
After Two Years.

Two Years Later:

Location: Dimension DL.

Scene: Advanced Laboratory. A ten year old Daniel can be seen looking at a large capsule with a grey crystal in it.

"Hmm, who knew I could make clean energy from fossil fuels. With this I can garner support from the oil producing countries" Daniel says looking at the hundred centimetre long capsule in his hand. From crude oil he created a new form of crystalline fuel. The fuel is placed into the metal and glass capsule in front of him. When the fuel is burnt the little resulting waste is kept in the capsule. The capsule is emptied and restocked with more crystals.

"Amy, please call my father".

"Calling Dad" is the reply. It rings a few times and a very unhappy voice comes through.

"What?" Victor Ajao says.

"Strike a deal with some failing oil companies. Try to get as much crude oil from them as you can" Daniel says putting down the capsule and walking over to another pet project.

"You do realize I'm in Japan right? I still don't see why you're investing in this dying company" Victor says.

"I have my reasons, just make sure The Okamura Company stays afloat. I predict a resurgence soon" Daniel says about to sit down on air in front of a table. As he does so a chair forms from the floor. He pushes a microscope over a piece of fungus he's working.

'Slowly digesting the compound. It seems WD-7 is a partial success. Creating fungus that eats up chemical pollution in water faster is harder than I thought'.

"Fine, they're looking for new investors anyway. I'll buy up as much stock as I can".

"Thanks Dad. How's the Fate thing going?".

One of the huge changes in the past two years. After a talk with Kent Nelson, Daniel decided to accept a fact he already knew: The world needs Dr Fate. Long term research into avatar creation and eldritch channeling allowed him to create a solution.

After a talk with Nabu with Kent as a mediator, both of them apologized. Nabu although cold isn't stupid and is also god of wisdom. He realised Daniel's budding godhood after their last altercation, and it seems kinda daft to order a god to sacrifice his parent. They solved their issue and Victor, Daniel's dad became the new Dr Fate. He carries a golden chain or bracelet with a small helmet on it now. He can switch between forms easily and Nabu has been teaching him magic.

"He's bored honestly. If you didn't know he's a lord of order you'll think he's a part of chaos. Any news on the witchboy?".

"As elusive as ever. I haven't caught a wisp of him for a few weeks now".

"Nabu is getting antsy, I'd suggest we find something to do. Make some order, at least that will create some chaos as result" Victor says.

"Funny how the world works" Daniel says with a snicker.

"Is the boy still in a coma?" Victor says making Daniel look to a glass water tank with a human boy floating in it. The human boy has horns and is wearing a metallic red bodysuit.

"Still in a coma. His body is still adapting and the regulating suit can't do anything bout that". The red suit on Joseph Garcia's body, a creation from Daniel's study on the emotional spectrum. Joseph and the suit give the water a red glow.

"Hmm Alright. Your mom? The Roths?" Dad asks.

"Mom is fine. The Roths also. Though they all find my attempts at diplomacy with Trigon impossible".

"Well it's the only solution Nabu and you could come up with for now. Nabu isn't sure he could take him down, Trigon is just too strong" Victor says.

"Yeah, for now he is way above our league. The hellblazer meeting is next week, can you make it?".

"I'm not a workhorse you know. I haven't stopped travelling for about seven months now!".

"And you're a part of Forbes top twenty now. Soon you'll pass that Ozymandias fellow and clinch the seventeenth spot".

"Tch, when is our reactor going to be ready for showcase? I'm planning for a company expo" Victor says.

"I've downgraded the materials enough. Though it still uses a vibranium core, you'll have to market it as the fuel needed. Most other cores I create have more radioactive effects".

"Sure then. I've been speaking with the Massachusetts governor, and he's really optimistic about reducing the state's electricity costs".

"You can tell him it's ready for testing. Once one state reduces their costs by about 30-40% the others will follow. The Okamura Company will work as our partners in the east".

"Alright then, talk to you later. I have a meeting with a shipping company. Later kiddo".

"Alright. Take care Dad" Daniel says before the phone cuts.

Next week

Location: Arkham Asylum.

Time: 9:40 pm.

Nothing prepared Pamela Lillian Isley for the card dropping onto her lap from thin air. In this heavily secured cell the only thing she gets is food and water. A metahuman collar on her neck along with orange jail clothing on her body.

