
Otis’s Odyssey: A Man’s Journey in a Woman’s World’

A world where the male/female ratio is skewed at 1:25. In this dystopian world, societal norms have been completely reversed. Women now hold all the power, and men are left to fend for themselves. This drastic imbalance has led to a complete shift in the power dynamics between the sexes. Women are now the dominant force, and men are reduced to mere objects of desire. Chastity is no longer a virtue in this world. Instead, promiscuity is encouraged, and women's sexual desires are amplified to an extreme degree. Most men are afraid of women and try to avoid them at all costs. The few men who do interact with women do so at their own peril, as they are often subjected to the whims and fancies of their female counterparts. Otis, reborn in such a world, aims to become a womanizer, a dream he could not achieve in his previous life.   This was Otis's story, and he was determined to make the most of it. He was going to live life to the fullest, and he was going to do it on his terms. He was a man reborn, and he was ready to take on the world.

Roni_Sarker · สมจริง
42 Chs

Whispers Through the Door(last)

"Mmmm..." Rose murmured, feeling the cool lube and her brother's finger sliding against her. She could feel her ass relaxing as she was lubed up.

"There we go," Otis said, satisfied with the job. "I'm going to try and push my finger in now. Are you ready?"

"Yeah, I'm ready," Rose said, trying not to sound nervous. "Just be gentle, okay?"

"Of course," Otis promised. "I'll be gentle."

With that, he slowly inserted his finger into her tight asshole, feeling the resistance as his digit pushed past her sphincter.

"Ahhh," Rose moaned, feeling her ass being penetrated. She could feel her muscles clenching around her brother's finger, and it was both a little uncomfortable and a little exciting.

"Does that hurt?" Otis asked, worried.

"No, it doesn't hurt," Rose assured him. "It's just... strange. I've never had anything in my ass before."

"Are you sure?" Otis asked. "I can stop if you're not comfortable."

"No, don't stop," Rose insisted. "It's okay. It feels weird, but it's not bad. Keep going."

Otis was relieved, and he continued to push his finger deeper into her ass until he was all the way in.

"Okay," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Now, I'm going to start moving my finger. Let me know if it hurts, and I'll stop."

"All right," Rose said, her voice trembling slightly.


Slowly, gently, Otis began to move his finger, pulling it out a little and then pushing it back in, getting her used to the sensation. Rose closed her eyes and tried to relax, breathing deeply as her brother's finger slid in and out of her tight asshole.

"Is that okay?" Otis asked, looking into her eyes, wanting to be sure she was enjoying the experience.

"Mmm-hmm," Rose hummed. "It feels... good. I didn't expect it to feel so good."Otis smiled and began to increase the pace and depth of his fingering. Rose moaned and writhed on the bed, her ass clenching and unclenching as his finger probed her depths.



"Oh god, that feels good," Rose moaned as her brother fingered her ass. She moaned in delight as his naughty finger continued to infiltrate her hole. "Try adding another finger," she gasped, her body squirming with ecstasy as she felt his digit inside her ass.


"Are you sure?" Otis questioned, unsure, not wanting to hurt his sister.

"Yes," Rose breathed, her eyes half-lidded. "I can take it.


"Okay, let me get more lotion," Otis said, pulling his finger out of his sister's buttocks. He squeezed some more cream over his index and middle fingers and quickly slipped the tips in.

Rose moaned softly as her brother's finger left her tight hole. She could feel her ass closing up, and she had to admit, it was kind of an odd sensation.

Otis poured more lube on his fingers, rubbing them together and getting them nice and slick. Then he placed his index and middle fingers on her asshole and began to press into her.


"Aw, slow," Rose said as two of her brother's fingers now entered her ass. She took a deep breath and clenched her teeth as she felt her hole stretch to allow both fingers in.

"Try to relax," Otis offered, as he felt his sister's asshole fighting to keep his fingers out. He heard her take a deep breath, and a moment later he sensed her anus loosening and managed to slip both fingers inside it. Rose let out another grunt as he pushed both fingers into her ass. He slowly pushed them in and began to gently finger her. He could feel her asshole stretching, his fingers moving in and out of her much more easily now, and he started going a little faster.

"God, that feels so fucking good," Rose gasped, her eyes squeezed shut and her hands gripping the sheets tightly.

"Really? You like that?" Otis asked.

