
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · แฟนตาซี
58 Chs

Agrath Royal academy entrance exams: Hot, cold and underappreciated.

Aiden(In the Announcer's voice): And now here's the match you've all been waiting for! He's hotter than the sun, faster than lightning, and can crush a boulder with his bare hands and with cool hair!!

The one, the only, Aiden Brightfil'!! (Rahhh!!)

[The crowd murmured and looked around in confusion, they faced up and saw that it was Aiden giving an announcement on himself.]

Draven: When did he get up there?!

Aser: Where's the real announcer?

Breeze: What's that imbecile doing?

Jack: Heh, looks like he's not so smart after all.

Draven's POV

I'm dying of secondhand embarrassment.

Luna:Miss Crysta, what's Aiden doing?

Crysta: I don't know either.

Lyra: Hmph! All too interesting.

Chase: Such unruly behavior is UNACCEPTABLE!!


Aiden(Announcer's voice): And After our glorious Aiden Brightfil Vs Zag or something, the match is over! That's right Draven! You're not fighting!

[A few moments later the real announcer was found, he went to the lavatory to relieve himself.]

[The guards threw Aiden off the high stage but Calico had a thread net set at the bottom to catch him.]

Aiden: Hehe, those guys just threw me 7 floors down.

Calico: I'd be more surprised if they didn't execute you later.

Aiden: Hehe...

Calico: That sounded like worry.

Aiden: No, it's not.

Draven: But you're sweating a fountain.

Aiden: I'm just hot.

Calico: Said by someone who manipulates heat magic?

Draven: We'll miss you, I'll hold on to your jacket for you as a memory.

Calico: We didn't know him long, but he'll live forever in our hearts.

[Draven and Calico looked up to the sky to mourn their dearly departed friend.]

Aiden: You guys have already killed me before my execution and give me my jacket back!


[Some members of the commoner's crowd murmured in confusion.

And the higher class grumbled in enragement about Aiden's unruly behavior.]

Announcer: Please forgive my carelessness and that of the guards for not noticing him beforehand, he will get appropriate punishment later for his wrongdoings but for now let us focus on the next match without sidetracking.

Chives Coldherten(Versi's father): Are these the students that my children are going to be studying with?!

Cast the unruly ones away and let those of pure blood get in. How can a school as prestigious as this take in that rascal?!

Announcer: We sincerely apologize.

Henry Winston: I do not.

Chives Coldherten: What did you say?!

Henry Winston: The way I see it he hasn't technically done anything against the rules, and to soften up this intense atmosphere he made a joke, is that so wrong?

Chives Coldherten: This is an exam to find out who is fit to be admitted into this academy and also who are you?!

Henry Wiston: I am Henry Wiston, the third son of the late Carlos Wiston of Handaery, an Innovator, and a teacher of this school.

Chives Coldherten: I've heard of you, you're the inventor of the Malinin orbs!

Lyra: It's...him!

Henry Wiston: I'm glad my work is known by you Sir Chives, and with that in mind can you show the same respect to the future students of this school as well? Regardless of their behavior and "upbringing"

[Henry stared coldly at Chives and he sat down.]

Aiden: I keep causing sideshows.

Larisa: I apologize for my son's behavior sir Henry Wiston. I'll make sure to "talk" to him later.

[Aiden heart trembled in terror at the sound of the familiar voice he just heard.]

Draven: Hey Aiden that woman over there said "My son's behavior" Is that your mother? Hm? Aiden?

[Aiden was sweating buckets that he couldn't even turn around to see his mother's face. He felt the intense dark pressure she was giving out.]

Aiden: Hehe, I'm screwed.

Henry Wiston: It's quite alright, Mrs. Brightfil I presume?

Larisa: Yes.