She picks up the card from the back and sees a glowing sigil with words underneath. She flips the card and sees a graphic version of her holding an apple.

"Points for style I must say". The card her is pretty. She flips the card back and reads the words on the back.

'qui victi et in flammis inferos'.

"Defeating the flames of hell?" She says her Latin a bit poor. Instantly a golden square appears, creating a doorway.

"Well guess this is my way out" Poison ivy shrugs and stands up. She holds the card and steps through the doorway. She appears in a conference room that looks like a rich man's wet dream. She can see a large luxurious table, chairs and designs everywhere. She also notices the people around as well, all sitting on chairs with different sigils on them. She doesn't recognize any of them, not her usual crowd.

"What a fine lady, May I say green suits you" A man in a British accent hails her from the table. He looks at the card in her hand and the chair beside his. They have a matching sigil.

"It seems I'm the lucky gentleman this evening" the dark haired Caucasian man says. On his left side is another beautiful red head woman. He's wearing a gorgeous Armani suit with red bottom shoes. To any person, man or woman, even if you identify as an Apache helicopter he's perfect. Poison ivy frowns and walks over to her seat then sits down. The man grins and touches his neck before winking.

"Kinky if I might add. I guess it isn't consensual looking at your attire. I'll help with that" he snaps his fingers and the meta human collar appears in his right hand. Poison ivy touches her neck and gives it a stretch or two. She does her best not to act surprised.

"Thanks" she says to the suit man.

"My name is Lucifer, what's yours?" Lucifer asks giving her a devilish grin and stretching his hand.

"Pamela" she says shaking the man. She looks at his sigil, a unique pentagram with runes all over. It seems that horns are sticking out of it. She looks at hers, a tree in a circle.

"So are you really the devil?" Pamela says in a joking manner. She notices a few people on the table shift uncomfortably at that question.

"Potato potato. It's more of a perspective thing" he says taking out a half smoked joint from his pocket and placing it in his mouth. He brings out a gold lighter with diamonds encrusted into it to spark the joint.

"So know why are you here?" she asks him.

"Receiving an invitation to a secret magical club interested me so I came. Why did you?" He replies.

"Magic?" Pamela asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Magic yes. You feel you don't belong?" Lucifer asks.

"I've never had any experience with magic. I'm a scientist, a botanist to be exact" she says. Lucifer just brings his face a bit closer to her and sniffs the air.

"You smell of green, you totally belong here" Lucifer replies before puffing out some smoke. He eyes the blonde haired man who's also smoking in the room.

"Cigarettes or Weed" the blond man in a brown trench coat asks, his voice a scouser accent.

"I have no preference. Cigarettes will kill you though" Lucifer says.

"We all die someday. I just hope I get killed by succubi" the man says making Lucifer grin.

"A man of culture I see" Lucifer says making the other redhead female on the table roll her eyes.

"Men" she says resting her chin on her palm, her sea green and silver armour looking beautiful under the light.

By now only three seats remain empty.

"Thank you for coming" a powerful voice says. Lucifer's eyes widen a bit at the sight of Dr Fate sitting down at the right of the head table. Pamela wonders who that person is to surprise the man.

She is shocked herself though when she sees the man's attire disappear and he is replaced by Victor Ajao, owner of A-Corp. a multinational company that is pushing for a more green world. He has been a huge advocate for clean energy and the world's largest producer of food. The man is wearing a black suit with a golden chain on his neck. The chain's special piece is a golden helmet.

She then sees a boy wearing a hoodie, he has heterochromia and enters with a pale girl with black hair. The boy sits in the leading chair with the girl on his left.

"Honestly, Im not one for orgies with children" Lucifer says. "I know what they say but the devil has a line". The boy in the leading chair snickers and looks at Lucifer.

"Welcome Mr Morningstar, Welcome all of you to the Hellblazer society" the boy says.

"I shall give us all a chance to introduce ourselves before we begin. I am Daniel Ajao". The boy looks to the girl on his left.

"Rachel Roth" the pale skinned girl says. Pamela keeps an eye on Lucifer to see his reactions. She notices his interest is piqued.

"Kent Nelson" an old white haired man with a gold walking stick says.

"Giovanni Zatara" says a dark haired man in a suit wearing a top hat. Next is a buff handsome young adult wearing a red costume. He has a yellow lightning sign on his chest.

