
Origins of Olympus: reborn

All credit goes to the origins crew and its creators.

Mr_wolf_strange · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
26 Chs

The son of Hades vs The son of Baldur

Xylo's POV

It's been five weeks since I've seen Memphis, he still hasn't showed up to fight me which was making me worried. He is definitely up to something to no good that's for sure, it makes me wonder what he is doing at this current time. I don't know if he has a plan for me or is he going to try to fight me in a different approach I would have to wait and see.

I was currently in a room with nothing but a target in front of me right now practicing my archery, even though I said I was not going to train, but plans have changed .So I decided to stay at the rented little mansion that I got, and started practice Archery. It's not really that hard to grasp at, I started 2 weeks ago and I am already hitting bull's-eyes even though my archery seems to be getting better. I still can't hit moving target which is going to be a little of a problem but I'm not going to worry about that for right now even though I have a demigod murderer on my tail I still believe that I will come out on top somehow. Maybe nicks blood will come in handy in the fight and bail me out. It's not that Memphis is more physically stronger than me or magically more powerful than me. Me and him are practically even in that regard, he's just way more skilled me at close combat and he's way more experience then I am, i'm pretty sure that I was not his first opponent that he has faced before.

After practicing for two hours I decided to go to the market so I can get more supplies for myself I was running really low on food. I left the archery room and headed to the guest bedroom that that had a bathroom attached to it. I was really surprised when I saw advanced technology in such a place, but it did make sense. In origins of Olympus there was toilets and showers in the pyramid that was attached to camp oasis. That's origins of Olympus logic right there but I won't judge it, kinda feels like a good combination. Every day appliances in a world where you use melee weapons and bows etc, I don't think you can bring guns through the portal, there most be some type of magic that prevents such weaponry to go through the portal. Which I think would be for the best for all of us here.

As I walk into the bathroom I take off my clothing and started taking a shower after taking a shower for at least 10 minutes I left the bathroom put the dirty clothes inside of a bag that held all of my dirty laundry. After that walk towards the dresser and opened my drawer and grabbed my armor and clothing, I also took the hood that I came here with and put it all on.

After all that I left the mansion and went to the market. The market was lively as ever of course, I walked through crowds of people until I came across some food merchants who sold apples oranges and other fruits and vegetables. As I was walking around searching for food that looked appealing to me I suddenly heard a Female voice from behind me.

???: Hello Xylo how have you been as of late? I haven't seen you in two weeks.

I frowned and turned around and found a girl with beautiful dirty blonde hair pitch black eyes oval shaped faced with 2 Golden earrings on her ear, she was wearing a yellow Egyptian style tunic two black boots and a golden bracelet.

Xylo: oh hello Jenny, just been busy as of late.

She smiled and replied.

Jenny: you're always busy Xylo, why don't you just take a break from whatever you're doing and come by more often and buy some things for me.

Said Jenny with a mischievous grin plastered on her face. I deadpan at this, this girl always does this to me every time I come by here ever since I bought one thing from her she's always been trying to get me to buy more things. She does this to every male customer that comes by, Usually it works on everyone but me. I can see that the love curse is already taking effect which is going to be incredibly annoying until I can get it lifted somehow, though I don't think I will be able to get my physical heart back which isn't a bad thing because it does come with benefits.

Xylo: No.

I replied harshly with a deadpan face. After I said this, She growled in annoyance.

Jenny: that's not how you treat a lady Xylo.

She huffed, I looked at her like she was a dumbass and said.

Xylo: your dumb tricks don't work on me I know what you're trying to do, why don't you just go back to your stand and do what you do best all right. Now I have some things to do, I shall leave now.

I said as I walked away, before I left I looked behind me and saw her flipping a bird to respond to this I flipped one back at her while smiling. After getting away from Miss sunshine I went and bought some apples and oranges from a kind old woman who looked to be in her 70s. After getting all my supplies I left the market, since I didn't wanna go home automatically. I decided to go to a part of the city that I haven't seen yet, this particularly part of the city barely had anybody in it.It is quiet no sound no anything, it was also very gloomy and dark gives anyone the creeps no matter who you are. It has the feeling of darkness but also loneliness as well.

