

After an unexpected night involving a one-night stand, Tatsumaki soon discovers that she is pregnant with Saitama's child. As the two struggle to find a resolution and decide on their priorities, more problems continue to arise—not just by a monstrous cause, but one in the political and industrial realm.

Bilit_Anant · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Chapter 5.1: The One with the Meeting

(The very next day, at precisely six hundred hours, the emergency beeper of the heroes selected by the association blared like a synchronized alarm clock of horrors.)

(Saitama's red eyes shot wide open as he smacked the pager like a fly, crushing it into nothing more than a heap of bolts and wires.)

(Tatsumaki, still with a sleep-mask on, gritted her teeth and flung the cursed device to the next city, literally.)

(Only Genos appeared unperturbed, rising seconds before the alarm had even started to sound.)

(Inside one of the smaller conference rooms of the Hero Association, the group of summoned heroes, except for a mentionable few like Flashy Flash and the Demon Cyborg, struggled to stay awake.)

(Tatsumaki let out a yawn, drinking her double-shot cappuccino and ignoring the stares the rest of her S-Class colleagues were giving her.)

(As usual, everyone was present—except for Metal Knight, Blast, and the recently-resigned Bang. Metal Bat, Puri Puri Prisoner, Darkshine, and Child Emperor were no longer in attendance as well, having involved themselves with a different association.)

(As the digital clock on the wall ticked 07:30, the executive called Sitch promptly entered the room.)

(Greeting the group with a half-hearted salutation, he sat himself at the edge of the table to preside over the meeting.)

Sitch: "Thank you all for coming despite the early hour we requested. I'll get straight to the point, so we can properly make use of the time discussing what we know and exchanging insights and solutions."

(he declared.)

(With a click of the remote, he showed a brief clip of the latest news regarding the earthquake from the night before.)

Sitch: "As you can all see, there was a massive earthquake that struck City A last night, with shockwaves that reached City Y. Reports from the International Institution of Volcanology and Seismology reported that it reached an 8.5 on the Richter scale. But the earthquake is not the highlight of our discussion—rather the unknown voice that left with a message of this planet's destruction."

(Sitch turned off the projector.)

Sitch: "Our intelligence immediately got to work, although unfortunately, we still are not able to identify the source of that voice. I called on all of you today to ask if you know any relevant information that could aid us. You were all involved in the incident with the Monster Association; hence I considered that this group would be most knowledgeable on the present matter. So…any thoughts?"

(After a distinct pause, Flashy Flash was the first to provide his insight.)

Flashy Flash: "The voice spoke of a human child—one with great and phenomenal power. That could be an essential clue to our current predicament."

(he imparted.)

Sitch: "Agreed. Now, does anyone have any speculation of who this human child could be?"

(Sitch inquired.)

Sitch:"Any leads at all? Perhaps anyone related to this…quote-and-quote all-powerful being?"

(Genos glimpsed at Saitama then to Tatsumaki.)

Genos [In mind]: Will Master divulge that he could possibly be the father of this human child? Or will the spoiled imp speak up? Nevertheless, I shall keep silent on this matter for now. I have given my word to Fubuki and to Master Saitama. Their trust and confidence in me are more important than the Hero Association.

(Tatsumaki consumed the last of her coffee.)

Tatsumaki: "Where the hell are the other S-Class heroes? Child Emperor? Darkshine? Bang?"

(She swerved her head to the A-Class, Sweet Mask's, direction and narrowed her eyes.)

Tatsumaki: "And what in the damn fuck is that jezebel doing here?"

(she pontificated.)

Amai Mask: "Haven't you heard of their new little club, Tatsumaki?"

(Amai Mask replied with an air of indignation.)

Amai Mask: "Well, of course, you haven't. You've been living under a rock these past few months. I wonder why? Could that perhaps have something to do with your…bloated stomach?"

(Tatsumaki's face grew hot with rage and embarrassment as the rest of the heroes quickly averted their glances towards her lower abdomen.)

Tatsumaki: "Why you lowly piece of incompetent, imbecilic, pathetic, bird shit! How dare you ask me that to my face?!"

(she rose from her seat and slammed her fists against the table.)

(The stunned faces of the latter made her realize the terrible decision she made as her rounded physique was all-the-more overtly outlined.)

(The Esper shivered at the sudden chill that pervaded the room.)

Sitch: "M-Miss Tatsumaki,"

(Sitch managed to cough out, breaking the ice.)

Sitch: "I understand that whatever has occurred with you are your own personal and private matters. However, with what is at stake here, could you at least enlighten us if you think that the threat from the unknown entity has something to do with the baby you are carrying?"

(Tatsumaki composed herself. Not to disregard his studied eye for the furtiveness, but the Hero Association senior executive was a pioneer in this game.)