"Billy Batson" the man says, his voice dripping with excited. Seems he really wants to be here.

"Dream" says a skinny pale haired man wearing a cloak.

"Alice Winters" says a pale woman in a tight ass purple nurse's costume. Lucifer just winks at her and she blushes.

"Amaya Jiwe" A dark skinned woman in a black and orange combat suit says.

"Radueriel" a beautiful man says. He is looking Lucifer in his eyes and Lucifer gives him a smirk. The man's immediate reply is to frown.

"I-Ching" an old blind man says. He is holding a chinese sword and is wearing martial art clothes.

"Jason Blood" a mid thirties man with black hair with white strands says. Suddenly flame covers his form and what is on the seat is no longer a man but a demon.

"Etrigan" The demon says.

"Queen Antiope of Amazonia" a blond haired woman wearing blue greek robes says. She looks at the demon though with a slight grin. Pamela has seen that look before.

'Seems like a battle freak'.

"Pamela Isley" Poison ivy says.

"Lucifer Morningstar".

"Queen Mera of Atlantis" the red haired lady in sea green armour says.

"Victor Ajao" the man who was Dr Fate says. His helmet glows and a different voice could be heard.

"Nabu" the voice says. The boy nods.

"Alright that's all of us. This meeting is to formally invite you all to the Hellblazer Society" Daniel says.

"And what is this society about" Queen Mera asks.

'My main loyalty is to Atlantis, if this society is detrimental to our survival it'll be very dangerous. The magical auras of these people are very intense. Some even surpass me' Mera thinks to herself, especially cautious of the dark haired man beside her. She looks at Daniel, that she normally would consider a child. All her alarm bells though are singing a different tune.

"The main purpose of the hellblazer society is to protect this world from magical threats" Daniel says. Instantly various hologram screens pop up showing the parademon attacks, Steppenwolf and Aeshma. They also show images of various magical threats including Klarion, Wotan and Trigon.

"A few of those are worthy challengers" Lucifer says with a smile.

"If they're worthy challengers to you, they are apocalypse rated threats" Giovanni Zatara says. Etrigan looks at the face of Klarion the witchboy and is pissed.

"Fucking Witchboy".

"So you wish for us to form a team? Similar to the justice league?" Mera asks.

"Yes Lady Mera. Facing these threats alone is unnecessary and dangerous. As a society we can pull our resources together to fight them" Daniel says.

"Amazonia has the protection of the gods. I'm sure we'll be just fine without this society" Antiope says in a plain tone.

"Protection? You've had three invasions in the past five years. The parademons and Steppenwolf were one. Felix Faust, a foolish magician who sells his soul for power was another. And of course, the invasion of my automatons two years ago" Daniel says calmly. Though Antiope and Mera look pretty livid. Mera hits the table with her fist, her eyes glowing green.

"It was you! And you have the audacity to invite us here" she shouts. The dark skinned boy sighs and pulls up images of Aeshma and Joseph.

"This is Aeshma. His attempt to gain godhood really fucked up Salem. About a hundred dead and over three thousand injured. That is his son, sired from a human woman who he planned to make use of in the ritual". Everyone looks up to see Joseph now in a glass tank.

"The ritual was partially completed, and Joseph was in the worst possible situation. To save him I had to make some rash choices" Daniel says.

"So you stole from us" Antiope says.

"Yes, by pooling your scientific and magical knowledge I saved a child who would've died or become a monster". Antiope and Mera frown heavily.

"You destroyed property and endangered countless citizens" Mera says making Daniel snort.

"Please, none of your citizens died and all they came out with were minor scratches. The main point of creating those automatons was defense, not attack" Daniel says. Antiope is about to say something when Lucifer talks.

"And how lifelike could you make these automatons?" He says. Daniel smiles at him.

"You want one? Presently I can make robots that seem and act human".

"Perfect! I've been watching this thing called hentai recently. It's pretty great. Gave me a fetish I need to-" Antiope is fed up and cuts him off.

"Unbelievable! We're having a serious conversation and you-".

"Calm down" Lucifer says, his voice dripping with demonic power. The air suddenly feels heavy and a few people look to be straining.

