
The Major Bases of The Wall

The Wall has an iron grip on all parts of the known galaxy and a factor to this are the bases that give a major strategic upper hand on the enemies, these bases are stationed on areas that are considered impenetrable and strategically superior than the rest. These bases exist for barying reasons such as, training more soldiers, manafacturing of weapons or vehicles, meeting place fir strategists or high ranking members, and many more. These are the known types of bases that exist in the wall.

Training base is a base that is tasked to train new men and women to fight for The Wall, the base is equipped with all requirements needed such as, a shooting range, swimming area, airfield, driving area, and simulation bays. One of the most notable is base Farank on the planet of Gerado.

Manafacturing base is a base tasked to only create weaponry or vehicles for the wall, they are comprised of natives and some soldiers that are not in service at the moment. They are shipped materials weekly that are needed to create more machines of war, these bases have a high and strong workforce as people who wish to help the military without fighting take part in manafacturing. These bases are also very protected and secured as an attack can deal a storng blow to the morale and force of The Wall. The most notable is the Base of Noralia.

The Medical base is a base that researches or extends the reach of medical help towards other systems. Comprised of doctors they work constantly to find better methods of treating wounded on the battlefield and limiting casualties taken, responsible for creating multiple advancements such as 'elixr' which can greatly accelerate the healing process and works for any species. Most notable is base Oposera.

The Disease control base is a base that can be stationed on any planet specifically to help with any outbreaks reported, natives and soldiers may work in the area, mostly soldiers from the medical field. Most known base it base Geloresi.

The Heavily armed base like it's name highly defended, the reason for this is for many reasons such as: Close to highly contested or hostile planets, planets or bases of high importance, housing top secret weapons or experiments and a whole lot more. Records of these bases are highly classified.

The observation base may be temporary or permanent base stationed on planets that are not fully understood or close to unknown planets. All bases must remain secretive so any possible suspicious activity can be avoided, due to this all workers or soldiers must stay in the base from a week to a year. Another purpose of this base is to gather intel on nearby hostile camps or stations, and to house spies or double agents ready to be used. The whereabouts of the bases are classified and so are the planets they inhabit.

The strategy base is another classified base meant to house the strategists or high ranking officials of The Wall to discuss the battle plan for a battle, ambush, siege, offense, or defensive plans for soldiers in a designated area, locations of these bases vary but most of them were seen on planets that are close to the fight, at all times there must a be a large detachment of soldiers protecting the area to prevent any casualties of high ranking personnel and strategists.

The research/development base is a base that researches on better equipment, vehicles, void craft, and void ships of the wall. Almost all systems have at least one base stationed on a planet, these bases house scientists that specialize in developing new weapons of war that The Wall may use as well in future conflicts, the most well known base is base Coderops.

The shipping base is a non-combative base solely used to ship arms or essentials from one planet to another, civilians mostly work on these bases equipped with cargo movers, ships, and aerial cargo movers. The cargo may be used for civilian purposes or to support soldiers on the planet and support a nesrby base. The biggest base of these is the base on Retanika that gets about 1 million shipments in a day.

For now these are the known bases of The Wall,

more bases will be added in a seperate page. Thank you.