
Let's Settle this with the Spirits

Phillip never thought about womenfolk being trouble before as He never had time to think about such things, but after watching Hellie and Demze last night... He nodded his head quickly.

Seeing that Phillip understood, Jukzuk called to Midka, "Midka, seeing you today means you passed the final stage?"

"Yes, uncle. I was granted favor by Ya'Sar, the Fire Tyrant." Midka spoke with a smile in her voice, as Phillip listened closely.

"Fire Tyrant...!" Jukzuk shouted in a whisper, taking in a deep breath.

Phillip gave a questioning grunt, as Jukzuk whispered to him, "There are four main elements, Fire Air, Water, and Earth... Then the secondary elements, the children of the main four are Lava, Lightning, Ice, and Wood. While the Secondary are stronger than the main four, they do not have the versatility of the main four... And with Midka here... She was favored by a Tyrant of Fire. Elementals come in tiers like knights or warriors... Tyrants are at the top!"

Phillip didn't know what all this meant, but knew it meant that Midka must be very powerful with the elements! If he thought of it like priests from the Humans... This must mean she was as powerful as an Archbishop, second only to the pope! Could she really be that strong!?

After a while of walking through the large Chieftain compound, Phillip felt that he walked into a different area. The decor changed, and the rooms opened to larger areas. Now in the center of the mound, Midka, Jukzuk, and Phillip walked into a large throne room-like area. The walls were covered in skulls of various unknown beasts. Some of which Phillip could only guess were big lizards like the ones that pulled their wagons, but... With more teeth, while others look to be giant skulls, and... many many Orc Skulls. Perhaps... Conquests? The floor was stone but covered in many thick fur rugs that were sawn into each other blanketing the entire area.

At the back, was a large chair, that was made out of black stone, and seated on it, was the large Orc he met in the prison cages! Phillip could tell right away this was the Orc Chieftain!

Surrounding him were other Orcs. On the right side were many hardened warrior-looking orcs with massive weapons and large armor, male and female included, with two wizened Elder Orcs, both male. Phillip looked among them and saw Hellie was present. She smiled back at him with a sultry grin, as she noticed his gaze.

Phillip then looked to the left side and saw many others dressed in similar garbs as Midka. As Jukzuk came to a stop he held Phillip back from walking anymore, as Midka continued and joined those on the left side. She greeted an Old Orcess Elder named, Uloth. She took her place with them.

Phillip saw Midka's face again, and she smiled back with a warm, but indifferent expression. Standing on the right and left of the Chieftain's throne, stood Uvog, who he also met in the prison, and Demze.

Jukzuk whispered to Phillip, "Boy, walk until you are twenty paces from the throne and kneel. Then answer when you are spoken to..."

Phillip grunted to Jukzuk to let him know, as he stepped closer to the middle of the throne room. When he first met this Orc in front of him, he didn't feel the pressure he did now... He could only think that the pressure he felt now was due to knowing he was the chieftain, or maybe it was because there were so many other Orcs watching him. All around the room, the various Orcs, both on the left and right were whispering to each other. Their chatter and grunts were something that Phillip couldn't make out, but he wasn't stupid enough to not know it wasn't about him... The thought to be former human.

Phillip kneeled exactly twenty paces from the Chieftain's throne, and bowed his head, not looking up.

The Blacktongue chieftain laughed, and as he laughed the throne room became silent, except for the occasional grunt, "We meet again boy, but this time it's very different than last time."

Phillip didn't say anything per the instructions of Jukzuk and only listened.

The Chieftain nodded his head approvingly, "Your appearance in the arena yesterday... Most satisfying. I'm surprised though..." The chieftain squinted his dark green eyes as he surveyed the room, and his gaze ended on Demze.

Demze could feel the chieftain's gaze on her back, but she did not turn her head.

The chieftain then looked back to Phillip, as he spoke, "I wonder how many Orcs here know of the axe swing you performed? Hoy, Uvog. Do you know?"

