

"What was that?"

Jiang Chen sat up and put his hand on his forehead which was sweating profusely. Jiang Chen had just gone to sleep when he dreamed of his past life.

"Was that woman using Lightning Touch?"

Jiang Chen circulated Lightning Touch on his arms and lightning coiled around seemingly as if the lightning has gained a life of its own.

"It's not the same. The woman's lightning seems to be a simplified version of mine and weaker than my Lightning Touch. That's not the problem! She was erasing my memory for her own benefit!"

Jiang Chen untimely decided that if he ever gets transported back to Earth, the first thing he would do is find that woman and give her a piece of his mind.

"Why would a master live out in the street and why would he choose me as his successor?"

Jiang Chen got up from the bed and questioned the action of Gu Ming.


[Integrated Memory - 1/9]

"Does this mean that I have 8 more memories left to unlock? Do all of these memories involve cultivators on Earth?"

Jiang Chen got dressed and left his house. While he was out on the street, Jiang Chen heard a commotion going on right in front of him. The crowd was parting apart like Moses and the Red Sea. A man was in front of a carriage shouting out at the people.

"All of you better scram because if I see you in front of the carriage, I will tell my young master to personally deal with you."

People in the crowd were muttering as the carriage passes through.

"It's that scumbag son of the sectmaster again."

"He has been causing trouble for the past 3 weeks for the outer disciples."

The carriage stopped in front of Jiang Chen and a young man with an arrogant attitude appeared from the carriage. The man went near the crowd and asked a lady right next to Jiang Chen.

"Miss, would you like if you spent a day with me? I can treat you really well and if you perform good, I may even make you my concubine."

The girl tried to hide with her arms and said in a weak voice.

"No...please. My mother is waiting for me to go back."

"Come on...Once I take a liking to you, your mother wouldn't even need to have to worry about food or even money."

"No...I would still like to talk to my mother about this."

The guard that was at the front of the cart couldn't hold in his temper anymore and charged forward.

"Look, It is your luck that the young master would even look at you nor even talk to you. It was that young master was magnanimous enough to even take a liking to you."

The girl didn't know what to do and started crying.

"Good lord, how come people these days don't even know how to get a girlfriend correctly?"

Jiang Chen couldn't that the scene anymore so he let out a sigh. He then extended his hand and attached it to the "young master's" head. Before anyone reacted, Jiang Chen used Lightning Touch to erase his memories.


[Memories Erased - 100%]

"Shoot, I don't have a good handle on the memory-erasing."

The "young master" suddenly collapsed after Jiang Chen let go of his head.

"What did you do to young master!"

The man suddenly charged at Jiang Chen and swung his fist at him. Over his spare time, Jiang Chen has been practicing Traversing The Heaven and managed to get a small proficiency over the 2nd stage. Even then, Jiang Chen will be 2x faster than the average cultivator in terms of speed. Jiang Chen dodged to the side and landed on the cart

"So fast!"

When the man saw that he couldn't beat Jiang Chen in a fair fight, he quickly picked up the "young master" and ran.

"I guess that solves everything. Better hope that they don't cause trouble for me in the future. Especially when that kid was the son of the sectmaster."

"Thank you for saving me!"

The same girl that was being harassed ran up to Jiang Chen and bowed her head.

"It's no problem. Just go back home to your mother, OK?"

The girl left with a blush on her face while Jiang Chen jumped down from the carriage and went to the skill hall to read.

Sectmaster's Office

"Help, sectmaster! Your son has been beaten up by a person!"

"Ah, my wish has finally come true. Someone managed to teach my child a lesson about this world."

The man laid the "young master" on the floor and the sectmaster took a look at him. The sectmaster held his hand over the "young master's" head and was shocked by what be sensed. Lightning coursed around the "young master's" brain seeming to lock all the memory away. The sectmaster muttered under his breath.

"This is...Lightning Touch!? That kid already learned a hidden power behind the skill? This kid seems to have a high comprehension rate...Hmm. I can send him to that place to nurture him."

The sectmaster rose up and asked the man.

"What was the boy's name that did this?"

"I will find out straight away!"

The man hurried away from the room and began searching. Little does he know that the young master won't be avenged and the culprit may even be rewarded in the long run.

The Next Day...

Jiang Chen was sent a notice saying that he will be sent to a branch sect and he will be assisting that sect until further notice.

"This is a much lighter punishment than I expected for beating up the sectmaster's son."

Jiang Chen didn't complain and got on the carriage to the new sect. Over the next few days, Jiang Chen will be in the carriage and not coming out unless there was a demonic beast attack or bandits.