

[Warning : Important Message, This book is about sensitive subject such as Suicide, Death, Abandonment and Abuse (Physical or Mental) to Avoid if you have a sensitive soul you have been warned !] Remember, in this world, every step, every decision you make counts. Your mistakes will only follow you like your shadow. Across the skies and seas, You find yourself in a story you had no choice in, or so they would have you believe. An endless loop, a curse finally broken. You can save them all if you really want to. Can you finally give all these people the happy ending they deserve? DISCONTUNED

KosukeCreations · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Broken Love

...I was in a dark room, i was lucky i could see in the dark but sometime i wish i couldn't... in front of me there they were... Quaysho Hushiro world creator of the angelic world.

My opposite, my ennemis, or rather to be more accurate my lover.

I could see that they were mad at me...

i knew Eclispe had told them everything that's why they asked to be alone with the Troublemaker.

I couldn't look them in the eyes... i knew i would only see anger...

~Quaysho : "Explain yourself now."

>"...Sorry..." i keep looking down...

~Quaysho : "Sorry...? Sorry ?! you think a "sorry" is going to fix everything ?!" He got up slaming his hands on the tables, he was really mad...

~Quaysho : "Look at me when i'm talking to you !"

I couldn't... i was getting really scared... i hated it when they got mad... but i knew they would be even more mad if i didn't look at them... so i did... i look at them and all i saw in their eyes was anger...sadness...and worry...?

~Quaysho : "...You're not the man i loved anymore, the one i loved has been gone for five years now, thats juste how much you changed !"

...I couldn't bring myself to say anyphing...

~Quaysho : "Really you won't even say anyphing ?! a least defending yourself ! or can you not ? i mean really, you're involed in drugs traffic, you've been drinking and smoking who the fuck are you and what did you do my husband ?!"

I looked back down to the ring i had for so long... i don't know why but i starting feeling tears running down my face, i saw Quay really surprised than really worried and seemed like he was feeling guiltly. I close my eyes not wanting to see that look he had...

but as i did, i hear Quay soft voice call out my name.

~Quaysho : "Satanael..."

~Quaysho : "Please i want to understand...tell me what happend to you please... i want to help you get thought this what ever it may be... please let me help you just this once."

i wipe the tears away and look back at him...

"We can't fix things now... it's too late, only four of us remain. And both of us are just... useless."

~Quaysho : "You know that's not true, we may have our power chained away but we still can be usefull to everyone, it's not to late."

"It's to late to apologise to all of them... each of them could of been saved and yet we didn't fi anything !"

~Quaysho : "We weren't suppose to do anything about it !"

"Will you ever stop being restrained by the rules he set for us Quay ?!"

Quay looked away...

~Quay : "...Is this why you've changed so much...? you're trying to break free aren't you...?"

"Of course i am !"

~Quay : "Why did you even leave...?"

Oh...right... i...

"I wanted to see of your worlds really needed us... i wish i wouldn't of left... they don't need us Quay..."

There was silence for a moment...

before Quay spoke again.

~Quay : "Why did you came back than...?"

"For you."

~Quay : "For...me ?"

"I could sense you were scared, lost, you didn't seem to know what to do without me around'...so i came back...for you."

...Silence again...

i saw Quaysho... starting to leave i wanted them to stay... but... i didn't say anything...

it's been a while since we had anytime to spend with each other... they didn't even look back at me... but they had least said somephing before leaving...

~Quay : "I need some time alone... to think...take care..."

and they were gone...

I hate being here.

i could easily leave without anyone notice me but... sould i really...?

a mysterious voice than take my attention away form my thoughts.

"Does thy really seek freedom so much that thy would be ready to break one's promise ?"

...That voice...

Creator...? oh would you leave me alone ?!

this is your fault !

even if it mean breaking some old promise that doesn't even mean anything anymore i'll free myself just watch me.

Of course you sealed away my powers so i'll have to do this the old fancy way.