"Mmmmm, yeah," Rose moaned. "I never thought having something in my ass would feel so good."

Otis grinned and kept going, his fingers pumping in and out of her asshole. He could feel her sphincter loosening up, allowing him to go deeper and faster. Rose writhed and bucked, her hips thrusting upwards, her body writhing and squirming with pleasure as his fingers slid in and out of her ass.

"God, Otis, I need your cock in me now," she groaned. "Just use a lot of lotion and go really slow until I tell you it's okay."

"All right," Otis said.

He pulled his fingers out of her tight little hole and reached for the bottle of lube.

"Ready?" he asked as he poured a generous amount of lube on his hand and spread it all over his erect cock.

"I'm ready," Rose said, looking up at him with lust-filled eyes.

Otis got on his knees and positioned himself between her legs, his cock hovering over her gaping asshole.

Her asshole already looked wider from his fingering it, and he grabbed her hips and pulled her towards him, her ass coming closer and closer until the tip of his penis touched Rose's rosebud. 

"Aaah!" Rose moaned and gasped as she felt his cocktip on her ass. She braced herself, knowing what was about to come.

"Here goes nothing," Otis said, taking a deep breath. Slowly, he started to push his cock into her ass, the tightness making it a bit of a challenge.


"Oh god!" Rose whimpered as her brother shoved his cock into her ass. She closed her eyes and clawed at the covers as his hard dick made its way inside her. She felt a mixture of pain and pleasure as her brother slowly pushed his shaft in, stretching her tight little hole with his cock until she could feel his balls slap against her ass and his entire length buried inside her.

"Oh, fuck, that's so tight," Otis moaned with pleasure as Rose's insides clamped down on his cock. Her anal ring was squeezing the base of his cock like a vice, and he froze for a few seconds, letting out another moan as his sister's ass stretched around his shaft. "Are you okay?" Otis asked, worried, after a few seconds of Rose grunting painfully.

"Yes," Rose said with a strained voice. "You can start moving, but do it really slowly," she asked of her brother as her body slowly adapted to his cock inside her.

. "Alright, I'm going to pull out a bit, then push back in," Otis said, and he began to move his cock slowly, pulling back until just the head remained and then pushing it back in with a firm thrust.

. "Oh fuck," Rose grunted, and it immediately stopped. "It's okay, keep going," Rose said reassuringly, and she let out a deep moan as it started to fuck her ass.


The sensations were overwhelming for Rose, who had never experienced anything like this before. The feeling of fullness was almost unbearable, and she could feel her muscles stretching and contracting as Otis's cock moved inside her.

She closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on the pleasure rather than the pain, and as her body adjusted to the invasion, the pain began to subside. Otis's cock began to feel like a hot, thick rod, sliding in and out of her tight hole, and she could feel the wetness of the lube mixing with her own juices.

. "Oh, god," she moaned as her brother's cock penetrated her most intimate place, the tip of his cock rubbing against her sensitive nerve endings.


"Oh fuck, sis, your ass feels so good," he moaned as he continued defiling his sister's backdoor. "It's so fucking tight," he added with a moan as her ass squeezed his cock delightfully. He was relieved to see his sister enjoying it; the pain she felt at the beginning made way to pleasure as her butt started willingly accepting him.

"I can't believe you're fucking my ass," Rose said cheerfully, a victorious smile forming on her face as she moaned in pleasure. "Start going faster," she told Otis, closing her eyes. "Oh fuck!" Rose groaned and bit her lip as her brother started thrusting harder into her. The first thrust or two were a bit painful, but after that, it went back to feeling amazing as her brother shoved his hard shaft deep into her anus.

Otis could not believe how tight and warm his sister's ass was, and the sight of his cock disappearing into her anus was incredibly erotic. His hands tightened on her hips as he continued to fuck her, and he could hear her moaning and gasping as he thrust into her.

""Oh yes, just like that!" Rose moaned as he thrust his dick into her with long, slow motions. She closed her eyes and started moaning while Ottis began kissing her neck as he continued fucking her ass. "Oh god!" She moaned as he began pumping her ass, continuing to push himself into her with long, hard strokes that made her body shiver with pleasure.

"Oh yeah, you like that?" He whispered into his sister's ear in a sexy, perverse tone.

"Yes!" Rose whispered between whimpering moans.