"Ahh, sorry bout that" Lucifer says giving an apologetic smile but his next words are very serious

"Queen Mera. Queen Antiope. I really think you should look at it this way. If he chose to really invade your cities two years ago, could you stop him. You already failed with Steppenwolf, both of you and honestly he's pretty weak. There are gods out there that even I am not sure I could defeat. If I debate my chances of winning, your gods will cower in Olympus" Lucifer says and Antiope and Mera look mad when suddenly they hear a voice. Antiope is about to pull her sword when-

"I apologize Lord Lucifer for my charges' actions". Antiope turns around and sees a blond woman wearing white and gold greek robes and golden braces.

"Lady Hera!" She says getting up from her seat and kneeling. Mera also takes a knee.

"Rise Antiope, Mera. I've come here to advise you to join this Hellblazer Society. The world is changing and even we aren't as safe as before. Lord Lucifer speaks true. Most of what the Olympians do presently is debate and party. The truth is even we are scared. You and Mera shall be our representatives. It'll be difficult for Amazonia and Atlantis to stay hidden from the rest of the world" Hera says with a motherly smile.

"Hera, you get more beautiful everytime I see you" Lucifer says giving her a smile. "How about we catch a drink after this".

"I'd have to decline Lord Lucifer. Though I must say it is a shock to see you here" Hera says.

"Well imagine my surprise when an invitation appears in my warded home. I just had to know who it was. Mazikeen will be my representative most likely" Lucifer says pulling his beard sagely.

"I'm sure she'll make an outstanding addition. I'll be taking my leave and leave all of you with advice. Do not underestimate Daniel Ajao. Even the fates dare not touch his string" Hera says looking at Daniel who just smiles at her.

"Thank you for the wise words Lady Hera" Daniel says. She nods and looks to Shazam.

"Take care of yourself young Billy Batson. Lord Lucifer, Lord Nabu". She is surrounded by light before being teleported away.

Shazam looks a bit shocked that she knows him.

"You draw power from a few Olympian gods. Don't be so shocked" Victor says. Billy nods and mutters an "oh yeah". Antiope and Mera sit and look to the head of the table.

"I fully expect you to atone for damages done to both Atlantis and Amazonia" Mera says.

"Of course, i already have a few gifts in the works. Atlantis and Amazonia will be better protected" Daniel says. Mera and Antiope both deciding to let things go for now.

"So is everyone cool with joining?". They all look at each other and nod. Instantly a custom locket with different sigils.

"Now why don't we all discuss for a few minutes over food and drink. Ask anything you need of the table and it'll provide" Daniel says.

"Beer" Etrigan says. Instantly a huge beer cup filled with golden beer appears. Etrigan grabs the cup and drinks it all in one gulp.

"Hmmm" he says licking his lips at the taste. His eyes widen as he watches the cup refill itself immediately. Everyone finds something to place in their mouths after that.

"I'm still finding this whole god and magic thing weird" Pamela says.

"Not only you. I don't think most of us have met a god before today" Amaya Jiwe, the Vixen says.

"I really don't see how I belong. I'm a botanist" Pamela says.

"You do not channel the green consciously?" Giovanni Zatara asks.

"The Green?".

"Basically the concept of vegetation and plant life luv. You draw from it, and it gives you powers in return. I have a friend he could help ya" John Constantine says dipping some french fries in ketchup.

"So you mean my ability to communicate with plants is not science but magic" Pamela says.

"Science, magic. It makes no difference, it's all the same. You should visit Atlantis sometime" Mera says and Pamela nods.

"Ms Isley, I know you don't have a place to stay. I have a place for you to live in comfortably if that is what you wish. Working with you and the rest of the team we can create a healthier planet" Daniel says. Pamela nods and smiles.

"Shazam" lightening fades off Billy Batson's body as his true form is revealed. A fourteen year old, black hair with blue eyes kid.

"So what do we do about secret identities. None of you were hiding yours, so I decided to show mine" Billy says.

"We will all have codenames, I'd suggest we all go back and go through some of the rules I've set for the Hellblazer society. Right now it entails keeping identities protected and secret. And not betraying the group. We can hash the rest out later" Daniel says.

"My son doesn't wish for those of us who lead normal lives to be affected" Victor says.

"Yes that is a good idea. I don't need people hitting up Lux with bad intentions" Lucifer says. "I'll hand this to my assistant, Mazikeen".

"No problem, Mr Morningstar. There are some other people out there, good people worthy of joining us. If any of you have recommendations, you may place them six months from-" Daniel hears a beeping sound from the small comms in his ear. Amy says a few words to him.