(His was the sort of niche operation where, for instance, a society dowager in need of her idiot son's subtle rescue after he was seized for doing some shady transactions with some underground mafia might go to without risking their family's clean-slated reputation.)

(In other words, Sitch was not someone she can easily mess with when it came to secrecy; but with that aside, the revelation of her pregnancy to him may have all the more locked his attention on her.)

(Though Tatsumaki knew all the facts were pointing towards her, she needed to safeguard herself and the baby.)

(Who knows what the association would do?)

Tatsumaki: "You want my thoughts? Here's what I think—I'm not the only pregnant woman on this entire planet. If you narrow down your options on my kid and me, then that only proves how ineptly you operate and how biased you are."

(she criticized.)

(She turned her attention to the rest of the heroes.)

Tatsumaki: "And as for the rest, especially you—"

(she pointed an accusing finger at Amai Mask.)

Tatsumaki: "Over-sweetened dipshit—mind your own damn business!"

(Resting her case, the Esper returned to her seat and mindlessly listened to Sitch's apology before he resumed with the meeting.)

(From his end, King couldn't care less about this talk of a mysterious entity or universal destruction.)

(To him, the association had a general tendency of hyperbolizing situations, especially during meetings with the field agents (i.e., heroes.)

(Earlier, while he could make the more critical presumption that the Hero Association had some underlying agenda of why they wanted information so badly, his mind fluttered to the twee RPG video game that waited for him at home.)

(But now, after the series of events with Tatsumaki's revealed pregnancy and all, King's initial mindset changed course to wondering who the father of Tatsumaki's baby could be.)

(This was the kind of drama he could pay attention to.)

(King looked around the room, Sitch's speech nothing more than mere white noise now.)

(He glimpsed secretively at every male in the room, and from the corner of his eye, watched how Saitama's eyes were slowly drawing to a close like a drowsy student listening to some boring lecture.)

(King continued to stare at the dull-looking bald hero.)

(He looked the usual—bored out of his mind, hoping something fun comes up soon.)

(Suddenly, King remembered that one night at the nightclub.)

(Caped Baldy and Tornado had surely looked like they had some fun.)

King [in mind]: Could Saitama actually be the dad? Is that even possible?

(King considered his own theory for a moment.)

(One, he was the only one with Tatsumaki that night, so he might have been the one who had brought her home.)

(Two, it was also highly likely that they could have done nasty things since they were both intoxicated.)

(Three, it could be assumed that Saitama, being the only one resistant to Tatsumaki's extraordinary powers, would be the only one who could survive the crude baby-making activity unscathed.)

Sitch: "Thank you for all your inputs."

(Sitch finally said.)

Sitch: "I will consider each one carefully and determine any plausible precedents, clues, or other information that could facilitate our progress and relay it to the rest of the executives. In the meantime, I want you all to be on your guard. Continue to keep the citizens safe, but do remember to keep yourselves in check as well. Meeting adjourned."

(The meeting lasted for about thirty minutes, and King was able to survive through it without even uttering a single word.)

(Just like the last time.)

(And the time before that.)

(And also a lot more times before that.)

(He watched as Saitama and Genos chatted briefly before rising from their seats and heading towards the exit.)

(It was still pretty early, and it was likely that they didn't have breakfast yet.)

(Maybe this could be an opportunity for an interrogation.)


(A few minutes after the meeting, Saitama and Genos found Tatsumaki slowly walking by herself towards the S-Class residential area.)

(Saitama observed her for a moment, cocking a brow.)

(Usually, the Esper would levitate wherever she went.)

(Could it be that something was wrong with her? Or was she getting too heavy to lift herself up?)

Genos: "What is she so disappointed about?"

(came Genos' comment.)

Genos: "She brought that trouble to herself earlier. It is her own fault that Amai Mask and the other S-Class heroes now know of her pregnancy."

(Saitama frowned at his disciple's lack of sympathy.)

Saitama: Sure, the woman could be a total pain in the ass, but that's no reason for him to act as such towards her. "I don't think she meant for any of that to happen."

(he remarked.)

Saitama: "That glittery pop-star guy triggered her. I wouldn't blame her if she'd float his ass up to outer space for saying those words to her."

Genos: "Master…am I right to assume that you are defending the runt—I mean, the Tornado of Terror?"

Saitama: "I'm not exactly defending her…"

(Saitama said, stretching his arms and folding them behind his shiny head.)

Saitama: "It's just not right to blame people for being angry, y'know. She's still a person—she has feelings. Like, if I say something that displeases you, wouldn't you feel angry?"

Genos: "Of course not, Master! Any word from you is a ray of wisdom that would enhance both my mental and physical being."

(Genos quickly answered.)

(In fact, as Saitama was talking, the young cyborg was jotting down notes in his small notebook.)