"You like your brother fucking your big fat ass?" he asked, and he gave her a powerful thrust that made her squeal. He remembered how much Rose loved to talk dirty when they were having sex.

"Yeeessss!" Rose admitted between moans of perverse incestuous pleasure. She had her eyes closed and kept moaning and groaning as her brother claimed her ass.

"You want your brother to cum inside your ass?" he asked kinkily as the pleasure of his sister's tight hole was getting him dangerously close to his climax.

"Oh my god, yes!" Rose squealed in a hoarse voice, almost begging as the pleasure continued to shoot through her. 

"Good, because I'm going to pump your ass full of my cum!" Otis moaned, and Rose let out another whimper as he increased his speed and forcefulness. . She felt the pleasure growing, radiating to her clit and pussy, when all of a sudden, an orgasmic release hit her. She let out a whimpering scream of surprise, a mixture of pain and euphoric pleasure, and closed her eyes as it washed over her. She felt her body ripple with shivering pleasure, and just like that, as quickly as it came, it faded away.

"Oh fuck," Otis grunted as he kept tapping her plump booty. He watched it wiggle around as he shoved his manhood inside it and continued kneading it as Rose moaned. He sped up slightly, making Rose squeal softly and grunting as he started ejaculating. "Oh my god!" Otis groaned as he came inside his sister's ass. He kept thrusting his dick and moaned as a strong burning pleasure ran through him. The way Rose's tight anus was squeezing his cock was so good that he could not stop moaning at his incestuous thrusts, and soon his whole body shook as the pleasure peaked, and he started pumping his load inside his sister.

"Yes!" Rose shouted in a high-pitched voice and closed her eyes as she felt his warm jizz enter her body. Her mind was reeling from the intense orgasm, and she was still recovering when he finally finished spurting his seed inside her. He took a step back, pulled his softening cock out, and watched as a stream of his cum came out of her gaping hole.



"Oh my god!" Rose chanted breathlessly as she turned her head to look at her brother, Otis. Her face was flushed, and her chest was heaving up and down as she struggled to catch her breath. "That was amazing," she said, and Otis gave her a warm, panting smile.

"You really think so?" he asked hopefully, his eyes shining with a mix of excitement and vulnerability.

"Definitely," Rose assured him, a euphoric glow radiating from her expression. "It was even better than I had imagined." She reached out and gently caressed his arm, her touch sending shivers down his spine.

Otis felt a surge of pride and relief wash over him. "I'm so glad you liked it," he said, his voice laced with a hint of awe. The two siblings sat in a charged silence for a moment, their heavy breaths the only sound that filled the room.

Suddenly, Rose's expression shifted, a playful glint emerging in her eyes. "Did I imagine it, or did you call my ass fat?" she said, feigning annoyance as a mischievous smile tugged at the corners of her lips.


"Sorry," Otis said as he started laughing. "I got a little carried away," he added as Rose joined his laughter. "You know I absolutely love your gorgeous, shapely ass," he said, his eyes hungrily roaming over Rose's curvaceous figure. A coy smile played on her lips as she slowly turned over onto her stomach, deliberately arching her back to accentuate the alluring swell of her posterior.

"So, you don't think it's too big or... unattractive?" she asked, glancing back at him with a playful pout, her hand lightly caressing the firm flesh of her buttocks. 

Otis chuckled deeply, his gaze darkening with open desire. "Are you kidding? I think your ass is absolutely perfect—so round, so supple." With that, he placed his large hands on either side of her hips, giving the pliant curves a gentle squeeze. "It's absolutely mouthwatering."

Rose's eyes gleamed with mischief. "Well, in that case, I certainly hope you'll continue to treat it with the reverence it deserves. Because if you ever fail to appreciate my beautiful butt, I won't be letting you play with it anymore," she purred, arching an eyebrow at him.

Otis' expression turned serious as he slowly climbed onto the bed, positioning himself behind her. Tenderly, he leaned down and began peppering soft, adoring kisses all along the sumptuous swell of her rear, eliciting a burst of delighted giggles from Rose.

"How's this, my love?" He murmured against her skin, his tongue darting out to trace tantalizing patterns. "Am I showing your lovely backside the reverence it deserves?"

Rose sighed contentedly, relaxing into his touch. "Mmm, yes, that's perfection. Now, be a dear and go fetch me something to clean up with. It's getting quite late, and I need to be well rested for tomorrow."