"Seems I need to get back home" Daniel says standing up. Rachel stands up also.

"Nice meeting you all" she says and creates a portal.

"This is our base of operations, the lockets can bring you here from anywhere in the world. Feel free to roam the building and get used to the facilities. My father is here to assist you if you need anything". Daniel turns and walks through the portal followed by Rachel. The portal closes behind them.

"So who wants a tour?" Victor says with a smile but internally he's ticked off at doing more work.

Back in Salem.

A-Corp HQ.

Hidden Security Room.

"It seems someone is trying to break into the building. Probably to steal the Arc reactor designs" Daniel says typing a few keys into the computer in front of him. A hidden camera shows a blond haired man wearing a grey mask crawling through some vents. Daniel narrows his eyes.

"Sportsmaster" Daniel says to Rachel.

"Really? One of the dumbest names I've heard. What's the plan" Raven says.

"For now, there is no plan. He can't hack my systems. I'll let Amy give him what I want him to receive. It'll wreck whoever's systems that drive will connect to" Daniel says watching Sportsmaster plug a drive from a data pad on his arm to a computer in his data room.

"So you're letting him go?" Raven asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Well he's an unredeemable assassin. I'm thinking of ways to kill him that won't come back to bite me" Daniel says.

"Hm, what of that Joker guy?" Rachel asks.

"What of him?".

"Aren't you planning to kill him too? Why don't you make both of them kill each other off" Rachel says.

"Hmm that could work, but how will I make both of them fight each other?" Daniel says thinking deeply watching as sportsmaster entered a motorbike and speeds off. Unknown to him a tracker is placed on his foot. Daniel grins as a plan comes to light.

He immediately tries a locator spell to find the Joker , but is immediately shocked when he gets a lot of hits across North America. The Magic shorts out from so much info.

"The fuck is going on!??" Daniel says.

"Hm, let me try" Raven's hands are covered up by dark energy, she creates a world map projection and a huge amount of green dots are present all over North America.

"Forget about Sportsmaster for now. I can't help but feel Klarion has something to do with this" Daniel says as Rachel opens a portal back to the tower of Fate. He walks through it and enters the tower. The tower of fate is the home of the earth's sorcerer supreme. It's world mapping spell matrix is far more ahead than a simple locator spell. As Daniel walks into his Tower Lab he walks straight and into another door portal that appears leading him and Rachel into Dimension DL.

He used the mother box to terraform a small world into his laboratory. Various plants and animals roamed the world from cloning technology Daniel used. It was the kryptonian technology that allowed him to do this. Could you imagine, the fortress of solitude, compressed into three small crystals. Technology that could create clones of every animal and species to exist on Krypton, and even those that krypton have seen and documented on other planets. The motherbox also contained cloning technology. But the main thing it could create are parademons.

Similar to vibranium in Wakanda, each different deposit of vibranium metals, whether natural or alloy affected the natural plant life in the area. Vibranium might not be the strongest metal in his arsenal, but it is one of the most special. This led to the creation of various heart shaped herbs which Daniel has been researching to improve his and those he trusts strength.

Daniel enters lab with Raven in tow.

"Amy, full scan of earth please". Amy, Daniel's AI, is capable of performing magic due to the magitech systems all races Daniel stole this information employ.

"Criteria?" Amy asks.

"The Joker, Chaos Magic. Compare it with our Satellite systems and view people I can get samples from". Raven is looking at a large globe forming in mid air. Various computer screens show a map of the world and white lines going across continuously scanning.

"Scanning incomplete, but epicentre discovered. The area with the densest population of affected is Gotham, Now standing at approximately twelve thousand strong" Amy says. Daniel sighs and seems very stressed.

"What's wrong?" Rachel says.

"Anything that has to do with the joker really unsettles me" Daniel says.

"Should we call your father?" Rachel says.

"No, we need to find the source of this first. And also how whatever this is is spreading" Daniel says putting his hood up, a white demon mask forming over his face. Rachel puts her hood up, it has a dark effect and no one can see her face, and creates a portal.

Daniel and Rachel come out of the portal over Salem and begin their flight at supersonic speeds. Jim no longer uses the nth metal belt to fly, but instead using a complex flying spell powered by an arc reactor he is wearing under his hoodie.

"Amy, last known location of the Joker?" Daniel says. His mask also another technological work of art. He looks at the estimated time of arrival to Gotham.