[Aiden's mother, Larisa, was a beautiful woman in her later thirties but looked twenty, she had soft silky dark purple hair, a fair beautiful face that any man would triple take for, she wasn't short but couldn't be considered tall either, her presence was that of sunshine well to everyone else but Aiden who felt the actual pressure she was giving out. She loves her family dearly and would even die to protect them...but she could also be very scary at times and the beautiful smile she gave out that put even the announcer at ease despite him thinking she was a commoner was interpreted differently by the members of her family, That is, Akeru, Crysta, Aiden. Aiden knew after this exam was over he was in huge trouble]

Calico: Wow, your mother's so beautiful.

Aiden: H-h-a-ands O-off.

Calico: Try saying that without chattering teeth.

Draven: Are you upset that your mother apologized for you?

Aiden: (No more spiders!!) Huh? Oh that's not it, She's...she's hella scary when she gets mad! And that smile she's wearing right now throws me off even more. Ahh! you guys were right...today is my execution!!

[He laid down on the floor as if all hope was lost. Draven and calico looked at each other then stared blandly at Aiden.]

Aiden: If I don't make it out alive today, I want calico to have my Jacket and Draven can have my boots.

Draven: Aww, I wanted the Jacket.

Calico: Heh, some boots might be nice, wanna trade?

Aiden: You guys aren't even concerned for me at all!!

Announcer: Now without further delays

Aiden Brightfil Vs Jack wittaker. Can both step down to the ring?

[Aiden staggered to stand up and walked towards the ring.]

Aiden: Huh? I'm missing my shoes.

Calico: Here they couldn't fit me anyways?

[Calico threw his shoes at him.]

Aiden: Ouch! And thanks!

[He entered the ring with his eyes still focused on his mother's cheerful glare.]

[In the ring]

Jack: You've caused lotta problems in this school's exams and you haven't even been admitted yet, me getting rid of you will put a good word in my name.

[He smirked]

[Aiden was still quivering from his mother]

Jack: Shaking in your knees now won't get me to drop my guard, I'll end you, right here right now!

Aiden:Hm? Oh, it's you...uh...Rack?

Jack: Grrrr.

Announcer: Begin!

Jack: Cold magic: Sub-Zero Encasement

[He completely froze the green dome that covered the ring in thick layers of ice, it blocked the view of the ring from the audience.]

[A few minutes later muffled rumbling was being emitted from the Ice incasement]

Draven: What's he doing?!

Calico: By the looks of it he's trying to trap Aiden so that he won't lose by ring out, he probably also blocked out sound so no one would hear a concession, he must want to beat Aiden by knocking out alone. Acting out of a personal grudge I take it.

Draven: Ice and water are a horrible matchup for a fire mage, will...Aiden lose?

Calico: I hope not, but I wish we could see what is going on inside there.

Versi: Announcer, how are we supposed to know what's going on?! I demand to see this fight now!

Announcer: We're working on it, please remain patient with us...

[A couple of minutes later the ice dome came undone on its own and Aiden is seen standing with his head held low looking at the fallen Jack Wittaker.]

Versi/Aser: He won?!

Areli: He...won?!

Draven: He won!

Calico: He actually won!

Akeru: I always knew he could do it! Go Aiden!

Luna: Aiden won!

[She wore a smile on her face and her ears perked up.]

[Crysta looked at her brother with indifferent eyes]

Aser: Hmph, I always knew Jack was trash but I didn't think he'd be this much of a waste that he couldn't even beat that peasant Nobel Aiden.

[The Crowd booed Jack, Brian had a smirk on his face and Aiden went back to his stand without uttering a single word]

Note: Everyone is standing at different areas of the arena.

Akeru, Draven, Lyra, Aiden, and Raver are on the East side.

Aser, Jack, Breeze on the west side.

Mara's Team is on the northeast side.

Areli's team on the south


Calliope's team on the southeast side

Versi's team is on the southwest side.

And other candidates also occupy some space in the stands.

Allowing everyone to see the ring clearly

Raider_920creators' thoughts