There was only a couple people here only homeless people and thieves, no one recognized me with my hood on so I was fine to walk as I please. After about 30 minutes of walking around this ghost of a town I decided to leave and go back to the mansion. 10 minutes later I was already halfway home, everything was going smoothly until somebody bumped into me, the stranger and i fell on the ground.

Xylo: oops, sorry there you oka…

When I was in the middle of apologizing, I notice something very Familiar about this Strangers look. I couldn't see anything but her head she was wearing a cloak that covered her whole body but her head that was because her hoodie part fell off while we bumped into each other she was also short to the point she only reached my nose. What was the most noticeable features was not any of her clothing but her ears that were on top of her head, she had short black hair and a pretty face but what was the most stunning about her was not her face or hair or even ears it was her eyes, her light purple eyes that look like there was stars.

This was none other than Magnus Impu's sister, and also the one that I had a vision about. All I was standing days while looking at her I quickly snap out of my thoughts when I heard her say "owe" while rubbing her head. I was about to get up and help her but I felt a metal object rubbing the Side of my right hand, I looked at the source of the metal and found one of Magnus's daggers sitting right beside my hand. As I got up I bent down and grabbed the dagger and walked towards her slowly with it in my right hand.

As I got closer she finally noticed my footsteps she instantly looked up and saw my deep purple eyes brown hair and a scar on one of my eyes, she noticed that her dagger was not with her but in the hands of the stranger who was walking towards her. She felt like something was off about this individual he felt like death and shadows like her and her brother but definitely more powerful then them. As I was walking more towards her I saw the fear creep in her eyes, once I noticed this I stopped and looked at the dagger in my hand send I looked back at her which caused her to fear me more.

Xylo: you don't have to fear me I was just giving your dagger back to you.

I said while handing the dagger to her, I held the dagger by the blade and pointed the handle towards her so she would know that I wouldn't hurt her with it. As she saw this she slowly got up and hesitantly walked towards me. She grabbed her dagger and put it back on her waist she looked up at me and said.

Magnus: T-thank you.

She said hesitantly. She kind of reminded me of the twins that I met in the alleyway when I first got here.

Xylo: no problem I also ran into you as well so it's kind of my fault as well.

I then pointed to her ears and said.

Xylo: you probably want to put that hoodie back on your head, most humans and other creatures are not fond of demigods or even gods themselves.

I said with a smile, she noticed that her hoodie was not on her head and blushed out of embarrassment as she put it back on.

Xylo: Well see you later.

I said as I walked past her. She also started to walk the opposite direction but she realize something.

Magnus: wait how did yo-

She turned around about to say something to me, I had already use shadow step to get out of there quickly before she questioned me about how I knew she was a demigod but it was kind of obvious with the ears so she probably will presume that I based it off of that.

She said something after I left.

Magnus: he didn't judge me because of my ears or bully me like others do, he's the only one who has done that other than my brother.

Muttered Magnus before the scene changes.

(Back at the mansion)

I shadow stepped back to the mansion on it's door step.

Xylo: phew no more questions today.

I said as I opened the door to the mansion, I open the door I automatically knew something was wrong. The lights were cut off and I could feel Three auras in the mansion all three familiar auras, which was worrying me even more. I quickly ran in the mansion, up the flight of stairs and into the dining room. I flick the switch of the room and saw Memphis with his spear standing behind 2 chairs that had the two kids in them, both of those kids were the two boys that I saved in the alleyway. Why the hell were they here I wondered.

Memphis chuckled at my reaction and explained.

Memphis: I told you that your words were going to bite you in the ass, since you didn't want to fight I took the liberty to go out and find the kids that you saved and I know that you care about children, it was quite obvious when you save them that you really cared about them.

Memphis chuckled. What the hell is this motherfucker talking about when did children get into this situation this has nothing to do with them I thought.

Xylo: but why are they here though they have nothing to do with any of this.

I said in a low tune that had a lot of anger in it, he goes on to explain.

Memphis: well I needed fuel for your anger and a Way for you to fight me without any choices but to.

Said Memphis with a grin.

Xylo: if you let them go, I'll fight you.

I said while trying to negotiate, but that backfired instantly.

Memphis: Well.

Said Memphis as he put down his spear and pulled 2 daggers from his waist belt and placed the blades on the two kids necks. The two kids started to cry in fear.

Memphis: you're going to fight me anyways so what does it matter and plus I can't have any witnesses can I.

