

stories of several characters in the same universe

BoltMoon · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs


They will be left behind, Phanias. They will be forgotten, erased, eliminated. They don't deserve to be part of our new world. They are weak, useless, inferior. They are the garbage of humanity, which we are going to discard.

This is horrible, Pierre. This is monstrous. You can't do that to people. You cannot play god. You cannot decide who lives and who dies. You cannot create a world in your image and likeness. You can not…

Enough, Phanias. You talk too much. You don't understand our greatness, our nobility, our glory. You are just an instrument, a means, a resource. You have no voice, no choice, no right. You will do as we say, or suffer the consequences.

Pierre Sabeur pressed a button and a door opened behind Phanias. Two guards entered and grabbed Phanias by the arms, dragging him out of the room.

Where are you taking me? What are you going to do with me? Phanias shouted, trying to break free.

We'll take you to the transition chamber, Phanias. We'll get you in the machine, Phanias. We will send you to the new world, Phanias. And we'll thank you for that, Phanias.

No! Let me go! Leave me alone! I do not want to go! I don't want to be a part of this! I don't want…

Phanias was interrupted by a punch to the face that caused him to lose consciousness. He was carried by the guards into a room where there was a large metallic capsule with wires and cables connected to it. They opened the capsule and threw Phanias inside, then closed it.

All right, boss. The subject is in the capsule. Can we start the process? one of the guards asked over the radio.

Yes, start the process. And prepare to witness the birth