'About twenty minutes'.

"The docks. After his breakout from Arkham a huge amount of Jokerz gang have been seen at the docks also".

"Something is always going on in this city" Daniel says sighing. They flew for a while and could now see the outline of the dark gloomy island that is Gotham.

"Where do we land?" Rachel says.

"Amy direct us to the head office of Gotham PD. We need to contact Batman" Daniel doesn't like the idea of getting active in someone else's city without them knowing about it. Amy displays the location to both Raven and Daniel. They reach the police station and Daniel spots the giant bat signal.

'I could hack his comms, but that's kinda rude'.

Daniel walks over and switches it on then looks to the sky. It takes almost two minutes for James Gordon to burst through the door on the roof holding his gun. He walks out finger on the trigger looking for the culprit.

"Hello th-". Jim quickly turns around and puts his gun to the face of a hood wearing teen. The boy doesn't flinch but instead sighs.

"Rude much?" Daniel says his voice warped to induce some fear, his body made from the most perfect mundane alloy in his arsenal. An advanced proto-adamantium alloy which has a dark gloss under light. Nothing scares Jim Gordon though.

"A kid? Who the fuck are you" He says not dropping his guard.

"I don't know honestly" Daniel says sighing sadly. "I've been thinking of a good code name but all I come with seems chuuni. For now I'm stuck with what the media first called me. Hollow".

"Hollow? How does that make sense" Gordon says.

"It's an animation thing. Surprisingly a kid I saved called me that on the internet and it blew up" Daniel says turning to walk away and sit down on the ledge.

"So you're a superhero?" Gordon says.

"Depends on who you ask. I'm looking for Batman. I know he doesn't take this long to get here" Daniel says looking at the time.

'It's been five minutes. Batman doesn't do late, he's already here'. Daniel starts actively using his sensory ability. Previously clouded by the chaos, evil and Joker around he pierces through it all to look for Batman. Surprisingly he doesn't get a hit and then something from comics hits him

'Well this is an alternate universe based on Earth Prime. So everyone is super strong, and Batman is DC's version of Spiderman with the whole reality bullshit. I've not really pushed my senses lately, guess it's a good time'.

Daniel closes his eyes and enters a state of focus, his mind stretching out astrally, feeling the energies that create the foundation of this universe. He feels the corruption in Gotham which is like a smoke screen and ignores it pushing deeper. He then finally feels something. It's like a shield of energy hiding someone from him.

"Gotcha" Daniel says looking over to the building opposite the police station. Through the darkness, with the mask enhancing his vision he sees the Batman watching and profiling them from afar.

"Raven we got the wrong building, Later Mr Gordon" Daniel says lifting off and heading towards Batman who stands there waiting for his arrival. Raven who is mostly always floating joins him.

"It's hard to sense him. I can see him, but it's like he's not even there" Raven says.

"I know, I'm working on something that'll probably fix that" Daniel says thinking of the various heart shaped herbs that he is using to create super soldier serums. He knows just eating one raw would give him powers, but he knows he can do better.

Daniel and Rachel land in front of the dark armoured man wearing a cape, and Daniel has to admit mentally that his aura now that he is up close is intimidating.

'So his will then affects his aura, before I could barely sense him since he wanted to stay hidden. Now he's entering his interrogation mode and I can feel his aura clearly'. Daniel lands on the rooftop and it suddenly starts to drizzle.

"Hope I didn't catch you at a bad time Batman" Daniel says.

"Hollow" he says in a gruff voice looking at Daniel, then he turns to Raven.

"One of the Secret witches I assume".

"That's right, We-".

"You're both very far from Salem".


I'm baaaaaack. I kinda feel like I'm here to stay. I mean quarantine right. Not like I'm going anywhere. Sorry for not posting for the past few months. Things haven't been going too great and I know I should've posted something in my free time but I wasn't in the mood to do so. I really enjoyed making this chapter though, and I'm enjoying writing again. I got a second fanfiction though, this time not an SI and based in the Marvel universe. So you can read that too. It's called The Hint (Marvel).

I also got a patreon recently. I want to have a steady release of a chapter a week for both, and put pre release chapters on there. It doesn't have anything now, I'm still learning how to use it, but if you want to support me you can at


Thanks a lot.

Started learning the cliffhanger no jutsu so I dropped one there *wink*.