
The Aftermath of the Peon's Sty bar

Intense crashing sounds woke Phillip from his sleep, as he rolled up from his leather couch. He looked out the windows and seen that it was clearly night, and the moon was providing its bit of light. He heard smashing sounds, followed by a slurred female voice, "Hooow iz it there izn't aaaaany more meeead inz your place, Legzbarka."

[What in the shit?] Phillip's armor clanked as he moved to his kitchen area, as he saw various articles of his new residence broken on the way in... As he passed the entrance, he saw both Orc guards were laying unconscious on the ground, showing the whites of their eyes. Phillip paused, and seen their chest's still rising and falling... Thankfully not dead... Why not dead? He didn't want to be blamed!

He turned the corner to see pieces of armor laying all over the floor... Why did this armor look familiar... and seen shattered glass and his kitchen in a very different state that he seen this morning?

In the middle of this spanning chaos was a muscular green Orc was rummaging what Phillip could think of was a food locker.

Recognizing the one raiding, he called out in anger, "HEY! HELLIE! HEY! WHAT THE HELL!" As he rushed up to her and pulled her arm from the back.

She spun on the spot, as she lashed out, smacking Phillip in the gut causing him to take two steps backward, and a sweet taste to feel his mouth, "Who da fook iz dis tin-can?"

Phillip swallowed down that sweet taste, as he gawked at Hellie. She was standing only wearing her leather chest wrap and cloth loin panties... Shaking himself again back to reality, as he yelled, "Hellie! It's the Human you met earlier! This is my place! Why are you busting up my place!?"

"Hooman named?" Hellie put a finger on her lips, as her hand slipped, and she pointed out to Phillip as she staggered.

"Phillip! Damn it!"



"OOOOOH! Iz you? You know... Ice went too yous burrow... Yous have no mead..." Hellie giggled.

"Hellie, why are you so drunk!?"

[What in the light god... Orc Calamity? Someone! SOMEONE'S NAME DO I DO WITH A DRUNK FEMALE ORC!] Phillip lamented in his mind.

"Ice juss went to party a bits..." She giggled again with her slurring as she became unsteady on her feet, as she turned an odd shade of green to almost a white look.

Phillip had never been drunk, but he had seen people that were, and this look...! This was the look of puking!

"To the Bathroom! TO THE BATHROOM! NOT HE-"

Too late... As Hellie hung her head, and the contents of her stomach spilled.

Phil was thankfully to the side, as she backed in time, but was able to see the multicolored tide of fluids... He had no idea what these colors meant... He wasn't so sure he was thankful for the moon to illuminate this scene before him.

Hellie seemed as if she was going to fall, but Phillip was able to, with his strength to support her, as he helped her to his bathroom.

She continued to empty her stomach into his bathtub until she could no longer sustain her actions.

The smell was suffocating! It was like blood and chemicals! Phillip knew what grog and beer where, but what in the hell was mead, for it to smell like that.

He ran the tub with water, as it flushed out into the drain, carried by gravity out of the home and into the wastes behind the burrow.

Hellie was sitting on the floor of the bathroom, as she hazily looked up to Phillip in his armor.

Finally getting the smell mostly gone, with the contents now flushed. Phillip got one of the washcloths and wet it under the water. He used it to wipe Hellie's face, and the spittle, among other things, from her lips.

Feeling the cool sensation on her face, she slightly became more coherent, but it was mostly an alert drunk.

Her eyes squinting at Phillip enjoying his care, as she asked, "Legzbarker... Do you like me?"

Phillip paused...

[Do I like her? What does that even mean?] His memory surface of Holly so many years ago... He liked her, but how did that turn out.

A pained look crossed his face, but this was unknown to Hellie.

"I... Don't dislike you..." Phillip finished with her face and slapped the washcloth next to his own he had used earlier.

He stood up to ask, "Why did you come to my home to tear it up drunk? Don't you have a home?"

"Ice have a buuuurrow, but didn't want to dizturb sista... Sista smart. Sista always thunking bout tha fucha, and my udda sista iz still training az a shaman... Ice don't haz anyone to help me... heh."

