
Otis’s Odyssey: A Man’s Journey in a Woman’s World’

A world where the male/female ratio is skewed at 1:25. In this dystopian world, societal norms have been completely reversed. Women now hold all the power, and men are left to fend for themselves. This drastic imbalance has led to a complete shift in the power dynamics between the sexes. Women are now the dominant force, and men are reduced to mere objects of desire. Chastity is no longer a virtue in this world. Instead, promiscuity is encouraged, and women's sexual desires are amplified to an extreme degree. Most men are afraid of women and try to avoid them at all costs. The few men who do interact with women do so at their own peril, as they are often subjected to the whims and fancies of their female counterparts. Otis, reborn in such a world, aims to become a womanizer, a dream he could not achieve in his previous life.   This was Otis's story, and he was determined to make the most of it. He was going to live life to the fullest, and he was going to do it on his terms. He was a man reborn, and he was ready to take on the world.

Roni_Sarker · สมจริง
42 Chs

Mana last


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"Use it?" a girl asked, sounding confused.

"That's right," Mrs. Takanashi responded, nodding.

"Once you can control the flow of your mana, you can channel it into various types of magic."

"What kind of magic?" a girl asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"All sorts," Mrs. Takanashi said, gesturing around her.

"Healing, protection, offensive magic... the list goes on." 

"That's amazing," the girl said, her excitement palpable.

"Indeed," Mrs. Takanashi said, grinning at us.

"But we are not going to be doing any of that," she said firmly. 

. "Why not?" 

"Because we don't live in the medieval period anymore," Mrs. Takanashi replied with a chuckle.

"We are modern, and we have access to modern weapons." 

As she spoke, four girls entered the room, each carrying a large box. Mrs. Takanashi clapped her hands, and they set the boxes down on the floor. 


"Inside these boxes are the modern tools of war," she announced, her voice firm and commanding. "Each one has been crafted with precision and care, designed to give you the edge in battle."

With a flourish, she began opening the lids of the boxes one by one, revealing row upon row of weapons. 

The students gathered around her, their eyes wide with anticipation as they waited to see what lay inside.

"Here, you'll find handguns, automatic rifles, submachine guns, and shotguns," Mrs. Takanashi explained, pulling out each weapon in turn. "Each one has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, so it's important to choose the right one for the job." She gestured to the rifles in her hands. 

"They're accurate and powerful, but they require a steady hand and a keen eye. If you're up against an enemy who's far away, these rifles will give you an edge."

She then turned to a table where several submachine guns were laid out. "The submachine guns, on the other hand, are better suited for close-quarters combat," she explained. "They're lightweight and easy to maneuver, but they don't have the same range as the rifles. If you're in a tight space or need to move quickly, these guns will be your best bet." 


Mrs. Takanashi then moved on to the shotguns, which were particularly popular with the students. "These are great for taking out multiple enemies at once," she said, handing out a shotgun to Kana. "This will make it easier for you to move quickly and efficiently on the battlefield."

As the students examined the various weapons in front of them, Mrs. Takanashi continued her explanation. "All the weapons emit a mana laser that ablates the surface of the target," she said. "This creates a short-lived burst of mana, which in turn creates a rush of sound, light, and manamagnetic waves. Depending on your element, the weapon can fire different kinds of attacks. For example, if you have a fire element, your weapon will emit a burst of flames. If you have a water element, your weapon will emit a burst of water. It's important to know your element and how to use it to your advantage."

At this point, Mrs. Takanashi paused to gauge the reactions of the students. "Any questions so far?" she asked.

There was a moment of silence before one of the girls raised her hand. "How do you know which weapon is right for you?" she asked.

Mrs. Takanashi smiled. "Good question," she said. "I suggest you try out a variety of weapons and see which one feels most comfortable in your hand. Once you find that one weapon that speaks to you, that's the one you should stick with."

The students nodded, taking note of Mrs. Takanashi's advice. They were eager to try out different weapons and find the one that suited them best. "Also, it's important to remember that all weapons are mana-powered," Mrs. Takanashi continued. "This means that they can be used indefinitely, as long as you have enough mana. It's important to conserve your mana, however, as it can take time to replenish. This will give you an advantage in battle, as you won't need to worry about running out of ammunition." 

The students nodded, understanding the importance of conserving their mana. They knew that in battle, every advantage counted, and conserving their mana could mean the difference between victory and defeat. Mrs.

Takanashi glanced around the classroom, seeing the looks of eagerness on the faces of her students. "Are there any other questions?" she asked. 

One student raised her hand. "Do all the weapons work the same way?" she asked.

Mrs. Takanashi nodded. "Mostly," she replied. "The key differences between the weapons are in the types of ammunition they use. For example, pistols and handguns use a variety of projectile types, such as bullets, slugs, and darts. The rifles and shotguns use a variety of ammunition as well, such as flechettes, darts, and slugs. All the ammunition is designed to create a manamagnetic explosion."

Another student raised her hand. "If a bullet hits me, does it hurt?" she asked.

"Yes," Mrs. Takanashi responded. "A bullet would feel like a punch. It would hurt, but it would not be fatal unless the bullet struck you in a vital area. But the armor you wear would also help mitigate the pain of the impact."

"Any more questions?" Mrs. Takanashi asked.

When no one else responded, she clapped her hands together. "Okay, then," she said, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "

"Before we conclude our lesson for today," she said, "I want to make sure everyone is clear on what we'll be doing next week." She paused for a moment, letting the anticipation build.

"The ladies will be choosing a weapon and learning how to fire it using their male partner's shared mana," she continued. "This is an important lesson, as it will teach you how to work together as a team and make the most of your strengths." She looked over at the male students, who were listening intently.

"And for the gentlemen," she said, "you will be learning how to support and power your partner's weapon. This is just as important as learning to use a weapon yourself, as it will allow you to work together seamlessly and effectively."

Another student, a male this time, spoke up. "What if we don't have any mana to share with our partner?" he asked.

Mrs. Takanashi's smile didn't falter. "Don't worry," she said. "We will be providing mana stones for everyone to use during the lesson. This way, everyone will have an equal opportunity to learn and succeed."

She paused for a moment, allowing her words to sink in. "Now, I know this might be a little intimidating for some of you," she continued, "but trust me when I say that you're all capable of doing this. With hard work and determination, you'll be firing those weapons like pros in no time." 

"That's all for today," she concluded. "You're free to go.."

The class immediately began gathering their things, talking animatedly amongst themselves as they headed out the door. I lingered behind, waiting for Kana to finish putting her things away.

"Ready to go?" I asked as she approached.

She nodded, a smile spreading across her face. "Ready."

Together, we left the classroom, the sounds of our footsteps echoing down the hall.