

[Warning : Important Message, This book is about sensitive subject such as Suicide, Death, Abandonment and Abuse (Physical or Mental) to Avoid if you have a sensitive soul you have been warned !] Remember, in this world, every step, every decision you make counts. Your mistakes will only follow you like your shadow. Across the skies and seas, You find yourself in a story you had no choice in, or so they would have you believe. An endless loop, a curse finally broken. You can save them all if you really want to. Can you finally give all these people the happy ending they deserve? DISCONTUNED

KosukeCreations · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

The Book...?

It's been what three months that Katsumi join us and it's clear that she's now getting along with everyone, she likes to play cards games with Lucius witch make him really happy, she seems to get along best with Auka seing how smilar they are those two often go out together to meet the people of this world.

Lucifer him was alway nice to Katsumi they became good friends, and Zaykio him who had a rought time at first, he slowly got used to Katsumi being here as she really did help all of us a lot, i can't say that they get along that well either but it's getting better.

Katsumi as been nophing but nice to me, she's as help me a lot i can thank her i have less work and less stress. I've been able to sleep more and just take more time for myself, also since i'm a hybride who's more wolf than anyphing Katsumi started to pet me when i get to stress at work.

And it really help like creazy, anyway... in those three month a lot as happend first i learned not long ago taht Nayl finally came to see Lucius and gave him the book, meaning it was the end for him... which made me really nice. Second, Katsumi told me that somephing form very prescious to her parents was stolen... i knew that it was bad when she told me that soon after they found a black feather in their home...

She give it to me since i asked to see it, and i still had it... i was running my fingers down the balck feather it was about 10 inches or 24 cm if you perfer. Soon after that the police found a other black feather but this time it was found near a crime scene. I asked to get it and they give it to me this one was 5 feet or 1.5 meters long, the last bit of the feather was a bit redish... Both feather were in perfect condition too.

I knew that both of those feathers were from the same angel wings. I knew who had lost them, it wasn't good at all. I was kind of daydreaming at this point thinking back to the everything that had happened, i wasn't focusing on the work i was supposed to do my eyes on those two feather.

Katsumi came in my office...

Katsumi : "Eclispe ? Are you okey ?"

She asked... she sounded worried, i look up at her.

"I'm...fine." i say looking back at the two feather.

Katsumi : "Are you sure...?"

She walk up to me standing right beside me now. As i don't anwser her she take a look at the feathers.

Katsumi : "That's the feather we found at my parent's house, and that's the one they found near a crime scene. Two black feather with dark red on the side. What are you doing with them ?"

"I just wanted to take a look..."

Katsumi : "Found anyphing ?"

"Well they're clearly form the same wing that's for sure..."

Katsumi : "I can see that's there somephing wrong Eclispe... please tell me, what's bothering you ?"

"It's difficult to explain... there's a lot you can't understand."

Katsumi : "well explain it to me, please..."

I can't tell her... i promised him...

I can't break that promise...

What can i say...?

"I'm sorry... i made a promised, i can't say anyphing..."

Katsumi : "I understand... i'll leave you alone now, but if you ever need me, please call me okey...?"

"Thank you Katsumi..."

Katsumi : "I need to go... Lucius wanted to see me, he didn't tell me why thought."

"Be carefull, you know how much he like to scare you."

Katsumi : "Don't worry about me, i'll be just fine."


with Lucius

I was waiting for Katsumi to come since i ask her to come, i didn't really have a reason to want to see her i just did, but instead of Katsumi, Sunset came running in my office, they knew i had the book, i need to think fast, i grab the book in my hands and i got up as Sunset gott closer to me.

> "Give me the book." They said angry.

> Lucius : "No i won't give you the book, your brother gave it to us so we could keep it away form you !"

>Sunset "I tried to do this without a fight but you're way too sturborn for that."

> Lucius : "I'm not scared of you."

They tried to get it by force but i wasn't about to just let go of ot like that, they ended up forcing me to back away i was now right in front on the open window.

One wrong move and i'll be the one to fall or i could get rib of what he wanted... so i quickly thought the book out of the window and he punch Sunset in the face so he wouldn't know where the book ended up.

I tried my best to keep them away form the window trying to to get them out of my office by force away form me i need to make sure that i was safe that the book was safe.


With Katsumi

I was just outside of the building were the office of Lucius was, but as i was walking to the door of the office a book fall down form a window, it almost hit me as i back away scared and in shock, it was a pretty big book, looked really heavy... i didn't think twice i grab it and i don't know why but i felt as if somephing bad happend in that office so i run away with book in hand i went back to the only safe place i knew, the office where i worked with Eclispe.