Saitama [groaned]: "Argh, no—that's not the point of what I'm talking about!" "The point is, Genos, that you can't keep holding grudges against people and make sudden judgments about them. You'd have to know exactly what they've been through or what they're going through. In Tats' instance, she's pregnant and has been embarrassed in front of all those people. If you were in her shoes, wouldn't you feel bad? Wouldn't you want to bury yourself in a hole, or set the world on fire?"

(As if slowly comprehending his mentor's words, Genos slowly nodded his head.)

Genos: "Right, Master. Though I do not fully comprehend the relevance of Tatsumaki's footwear, I agree that I would set the world on fire too."

(Saitama felt the corners of his lips tug into an awkward smirk.)

Saitama [smirk]: "Is…is that all you got from everything I've said?"

(A few feet from where 'Beavis and Butt-head' were conversing, Tatsumaki couldn't restrain her nerves from trembling.)

(After the whole ordeal with Amai Mask and Sitch earlier, she wanted to just explode like a supernova and cry her heart out.)

(She wanted to blame stupid baldy for keeping silent the whole time.)

(But who the hell was she kidding? She told him time and time again that when a scenario such as the one earlier would strike, she would handle it by herself and that he should just shut up.)

(Saitama kept his word till the end, but where did that bring her?)

(Tatsumaki suddenly felt his eyes directly on her.)

Tatsumaki: Was he pitying her? Was he going to lecture her?

(She could no longer restrain herself as she swiftly levitated over to confront the man.)

Tatsumaki: "Why the fuck are you staring at me?!"

(she yelled out.)

Tatsumaki: "Did you want to gloat? Tell me I was wrong? Or did you want to tell me that you were right? Because I know you are, you piece of shit—you are ALWAYS right!"

(It could have been the hormones or the long-dormant emotions of shame and humiliation putting her in place that made her erupt.)

(When Tatsumaki felt a tear threatening to brim on her eyes, she quickly averted her gaze and flew away.)

(Saitama watched with a composed demeanor when the Esper vanished in the horizon, leaving a bright green streak of light.)

(His façade suddenly grew serious, and Genos inquired if he was okay.)

Saitama: "Yup, I'm cool,"

(he replied.)

Saitama: I just hope Tatsumaki feels better soon too.

Genos: "Master, I must ask…"

(Genos solemnly said.)

Genos: "Do you still feel like you can reserve judgment? After all that Tatsumaki has said and done to you, do you still have an inkling of respect for her?"

(Saitama turned his head to face Genos.)

Saitama: "Yeah, sure. Why not?"

Genos: "I don't understand… She—!"

Saitama: "Dude, what she said to me makes no difference. She was furious, yeah, but for a reason."

Genos: "You did nothing to her, but she still laid out her temper on you!"

(Genos argued, struggling to understand the justification behind his mentor's patience towards the Esper.)

Genos: "Forgive me for raising my tone, Master. However, I cannot just sit by idly and watch her treat you like dirt. I have witnessed my family face the same treatment and vowed to never allow the same to happen."

(Saitama felt his shoulders slump. This conversation was going nowhere, and he was getting hungry.)

Saitama: "What happened to me isn't the same with what happened to your family," he blandly stated. "And it's not like I don't exactly have nothing to do with what's happened to her. You…get the picture, right?"

Genos: "But Master, she—"

(Just before Genos could respond, a familiar low-pitched voice called out to the bald hero.)

King: Hey Saitama!

(The two turned about to look over their shoulders at the newcomer, and Saitama was gladdened to see King sweep him away from the roundabout conversation that was proving to be more nugatory than helpful.)

King: "You guys wanna grab some breakfast before we hit the v-card?"

(While Saitama disliked the use of the term since it reminded him of some crude joke, he ignored King's usage of it as he instantly gave a vigorous nod.)

Saitama: "YES! Let's eat—I'm starving!"

Genos: "I suppose a meal would be beneficial after the meeting."

(Genos relented, still pondering over the unresolved issue with Tatsumaki.)

King: "Great! I know a place nearby that serves the best food in town."

(The trio headed off, leaving behind the weighty atmosphere of the Hero Association headquarters, at least for the time being.)

(As they walked, Saitama couldn't shake off the feeling of unease regarding Tatsumaki's outburst.)

(He hoped that she would find some solace and that things would eventually settle down between them.)

[To be continued...]

yo guys In this chapter, tensions rise among the heroes as they grapple with the mysterious threat and personal conflicts. Saitama shows patience and empathy towards Tatsumaki despite her outburst, while Genos struggles to reconcile his loyalty to his mentor with his desire to defend Tatsumaki.

Meanwhile, King provides a much-needed distraction with the suggestion of breakfast, offering a brief respite from the seriousness of their situation. The dynamics between the characters continue to evolve as they navigate both external threats and internal struggles.

And stay stuned for next chapter 5 part 2 something know about how Tatsumaki pregnant and Sitch calling someone.

Take care everyone. ❤️

Bilit_Anantcreators' thoughts