Said Memphis with his crazy sadistic expression.


I yelled in anger. Both of the boys spoke in unison.

The boys: HELP US.

They yalled, Memphis then intervenes by talking.

Memphis: you're little savior over there is not going to help you, it is because of your savior that you are in this position if he had not saved you I wouldn't have come after you it is his fault that you are going to die today.

Said Memphis in a seductive killer voice. Before I could even say anything Memphis slit their throats in unison. Blood sprayed out of their throats and onto the walls of the empty dining room, blood even got behind Memphis on the sliding glass door that was the entrance to the balcony that had three pillars. Once he slit their throats I didn't say a word my eyes became blank I didn't feel any emotion at that very moment but when I realize what happened Something inside of me clicked it it was something I have never experienced in my life before, that was anger.

Memphis started laughing like a maniac with his hand on his stomach while dropping both daggers that where the weapons that slit both of the children's throats. As he was laughing I stood there with a frown, out of nowhere purple aura started to radiated off of my skin and the atmosphere of the room started to get cold and dark. This caused Memphis to stop laughing and look at Me with a smirk. As all this were happening I started to lose consciousness and everything started to become black.

Out of nowhere symbols started to appear on my arms legs chest and face, they had a dark purple glow to them. My eyes glowed a neon dark purple while there was moon symbols underneath my eye that did the same thing to. But that's not all that happened, suddenly one could hear bones being cracked in the silent room. A pair of bat wings sprouted from my back, they were purple and black and they were also big.

Once Memphis saw this he was terrified. Out of all the Demi gods that he has faced, this one is easily the most powerful demigod he has laid his eyes on not even some gods can compete with this, out of fear he quickly tried to grab his spear so he could protect himself but before he could even touch his spear A huge purple bolt hit him on his chest and sent him flying out of the room through the window and into the stone pillar that was on the balcony.

Memphis: what the hell.

Memphis said as he coughed out blood and looked down at his chest and held it, his whole rib cage was broken and shattered. He slowly got up and tried to look at me, but what he saw almost made him piss him self. He saw 2 glowing neon eyes 4 inches away from his face just staring at him with out any emotion. Memphis slowly moved his arm from out of the pillars shadow and let the sunsets light touch his tattoo. As the light touches him his tattoos all over his body started to glow blue light and his body started to heal and get strong at the same time. At this moment my emotionless body was just staring at him not even moving a inch watching all this happen like I didn't care.

Memphis slowly put his hand down and balled his hand up into a fist and said.

Memphis: What the hell are you.

Memphis said in fear, I didn't respond I just stared at him. Me not saying anything to him got him mad and so he decided to wind up a punch with his glowing blue fist that emitted magic power, as he raised his fist he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder he looked at his shoulder and saw a hand with a weird symbol it. He then looked back at me with a confused expression, that's until he saw flashes of blood pass between us both. some blood splatter on my face some blood splatter on his right chin, as he saw this with horror he slowly turns his head back to where my head was at and noticed that his whole arm was ripped off.

Memphis: AAAAHHHH.

He screamed in pain while falling down holding where his right arm use to be. I slowly knelt down to meet his eyes that had a painful expression written on them, I quickly force my hand between his jaw and his torso and flung him across the balcony making him land on his back causing him to scream in more pain.

I use shadow step to instantly teleport back into the dining room of the mansion and grab one of the daggers that Memphis used to kill the children with and shadow step back to where Memphis is at. I knelt down and met his painful gaze with my emotionless neon eyes, slowly raised the dagger and started to constantly stab him in the chest until he had no heart left. After a hour of stabbing I stopped and started to gain conscious again, and when I did I looked up and it was already night and the stars were twinkling in the sky.

I knew what I did, but I didn't care and it doesn't seem like I'm going to change either not that I know of at least. I was still in my symbol form to whatever I will call it in the future, even though I was unconscious I could still see the memories of my doings I thought somebody was taking over my body but now I think about it. It was just my rage blinding me to the point where I couldn't even control my own body. I look at the two chairs in dinning room with a sad expression and said.

Xylo: I couldn't save them.

To be continued.

I'm going to be taking a actual 2 day break so there's that. I also want to know if this writing style is better then my previous.

Type yes for yes.

Type no for no.

That's it