and psychological needs, like a perfect union of form and function.


This does not happen in sex.

For men, sex is about penetrating.

It's a basic instinct.

And the same goes for women.

They want to be penetrated.

They want a cock to go inside of them to fill them up.

And when a man's cock enters a woman's body, it's a very intimate, intense experience.

But what are we doing now?

What she is doing now, and what I am doing now, is a completely different kind of intimacy.

It's more primal.

 She, the giver of life, the nourisher of the young, now uses her most sacred of corporeal gifts—her breast—to pleasure a grown man and to coax from him the ultimate expression of his arousal. The breast, designed by nature to sustain and comfort the helpless infant, is now employed as an instrument of carnal delight, a means to elicit the release of his semen and bring him to a state of profound, ecstatic satisfaction.

 This is the epitome of debauchery.

 And it feels amazing.

 "Mmmph..! Slllrrrrrp~!" Rose sucked loudly on his cock, doing her best to dutifully tease every part of his cocktip she could reach while massaging her soft, luscious tits. Her hands were still gripping her breasts tightly, pressing them together and providing a tight tunnel for his cock to thrust through.

Otis closed his eyes and let the sensation wash over him.

"Yes! Keep doing that!" he gasped.

Rose moaned and continued sucking and licking her brother's cock.

He began to thrust faster, his hips pumping up and down.

Rose matched his rhythm,  She slobbered on the head of his cock noisily as she dragged her tits up and down again and again, until the heavy shelf of her tits were slapping noisly on the bare skin of his thighs.

"Y-yes..! It feels incredible!" Otis exclaimed, panting roughly, "I can't hold it anymore. I'm gonna cum..! I'm going to shoot my load all over your face and tits, Rose..! Do you want it? Tell me how much you want it, you filthy whore..! Tell me you want your brother's cum on your face and tits! Beg for it, you slutty sister..! Beg for your brother's cum!

Rose opened her mouth wide, her tongue extended, and stared up at her brother, her eyes filled with lust.


"Please, brother, cover me with your cum! I need it so badly! Please, Otis, I want it so bad! Make me your dirty, filthy, cum-drenched sister! Mark me, Otis, mark me with your sperm! !"



"FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" Otis roared, grabbing hold of her chest and planting his cock so deep within her cleavage that when he did come, it was like a firehose had gone off.

Rope after rope of his thick, sticky spunk erupted from the tip of his penis, blasting Rose's face, neck, and breasts. She shrieked with delight and continued to rub her tits around his spurting cock, milking him dry.

"YESSS! Give it to me, brother! Cover me with your cum! Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES! !" Rose slumped back, feeling his seed compact itself within the tightened confines of her cleavage.


She could feel his cum pooling within her valley, the warm, thick liquid coating her breasts.

"Mmm, so warm..." she cooed, running her hands along her soaked body, "so warm and sticky..."

Otis panted and sat back, his head spinning. He watched as Rose continued to fondle herself, smearing his cum all over her chest. She then took a finger and scooped up a big glob of his semen from the top of her breast and sucked it clean. She closed her eyes, savoring the taste of her brother's sperm.

"You taste so good, Otis. So sweet and salty... Mmmm, I love it."

She placed her knees between my legs, right on the edge of the mattress, supporting her weight there, and then bent her legs slightly and lowered her body. As she did so, she spread her legs a bit more, exposing her pussy, which was slick and wet with her juices. She reached out and grabbed the base of my cock, and then, with a seductive smile, began stroking it.

"Hmm... Shall we just keep going like this?" she purred, "or would you prefer I ride you, brother?"

"Can I see your boobs first?" I'm not done looking at them."

Rose smiled, her lips curled upwards into a wicked grin.

"You can do whatever you like, Otis," she replied. "I'm yours, completely."


I put my arms around her as if to hug her. Her tits squashed against my chest, and I could feel her hard nipples pressing against my skin. My cock, still stiff from my earlier orgasm, was trapped between her belly and mine. 