Uvog grunted a yes, "That was the finishing axe move of the Speartooth Clan. The Chopping Block, the Speartooth calls it. Cleaves through armor, once their foe has been pushed down, per the Speartooth Clan's method of fighting."

"And Uvog... In your years of experience, how well did this boy execute the so-called "Chopping Block?"

Uvog cleared his throat, "I'm no expert on the Speartooth thems-"

"Answer to the best you can Uvog..." The chieftain interrupted.

"I've only seen it done better once before, and for an Orc with no cultivation to cut the middle out of a human, with a single chop... It was a bloody and exciting spectacle."

"So boy... I can't help but wonder..." The chieftain looked around the room again, "That you were smuggled in by the Speartooth as a human, but for purposes that may or may not be known. Now answer me... Are you Speartooth?"

Phillip felt beads of sweat forming, as he heard the conversation... He only executed that move on a spur of the moment! What was this?!

"I am not Speartooth. I am not any Clans."

"HOG SNOTS!" The chieftain slammed his right fist onto his stone throne.

Phillip felt the pressure increase on him... Was this just the room, or was this from the Chieftain?

"Chieftain Blacktongue... May I speak on his behalf?" Jukzuk asked in front of those present.

The Chieftain slummed back in his throne, as he waited for Jukzuk to intercede, "What does the Traitor have to say on the behalf of this... Orc."

Jukzuk approached and stood next to Phillip, exactly twenty paces from the Throne, but he did not kneel. Something everyone in the room noted, even Phillip. It did not seem to displease the Blacktongue Chieftain.

"I can confirm a few things, as I was sent here by the Speartooth with this boy," Jukzuk explained.

"I know what you wish to say, as I've already heard it, but what makes you think that he wasn't a plant before you met him? Can it be a coincidence that the Speartooth put you and him next to each other?"

"Yes, it can. This boy didn't know anything about Orcs, the Language, the Culture, his heritage, or even his parents. This is all the malice of Humans on Orcs! Look at his mouth! They removed his tusks! Made him think he was Human! Even told him to Cultivate like a Human, KNOWING he couldn't! All in an effort to turn an Orc into a Human slave... NOT AN ORC SLAVE, BUT A HUMAN SLAVE!!!" Jukzuk roared, as the pressure around Phillip lessened to a great degree.

Jukzuk continued, "It is not wrong to have slaves, as the powerful are always right... But it is wrong to dishonor them... It is wrong to disrespect them... But these humans! NOT even allowing him the honor of knowing his people... TO know his race! And now... He finds himself among us! We Orcs! He has come home to his people... And the first thing you do is accuse him of being an enemy! Chieftain Blacktongue... Even you must know your limits!"

The Chieftain sighed, as he knew he lost the word game. He could continue, but it would only hurt his image. He would have to investigate more...

The Elder Orcess next to Midka took a step forward, as she spoke in a raspy voice, "Chieftain Blacktongue, if I may."

The Chieftain grunted to acknowledge she may speak.

She turned to look at Jukzuk, "This boy has no name, correct?"

"That's right, Uloth," Jukzuk spoke the full words, instead of grunting to prove his point.

She then turned to look at the Chieftain, "I have a way that might ease the Chieftain's mind, and name this boy."

The Chieftain sat straighter in his seat, "You mean to summon spirits?"

Uloth nodded her head, "Yes. With Uvog, Midka, and myself. We can call them. Midka is now powerful enough to assist us."

"And what must we give in return for them to hear our calling?" The Chieftain asked.

"We can make an offering of mead, meat, and dead-coins."

"...Take from the treasury what you wish for the dead-coins... We will settle this for good, and if they name this boy. Then this will be for the best. No Orc of the clan has been named by the spirits since the time of... well, proceed."

Uloth nodded and gathered with Uvog and Midka. Servants were called to gather the materials, all the while Phillip continued to kneel...

[When can I stand up... My knee is starting to hurt...] Phillip wondered.

Voidmirage, the Blind Idiot God here!

OOOooo WEEEeee!

Come on sprits!

Voidmiragecreators' thoughts