
Talking tree?


Shi Changxiao was still looking at the Solitary Eagle in the hope that his counterpart would reply in acceptance, but the man turned around without a word and 'bang' 'bang' 'bang' broke into the circle where the three Elders of the Silver Blizzard City were standing. Then, his figure flashed forward and made a beeline for Fei Mengchen and struck him thrice in quick succession, and was then upon the nine remaining disciples of Li Wu Bei before Fei Mengchen had even shrieked out from pain; he slapped the nine people in their faces, and then proceeded to slapping the six Heaven Mystic experts of Shi Changxiao's team...

In a matter of seconds, this Peak Spirit Mystic maniac had managed to demonstrate his prowess by striking almost twenty experts!

This burst of movement clearly demonstrated why he had managed to kill off the Six Brother of the ten disciples of Li Wu Bei; The Solitary Eagle's speed and agility had no equal!