
Otherworldly Oath

waking up in an entirely different dimension full of unbelievably magical things and beings not knowing what happened

LadyDx · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


The howling whispers of the wind blew in every direction, up, down round and round and through the cracks of the walls and windows of people's houses, the outside being a new moon and the darkest of nights. The dark fell like a blanket that was lay across the earth, total blackness. No one would have noticed a shadow stood underneath a street lamp and looking at a house in particular and sighing thoughtfully.

"Time to set up" the voice mumbled to no one in particular and sauntered off in to the darkness.

Ivy yawned and opened her eyes, the smell of bacon and coffee wafted from the kitchen and up the stairs to her bedroom.

"IVY!" The sound of her aunts voice hurtled through her bedroom and she groaned.

"COMING!" She yelled as she brushed a strand of black hair from her face. Ivy climbed out of bed and pulled on an oversized Hoodie and ran downstairs, her sister Mara was already sitting down waiting for her.

"Ivyyyyyyyy, hurry up I'm hungry" she stuck out her tongue at her older sister. Ivy was 16, 6 years older than her sister but they looked exactly alike except for Ivy had bright blue eyes and Mara had Deep green eyes. They ate breakfast in silence apart from the TV as background noise.

After breakfast Ivy ran upstairs to get ready, today the first day of the winter holidays, the trees were turning red and gold, the leaves were falling to the ground and that could only mean one thing. Halloween was near! Which also meant the circus was in town yes!

Ivy grabbed her phone and sent a message to her best friend Freya.

'Circus in town let's goooooo'

'Yesssss, I'll be there in 5 hurry up' Freya instantly messaged back and that was that.

A few moments later she stuffed the final remnants of her breakfast in to her mouth and bolted upstairs where she began to rummage through her closet, after awhile s had decided whatbsje was foinf to wear and thre on leggings and a sort of dress that went well, she left her hair down and put on her make up, looking in the full length mirror satisfied with her goth look she smiled and posed before taking a Selfie, she ran downstairs.

"Back later" she called to her aunt who waved her off.

"Stay safe" she called after her niece who was already out the door amd halfway down the Street.

"About time" Freya was waiting by the entrance of the circus tapping her foot impatiently.

"Sorry" Ivy looked sheepish but her friend smiled and gave her a hug.

Little did the 2 teenagers know a pair of eyes were watching them curiously from the shadows.

Ivy and Freya grinned ay each other before entering their way to the circus, the circus was more like a funfair, they still had a big top and did shows but it came with a fair. Every year it happened around Halloween and it was always set up during the darkest night and to Ivy's memory it was always incredibly windy, she's surprised the tent hadn't blown away during set up, lost in thought Ivy mindlessly followed Freya.



Ivy was so lost in thought she bumped straight in to someone and fell face first to the floor, except the floor never came to meet her face, strong arms engulfed her and she looked up at the face that rescued her and blushed.

"Be careful, we aren't all friendly round here"

Before Ivy could ask any questions or say thankyou or even apologise, he set her down gently.

"What are you doing with my friend?" Freya stamped over and shot an accusing finger at the boy with strange eyes and hair.

Whilst Freya barraged him with questions Ivy stared in wonder, the boys hair was all white with a black streak cascading through it, his eyes pool's of silver with a hint of sky blue were mesmerising, he must have caught Ivy staring because he winked in her direction and she blushed.

"We're leaving" Ivy heard her friends final statement as Freya grabbed Ivy's hand and pulled her away.

The boy sighed.

"I wouldn't get too attached Ares" a voice came from the shadows and Ares rolled his eyes.

"You're being Dramatic Drendais"

"Don't call me by my full name" he snapped as he walked to stand next to his brother, his twin brother infact. The two boys stood side by side but they were completely different, Dren had All black hair with a white streak running through it and eyes as blue as the sky with a small hint of grey. Ares and Dren were part of the circus that travelled the earth, never staying in one place for to long, although the two boys held a secret.

"You do realise she's not meant for this world Ares" Dren blurted and chastised himself for spilling out the news.

"How do you know that?" Ares growled softly.

" Grams read it in my tea" he shrugged matter of factly. Ares sighed.

"Stop listening to such nonsense, everyone dies at some point brother" Ares mused as he sat in his Caravan.

"Sooner than you think" Dren hopped off his chair.

"Ares, come it is time" Ares followed Dren and wondered what was going on, he hoped that it was time for the show but something deep down told him it was something far more sinister.

"Ivy, come onnnn we have to go on the roller coaster, it's tradition" Freya pulled her friends arm and Ivy groaned.

"I have a really bad feeling"

"It'll be find, your being paranoid, what's the worst that could happen?"

Seconds later and both girls were being buckled in to their seats, an attendant came round to check their seats once the staff were happy it was time and with each passing moment Ivy became more and more nervous.

"You've been on a roller coaster before" Freya grumbled at her friend but her thoughts were soon out to rest as the roller coaster began to move.

"This is better than I remember" Freya squealed. The last loop came up and Ivy heard a click, she began to scream, Freya turned to see her friends harness unclick and screamed pure terror, it wasnt long before everyone else on the train began to scream for help for Ivy, a crowd below was gathering and a few people shouting and pointing, as the roller coaster headed towards the ground Ivy's hand slipped, Freya reached and tried to grab her friends hand but missed and Ivy crashed to the ground in a heap, before she landed she remembered seeing the white hair along with a lot of screaming.

okay so I'm hoping that this chapter sets the scene a little but of any more description or anything is needed, this is my first book that I plan in developing.

LadyDxcreators' thoughts