

[Warning : Important Message, This book is about sensitive subject such as Suicide, Death, Abandonment and Abuse (Physical or Mental) to Avoid if you have a sensitive soul you have been warned !] Remember, in this world, every step, every decision you make counts. Your mistakes will only follow you like your shadow. Across the skies and seas, You find yourself in a story you had no choice in, or so they would have you believe. An endless loop, a curse finally broken. You can save them all if you really want to. Can you finally give all these people the happy ending they deserve? DISCONTUNED

KosukeCreations · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Burning the Path to Chaos

The book that cause all of this story with Sunset the whole reason he killed almost all of us... We couldn't let it in this world.

It need to go back to it's rightfull owner.

"Creator, just know were giving you back your book!"

I say smiling the book in hand.

Quaysho went to hide a perfert repliqua in the world Eclispe left behind while we were burning the real one down, while only the thing that Sunset wanted.

The note the Creator left for Nayl all those years ago. We had a plan but we didn't know if it would work, we were only hoping it would.

Once Quaysho was back fomr their trip we all gather, Katsumi, Eclispe, Quaysho and I around the fire that was going to burn away that note.

We watch as the note burn down with part of the book, only what Sunset really wanted form it... we need to sure they wouldn't get their hand on it...

a voice than echos to all of us exept Katsumi who remain silent and confused by the look on our face.

"Is Thy trying to stop Sunset ?"

I anwsers out of instinct

"Is this the first time you've talk to us all at the same time Creator ?"

"I do believe it is."

Quaysho : "Ah i do not wish to sound rude, but poor Katsumi here can't really hear him..."

Eclispe : "Oh yeah sorry about that Katsu."

Katsumi : "It's fine, you must be talking to the Creator right ?"


"She's a friend of ours ?"

"She actually Eclispe's Girlfriend Creator."

Eclispe : "Hey ! now don't tell him that !"

Katsu : "Did the Creator ask who is was ?"

Quay : "He did dear."

Katsu : "Uh Creator... well i guess that you can hear me but that i can't...?

Creator... how can i help ?"

We all look at each other kind of surprised.

"I have a request. Do tell her that she cannot be of any help for now, but when the time come i want you Quaysho to tell her to break the promise but only when you feel like it is the right time to do so."

Eclispe : "..."

"You cannot be of any help for now."

Quay : "But if you can help with anyphing later on we'll tell you..."

Katsu : "So i can't be of use... can i...?"

Eclispe : "Sadly not..."

Katsu : "I get it... Thanks. I'll do my best to help once i'm needed."

"I need to go. I won't be around for a while, if ever find youself in a time of need, you know what to do."

We look at each other and agreed silently to not comment on the Creator leaving...

Eclispe : "So you think that repliqua is really going to fool Sunset ?"

"I hope it does."

Quay : "Well now at least without that note they won't be able to get to the Creator domaine which they were ban form."

Eclispe : "We've only destroyed one path to chaos..."

Katsu : "What is the other path ?"

"That would be destroying either the angel world or the demon world."

Quay : "And killing us won't do that and Sunset knows it."

"We have to be carefull-"

i can barely finish my sentance that Eclispe cut me and finish it for me.

Eclispe : "We don't need an other accident like Okitale... that what you were going to say was it not...?"



Eclispe : "None of them had to die..."

Eclispe had tears falling down his face... sadness and anger could be read on his face and in his eyes.

Quay : "...Eclispe..."

Eclispe : "NONE OF THEM HAD TO DIE ! Ikyra didn't have to FALL with his world ! Nayl didn't need to be kill by his own Siblings his own blood ! neither Aqualo or Orkashy would of needed to sacrifice themself.

Amery wouldn't of taken her own fucking life if it wasn't for Sunset ! they have done nophing but hurt all of us ! none of this would of happend if it wasn't for them..."

Eclispe leave angry and crying, i stop Quaysho as they tried to stop him... i let Katsumi handle it knowing she would know better than us both what to say, and she goes running to Eclispe trying to confort him in this time of need, we were just watching as they completly disapear form out vison.

Quay : "Why did you stop me...?"

"I trust Katsumi, she'll confort him."

Quay : "But... we sould be over there conforting our son !"

"...He's still not our son."

Quaysho's eyes were full of anger towards me, i know were where going to have an argument about that soon enough.

Quay : "How can you say that after you took him under your wings !"

"YOU were the one who first took that kid under your wings ! than our kids decided to take him as a brother, that's when he endeed up under my wings. I didn't ask for any of this !"

Quaysho looks away...

Quaysho : "What's the point of it... all we do is fight..."

The look of their changed form anger to sadness... i imiditly felt a sharp pain... causing me to almost lost balance, i put a hand on my heart...

That pain... i felt terrible...

the world... it's dying... i can feel it.

I look at Quaysho... even with that sad look i can still see that they're worried...

I knew at that moment that all effort of keeping Sunset away form this world was for nophing as my powers couldn't keep up with the one destroying the very world we were in.

As Eclispe and Katsumi came back very worried... Eclispe run to me...

Eclispe : "Are you okey ?!"

"I'm fine..."

Quay : "No you're not, the world is dying, i can see it you're in pain, which mean you can't keep up with what's destroying this world now can you ?"

"No i can't..."

Katsu : "This is bad..."

Eclispe : "Can we help...?"


Quay : "Yes."

I stare at Quaysho who was really mad now.

They could never stand watching me being in pain like this.