Her chest was mere inches from my face, and an intoxicating scent wafted towards me, filling the air with a potent blend of aromas. The mingling of sweat and semen on her skin created a pungent yet oddly sweet fragrance, a sensory concoction that was further softened by the faint, lingering hint of soap. 

"Look how much of your cum I've got on my tits," Rose whispered, leaning forward to kiss my neck. "You did say you wanted to see them."

"Yeah, but..." I hesitated, uncertain how to explain.

"But what, Otis?" she pressed, kissing my jawline.

"Well, as much as I like to see your breasts baptized in my semen," I replied with a mischievous grin, "I would really like to suck them too."

Rose laughed softly, a sound that sent shivers down my spine, and she tenderly cupped my cheek in her palm. Her touch was both comforting and electrifying. "That can certainly be arranged," she purred, her voice a sultry murmur that promised forbidden delights. "Just let me Let me clean them up first, brother," she added, the taboo of her words igniting a fire within me. "Then you can suck them to your heart's content."

She pushed me back and straddled my waist. She reached up and began rubbing her tits.

"Mmm... You did make quite a mess, didn't you?" she purred. "But don't worry, brother, I'll take care of it."

And with that, she bent her head, lifted one of her heavy breasts to her mouth, and began to feast on the nipple.

I watched, mesmerized, as her tongue darted out and lapped up the creamy white liquid that covered her rosy pink bud. Her lips pursed, and she drew the stiffening nipple into her mouth, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked. Her other hand squeezed and massaged her breast, kneading the firm flesh.

"Ah, Otis," she breathed, "you taste so good. Your cum tastes so good on my tits."

"God, Rose, you look so sexy doing that," I moaned, my cock growing harder as I watched her suck and lick her own tits. "Keep going. Suck it all up. Make sure you get every last drop."

Rose grinned with a devilish gleam in her eyes. She licked, nibbled, and sucked her breasts, making sure to clean every inch of her pale, milky skin. She was thorough, working her way around her ample breasts, lapping up the thick, sticky substance that clung to her flesh.

"You like that, Otis?" she murmured, pausing to take a breath. "You like watching me eat my own tits? You like seeing me get them nice and clean so you can suck them yourself?"

"Yes," I panted, my cock aching with need. "Yes, Rose, I love watching you suck your own tits. I love seeing you get them all wet and shiny so I can suck them. I love watching your tongue lick them, your lips wrap around them, and your cheeks hollow out when you suck on them. God, you're so fucking hot, Rose. You're the hottest girl I've ever seen."

Rose smiled and resumed her task, licking and nibbling her breasts until they were shining and slick with her saliva. She took the nipple of her other breast between her teeth and tugged lightly, teasing the sensitive bud. She then switched back and forth, licking, sucking, and biting, making sure both her breasts were thoroughly cleaned.

Finally, she sat up, her tits glistening with her spit, and grinned down at me. "All clean," she declared, "ready for you to suck them, Otis."

"Fuck, yes," I growled, reaching up and pulling her down onto me, crushing her breasts against my face.


A fluffy, sweet smell filled my nostrils, the scent of her skin and sweat mingling with the lingering aroma of her soap. 

I inhaled deeply, my chest expanding as I greedily took in her alluring fragrance. The air was thick with the scent of her, and I found myself craving more, desperate to be consumed by her alluring essence.

"You sniff a little too much. Do you like the smell of my boobs that much?' Rose giggled, her voice rich and sultry, like honey dripping from the comb. 


"Yeah," I sighed, surrendering to the allure of her scent. "You smell amazing, Rose. Intoxicating. Irresistible."

"Good," she purred, her hands gently cupping my head and pressing it into her chest, her soft curves cradling me. "Because I want you to keep breathing it in, Otis. I want you to get lost in the scent of my tits, to let it consume you, to drown in it."

My cock throbbed with need at her words, and I eagerly complied, burying my face in her supple breasts and inhaling deeply. The warmth of her skin against my cheek, the gentle rise and fall of her chest with each breath, the enveloping aroma—it was all-encompassing, overwhelming my senses.

