
Baby Genius - Meeting the Roths

TIMESKIP: Three Years.

My name in this world is Daniel Ajao. Three years went by in a flash and I was now two. I was a pretty chill baby if I do say so myself. Never cried for anything (Mom was scared when I crawled up to her and pointed at her boobs indicating that I needed sustenance). I also had a nice time touching all the materials in the house transforming my body into them without my parents' notice. Wanted to get a little older before I started playing with energy. I learnt how to walk and had started to do stretches. My mom found it cute to watch and her friends came over to adore me.

I started to use my dad's laptop to learn when I was in the time line. The JL hadn't been formed yet but all superheroes were out doing their own thing in their respective cities. Seems I'm a year or two younger than the first robin. I closed all the tabs and deleted the history then began to read about biology physics and the rest. I also started to watch martial art videos and read on styles a child can practice. I tested already and I had super strength and enhanced durability and vitality. I've not gotten sick since I was born.

'Well time for the training montage needed for this god filled universe'I thought to myself. Need to show my parents how smart I am so maybe I could get homeschooled.

TIMESKIP: Five Years Later...

Never really said how I look did I? I'm African American with black hair and heterochromia blue on the left and gold on the right. I looked fit for a seven year old and had abs to show for it. I was kinda tall for a seven year old making me look like a ten year old which is pretty nice for me. Was short in my past life nice to see me grow is good.

My parents did allow me to be homeschooled and I went through teachers with a breeze. Once one had nothing else to teach me cause I finished most of their curriculums in a few weeks I jumped to the next till I finished all there was to learn even in secondary school. I held up in university since I had accomplished two things. I had found Rachel Roth and her mother Arella who were on the run from the cult of trigon and got into the tower of fate.

Flashback A Year Ago

I was taking a walk through the city at night after sneaking out of my house. I was holding a proto-adamantium coin in my right hand after Overvoid dropped an infinity pouch in my hands just that night then pointed me in a direction telling me Rachel was waiting.

I watched the pair of mother and child walk through the streets of Salem as fast as they could from a rooftop. Rachel looking tired and fatigued and the mother looking scared as she kept looking around. The streets were empty and the air felt wrong. A car on each side of the road pulled in and were slowly closing in on the both of them. There was no escape, this was probably a universe where Rachel Roth would've become evil but I was sent here to change that.

I concentrated on the metal in my hands and felt my body become it. I threw the coin into the pouch then put it in my pocket. The mother-daughter pair stopped as Arella knelt to hug her daughter before she began to weep. The cars stopped a couple meters away from them and the doors opened. Five men from each car stepped out, nine wearing black with one wearing red.

"Arella you've run away from the cult long enough" the man in red most likely the leader said "Grab them, Our Lord awaits". The men made movements to grab them when I jumped from the rooftop I was on and landed on one. A sickening crunch as bones were broken and flesh was ground rang through the air. I turned my hands into a double bladed axe on my right and a sword on my left.

"I'd suggest you close your eyes" I said using the muffler over my mouth to disguise my voice and my hoodie covered my face. Arella shielded Rachel with her body.

"Child I suggest you run away now, you shouldn't mess with the plans of a god" the leader said.

"You don't know it but Trigon would kneel in my presence" I said.

"Blasphemy, kill this boy" He shouted. I kicked off the ground faster than any human should move decapitating one of the men. Two down. They were enhanced humans but I was superhuman and made of captain america's shield. All the martial arts watched began to affect my body and when I felt someone come close to me through my senses I made a turn swinging my leg as it transformed into a long sword bisecting another. My senses flared and I backflipped over one charged toward me I landed then moved quickly to stand in front of Arella and Rachel,couldn't have them taking hostages. The leader looked in a rage and red sparks started to show on his hands.

'Great just what I need, a fucking magic user' I thought. I quickly put my hand into my pocket reaching into the pouch and pulled out the coin I needed. The nth metal was cool to the touch and I changed into it before dropping back. 'Thank Overvoid that I got this'.

He shot a blast of energy and I instantly turned my right hand into a huge shield covering all of us.

'Judging from the energy I'm feeling from him he's a weak level magician who Trigon probably gave energy to'. As the blast died I turned my left hand into a whip with razors on it and wrapped it round another goon's throat.

"How does the gift of Trigon not affect you" The leader screamed.

"Get over here!" I said pulling one of the goons to me. He was already dead when I flicked him over to the leader as hard as I could hitting him. Four down. Another charged but I made spikes fill the shield then rammed him full of holes. Five down.

"Call for reinforcements" the leader shouted I already took that into account before and the emp I made from car batteries and magnets was on the roof scrambling all connections but they didn't know that. So as one reached into his pocket to call I pierced him with the whip. Six down, four to go. The leader stood up and let loose another blast which I raised the shield to block. One ran to hit me as I blocked but I kicked his leg effectively breaking it as he kneeled before I punched his brain out his head. That's Seven. As the blast died.

