
Origins of the Shadow Realm

It's a co-lead type of story, about a girl and her "shadow" I should warn you now, this is NOT a book of kisses and rainbows...

CozmicCatto · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter 10

*Zal's bawling her eyes out*

[Why the hell didn't her eyes heal already? I cast Repair so many times!]


Repair ONLY targets what you are intending to heal, and speeds up the process of the body's cell reproduction, so it CANNOT target multiple parts unless you cast it multiple times



*Zal continues to conjure a river from her eyes*

*I'm sorry that was my attempt to lighten, nevermind*














*Zal...is still crying*

[Danggit. DANNGIT! How do I fix this? Oooooooooooh]

*Zal passes out, from crying too much*

[Damn, I need to keep calm, maybe there's a way to share my sight with hers]

*Yami proceeds to converse with the system, I would show you but it's boring so I'm skipping it to the result*

[Ok, so her eyes are useless now great. I'm so STUPID]

*Yes you are*

[Anyway, I guess I can do something else]

[When I was a slime, or whatever you call that form, even though I didn't have eyes, I could still "see" around me]

[Hmmm, bats have echolocation, maybe I could try that]

[OR, if mana is like a molecule or some type, maybe I'll be able to repurpose it to "sense" things]

[She could be like a blind swordsman from cultivation manhwa. I'm not sure how applicable it is, but sense I did this, I should come up with a solution]

[Like a man]

[Wait, no before that she needs water, she cried too much, she's gonna dehydrate]

*Yami starts frantically searching for water, using his old senses from his previous evolution*

*After a few minutes, it was inconclusive*

[Danngit, I would have thought that there would be an underground reservoir or spring of some kind, but it's as barren as a desert down here]

[I'm gonna need to think of something else, Popup]


Status: Heavy Dehydration\Thirsty

Health: 49/50

Race(s): Zal (Human)\Yami (Organ)

Lvl(s): 3\2

Blood Value: 1

Agility: 3

Strength: 6

Mana: 17

Skills: Morph Lvl 1

Reshape MAX

Devour MAX

Roll MAX

Glow MAX

Swim Lvl 2

Circulate Lvl 1

Absorb Lvl 1

Repair Lvl 2

Magic: Dark Lvl 1

Dark Bullet Lvl 1

Dark Shotgun Lvl 1

Titles: The Monarch of Shadow




[Ok, ok I think I got it]

[If I can Circulate the blood with my mana imbued into it, I think I might be able to reach another part of the body]

*Yami starts to pound the blood and oxygen at a faster rate than normal, not not too much that will worsen Zal's condition*

*Slowly but surely, he's starting to imbue magic into her blood stream, but it taking a bt of mana*


Circulate has reached Lvl 2

Circulate has reached Lvl 3

New Skill: Adaptation has been acquired

Morph has reached MAX Lvl


[Hmm, what's this do? Wait...Adaptation...Morph...Reshape...I think I know how to fix this]

Yo! My first few comments! Hurrah! I was worried there were like hundreds of views but no one was actually reading ;_;

But that's not the case so yay.

Um, also, while I'm here, I have a question.

Wth is a power stone?

CozmicCattocreators' thoughts