Phillip was struck in the heart... Even though, she had two sisters... Both were busy and no one was there to help her... And she came to him. He didn't understand why she would trust a Human... A Human slave no less, but he could understand no one to be there for you.

It was a rare feeling he felt... Someone... Someone looking to him for help. It made him feel... Wanted.

"Alright you, come on. Let's get you to a bed. You can sleep it off here." Phillip's home, known as a burrow by the Orcs was a nice place, and had a bedroom, even if he slept in the foyer on a couch.

With his help, he hefted the heavy Orc lady, and took her to his bed, and helped onto the bed. It was a straw bed, that had a fitted sheet to cover the stray, considered to be middle class by the Orcs.

Just as Phillip helped her into the bed and had just lifted her legs to get in the bed, Hellie reached up and pulled Phillip into the bed with her.

Phillip wasn't exactly sure why, but he had a feeling stir inside of him... Phillip would be a liar to say he didn't know what that feeling was... He had seen some other Human females that attracted him, but he would never approach them... Not after Holly.

In his usual way, he forced down his lust, as he attempted to get up, he felt his waist was locked by Hellie's powerful legs. He found that with the strength of his legs, he was pressed hard against her. A felt a pleasant sensation below him.

Swallowing hard, he called out, "Hellie let go of me." He didn't know if a human sleeping with an Orc was taboo for the Orcs. Not something that he ever asked Jukzuk but hearing Hellie talk about Lusty Humans... he didn't want to be one in the middle of a Clan, as a slave.

As Phillip struggled, Hellie undid her Leather chest wrap, exposing herself to the night air.

Phillip's mouth went dry, as he was able to see a pair of jade green peaks glisten in the moonlight, as she stilled his struggle. He swallowed hard, as he found that there was no spittle to swallow.

Phillip's hands itched, and as the approached, they turned into wolf claws. He was going to see if those vulgar field hand's words were true.

Just as his wolf claws were about to pounce, he heard a long loud snore.

Startled, he looked up to see that the lustful expression that Hellie had was now replaced by a mouth hung-open sleeping face, with another snore issued.

Phillip carefully backed away, as he detangled the Orc ladies' legs from around him. He placed her on the bed. He took another good eye full of those jade peaks, as he turned to walk to the kitchen. After cleaning up the best he could, he walked by the entrance and saw the guards were still out.

Phillip stood for a moment in thought. He then went to his kitchen and filled two jugs of water. He went back to the two guards and spilled a bit of water on each.

They groaned, as they held their faces, and sat up. As they came into bearing they looked up to see the Human Slave lording over them. They both pulled their maces readying themselves to attack. Not sure why Hellie, the Chieftain's adopted daughter, knocked them out, but they weren't going to let this Human dispose of them.

Phillip held both his hands up with the water jugs in hands, as he spoke, "Brother Orcs, I'm sorry. It seems Hellie knocked you two out as she came in... It seems she was drunk."

The first Orc grunted as he spoke, putting away his mace, "No wonder..."

The second Orc put his mace away while holding the front of his head. In the moonlight, it appeared his right eye was swollen shut, "Damn... Why did she have to hit us... We would of let her in..."

"Brothers have some water." Phillip held out the two water jugs.

The first Orc took the water jug and smelled it. Seeing that it was fine, he chugged it. Seeing the second Orc chug, he too took the water jug and chugged alongside.

"You guys need some more?"

"No, I'm good... Just what I needed." The first replied as the second grunted to concur.

"Say... Can you not say anything about Hellie knocking us out?" The first Orc asked, rubbing the back of his head, with a sour expression.

"Hellie knocked you out? Why don't I know about it? I heard you two got in a fight over something and resolved it yourselves. I never seen you knocked out." Phillip replied with a smile in his voice.

"My names Gnarg Stonetrower," The first Orc replied.

"And mine is Gnath Stonethrower," said still rubbing his face.

"If you need anything just come in, or say something. I'll help you out."

"Human... You know you are a slave right? We are here to make sure you don't get away." Gnarg spoke shaking his head.

"And?" Phillip said as he walked back into his burrow. He made his way to his couch, weary of finding his bed filled with powerful, but beautiful Orc.

Voidmirage, the Blind Idiot God here!



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