"Sir we can't communicate" A goon said as I moved towards him turning back to the axe/sword combo. I felt no resistance relieving him of his arms as he tried to block then his head.

"You bastard" The leader said. "Trigon will punish you in the afterlife when our church gets you". He was probably expecting a reply but I didn't give him one as I made a razor whip into the last one's chest. I walked toward the leader. I pulled out a battery I made and absorbed the energy from it. The power of electricity filled me. I formed a spear with my hand as my eyes flowed blue.

"Gungnir!" I shouted piercing/blasting the red clothed man in his heart as the street flashed blue for a moment. I took a fresh breath as the air went back to normal. I ignored the blood on and around me and walked towards the Roth family.

"Wait for me for a moment" I said before using parkour to get to the roof of the building I was on grabbing the battery then finding my way back down. Arella was still there shielding Rachel from the gory scene.

"Please do not hurt us" she said. I raised my hands and smiled.

"Not here to hurt but to protect" I said "Can't stay here too long let's go I know a place that could keep both of you safe". Arella nodded as she followed me. We avoided cameras till we reached a park in Salem.

"Where is this safe house you speak of" she asked when we got to the centre. I closed my house sensing for the tower then keying into it. I transformed back to normal from nth metal then brought out another object the Overvoid gave me. It was a medallion which shone silver.

"What is that" Rachel asked. I turned and smiled at her.

"A magical can opener" I said. I passed my will onto it an the tower came into our sight alone. They stared in shock. I stretched out my hand.

"Grasp my hand and don't remove it" i said. Rachel reached out holding my hand while Arella held hers and we moved into the tower of fate.

Once we were safely inside a hologram of a young Kent Nelson appears in front of us.

"Halt, state your intentions within the tower of fate" it said.

"I bring these two to seek protection within the tower, I know it's shields can protect them from the powers of Trigon" I said respectfully. Arella looked shocked as I gave her a look telling her to keep the questions for later.

"Trigon, inter-dimensional demon warlord and a god level threat, Do you mean this Trigon" the tower asked.

"Yes these two need protection" I said. I turned to the Arella and Rachel. "Arella Roth please tell the tower your story and do not lie please, it'll know". She looked shocked then looked to Rachel.

"Don't worry she'll get to know sooner or later, her powers would begin to awaken that's how Trigon scented her out and in this tower she could learn control". She(Arella) looked scared but she nodded her head and began to tell her story.

{A/N: not gonna write the background down you could check it on google}.

I sat down and listened and once she was done she knelt to hug Rachel as they both cried.

"The tower of fate has heard your plea, you have been allowed within its protective walls and are free to roam around the permitted areas, I would show you around". They looked happy to hear that.

"Hey I gotta go, it's almost morning and mom could be mad" I said letting my hoodie and muffler down. Arella walked up to me then hugged me whispering thank yous and Rachel did the same. A touching moment really. Once they were done I raised up the medallion and willed it to make a portal home. One opened silently and immediately in my room.

"I'll bring groceries and some food tomorrow" I said smiling at them then I closed it. I removed my clothes (sleeveless hoodie, muffler and shorts) and threw it in my infinite pouch. I entered took a shower then went to bed. What a day.

Flashback End

Since then I've been close friends with the Roth's. I get a huge allowance and I bought a lot of groceries and food for them, games for Rachel, a laptop for Arella and help with most of their needs. They need to lay low for now. I also homeschool Rachel and we all go to the tower's library to study as much as we could to help Rachel. I was also learning about how to channel energies and when you ask the tower for something as long as it is in its power it would do it. It created a training room for me which I use to train my powers.

My parents have been pestering me and I've considered telling them about my powers and Rachel but I'll wait till I'm older. I'm only seven after all.

By the way rumors of Robin have started circulating so he should be ten now. He started nine so in three years there may be a young justice.

The justice league formed a while back and it was parademon invasion but we all survived thankfully to Overvoid. It's like the monsters kept flying by our house not seeing us so we were safe. Did pilfer some tech but not had time to study it cause the environment would need to be very safe. So I created a lab room also. My parents inherited old money so are too rich so I stocked full of computers and medical equipment I could steal from warehouses and depots. My next plan was to build an AI or two which could help me out. Finished going through university books and had a few ideas.

I've decided to focus on rune magic as I decided to expand the languages I could understand and channeling dimensional energies. My first plan was to create a weapon I could use as a trump card. After that the AI which could help steal some tech saving me the time I could use to reverse engineer it and steal money from scumbags round the world leaving them with nothing to even bribe their way out. All while helping Rachel and her mother of course. What have I gotten myself into. Troublesome.