"There you go, Otis," she encouraged, stroking my hair with a feather-light touch. "Breathe it all in. Let it fill your lungs, flood your senses, and wash over you. Lose yourself in the intoxicating fragrance of my body."

Her voice was a hypnotic murmur, lulling me into a state of pure bliss. I felt weightless, floating in a sea of pleasure, my entire world reduced to the heavenly scents emanating from her magnificent breasts. I was drowning in the heady, enthralling scent of her, and I didn't care. I would gladly sink to the bottom of the ocean, never to emerge again, if it meant being engulfed in the sublime aroma of her voluptuous curves.

"God, Rose," I moaned, my voice muffled against her skin, "you smell so fucking good. It's intoxicating and addictive. I could stay like this forever, surrounded by the sweet, irresistible scent of your tits."

"Don't worry, Otis," she purred, a wicked smile playing on her lips. "You can stay like this as long as you want. I'm not going anywhere."

Her words sent a shiver down my spine, with the promise of endless pleasure echoing through my mind. I pressed my face deeper into the warm, supple flesh of her bosom, my nostrils flaring as I drew in a deep breath.


While I was doing so, she started to move, her body undulating against mine, grinding her tits against my face, the firm yet pliable orbs of flesh sliding across my cheeks and nose, her hardened nipples dragging across my skin. It was an exquisite sensation—her smooth, silky skin gliding against mine, the intoxicating aroma of her body permeating the air. I was intoxicated, lost in the sensual bliss of her movements, unable to think, reason, or do anything but revel in the sublime feeling of her perfect breasts enveloping my face.

She moved slowly at first, taking her time, her hips swaying from side to side and her chest gently bobbing up and down. But as my body began to respond to her seductive movements, her pace increased, her body becoming a blur of motion as she gyrated on top of me, her breasts bouncing and jiggling with each fluid motion.

"Mmm, Otis," she purred, her voice low and breathy, "does that feel good? Do you like feeling my tits rub all over your face? Do you like the smell of my body? Do you want to be surrounded by my scent and consumed by it?"


"Yes," I groaned, my voice hoarse and desperate. "God, yes, Rose. You smell amazing, you feel amazing, and I want to be surrounded by your scent. I want to be consumed by it. I want to drown in it. God, Rose, please, just keep moving; keep rubbing your tits all over my face; just keep going."

She smiled down at me, a mischievous glint in her eye, and redoubled her efforts, her hips gyrating, her chest heaving, and her breasts bouncing and swaying with wild abandon.


I was in heaven, lost in a sea of ecstasy, my entire being focused on the heavenly sensation of her glorious breasts caressing my face.

The scent of her, the feel of her, the sight of her—it was all too much, and I felt myself being pulled under by the powerful waves of pleasure, my mind and body succumbing to the irresistible lure of her feminine allure.

While still grinding her tits on him, Rose lowered herself down, her body hovering over him, her face inches from his.

"So, Otis," she breathed, her voice husky with desire. "What do you want? What do you want right now, in this moment?"

"I want..." I gasped, my body trembling with need and my cock aching and throbbing with the force of my desire. "I want to suck your tits, Rose. I want to suck them, lick them, bite them, and make you moan, scream, and writhe with pleasure. I want to suck on your tits until you come, until you can't take any more, until you're begging me to stop. I want to drink in the sweet, intoxicating nectar of your body, Rose. I want to drown in it."

A devious smile crossed her face, and she pressed her body against mine, her breasts squishing against my chest, her nipples grazing my skin, and the soft, silky skin of her belly sliding against the rock-hard length of my erection.

"Well then, Otis," she purred, her lips curling upwards into a wicked grin, "go ahead. Suck them. Suck my tits."

At her words, I lost control, my restraint crumbled, and I surrendered to the overwhelming desire that had been building within me. I grabbed her breasts with both hands, squeezing and kneading the supple flesh, before bringing her stiffened nipple to my mouth and drawing it between my lips.