
Operation Teardown

What if (nearly) every person that Daddy and Mommy wronged united and launched an all out invasion on their home? You'd get Operation Teardown. You have done it. Assembled a massive team of 20 people to launch the greatest heist ever seen in Newgrounds City. Relationships were had, fights were won and blood, sweat and tears were shed to get it to this point. Tonight The Family Will Fall.

odaocer · วิดีโอเกม
23 Chs

Cauda 05 - Sea Breeze

Today's Movements: https://twitter.com/odaocer/status/1781276774053056590

Now Playing...

Artist: Bull of Heaven

Song: She Is As the Nights Are Horrible

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5PW424hUyU

The open air on the lake refreshed all. Huggy had been in pure bliss from he moment he saw the lake and felt the breeze. His head out, looking down at the infinitely black waters below, he held on to the roof poles with both his arms. Even though rain lightly fell and soaked the monster he couldn't get over just how open the area was. He had never seen so much water in one spot. It was unbelievable! It was like Pompom's farm, with water instead of grass.

He and the rest of the team rode on a small family-size fishing boat. Only meant to situate 5-6 people, its area was that of a large van. Huggy and Kapi sat at the back, behind the driver's seat where Updike steered. Up front were Ace and Theo, both staring out forward. Everyone on board wore a backpack containing various materials needed for the operation. Kapi's had several extra bags, allergy medication (just in case he came into close contact with Pompom) and some personal belongings. He didn't know the contents of the others. All he knew was that Theo had all sorts of electronics in his. After all, that was his schtick.

Huggy sticking his head out the boat worried Kapi. Worried the monster would fall right out or worried he could catch a cold. He didn't like how dark it was either. The moon and the stars lay hidden beneath the clouds.

But, most of all he didn't like how poor the sight was. Updike had turned the lights off, preferring upmost stealth to sight.

Kapi shifted in his seat, clutching his hoodie tightly. Nighttime on a cold lake, a being whose presence lowered temps and rain only served to make the area uniquely chilly. At least the boat's roof was up, though it did nothing to stop the wind and splash from the water. He shivered, again looking to the rest of the team.

Updike, stoic as ever remained seated in the chair, eyes glancing between the boat's interface and lake in front, his mass of hair blowing everywhere. He barely said a word the whole trip, the lake requiring his full attention. He had a whole slew of gadgets in front of him strapped to the dashboard. A barometer, holographic map of the lake, and a GPS tracker. All blasting light onto Updike it was the most visible thing present.

He couldn't really hear his comlink, only vaguely aware of what was going on at the Compound. S let loose some monster and Mommy was thrown into hell. He didn't dare look over the boat's edge. Nevermind sea sickness, he still wasn't sure if any of those 'troll' creatures were in the water. Or really any kind of underwater monster. This city was unpredictable.

Ace hadn't said much either, or really even during the training. He kept to himself, moreso than all of the other members. The most he said anything to was Theo and Updike, Ace developing some kind of companionship with them. At least, Kapi thought so. They would always leave together.

He pulled his hood over his ears tighter, hoping to keep warm. Still unsatisfied by the warmth he dug into the seats, finding an old beach towel. It now doubled as a blanket which he wrapped upon himself.

Theo wore the same clothes as before, yellow dress shirt and purple plaid sweater, maroon pants. Only this time, he wore a very light-yellow poncho and hat upon him. Kapi couldn't understand how he wasn't freezing. Theo explained it to him earlier, that he 'had spent so many nights atop roller coasters that a little breeze from the lake is nothing.' Kapi didn't get it.

Theo had been ecstatic to start, probably the most excited person on this team. Ever since his first encounter with the 'unusual' he wanted more. It had been so invigorating for him that he had gone ahead and joined The Greater Good. Kapi wasn't sure why, but he at least added some colour to the team, trying to keep spirits up between Ace's depression and Updike's perpetual professionalism.

Aside from the vanilla-coloured seats and Updike's always-white appearance Kapi couldn't see much around him. The only proper source of light emitted from the controls which lit Updike's face as he steered.

They had driven from the data centre much earlier, parked around the east side of the lake then taken the boat all the way there.

"Land-ho!" Theo shouted.

Kapi didn't see it at first, but soon enough the cliffs came into view. He wasn't sure if he imagined it or not but thought he saw smoke rising from the clifftop. Then again, he also knew Whitty's team was successful, the smoke probably from the church. He also didn't know the fates of Whitty and Carol. It bothered him too, though not so much as the anxiety of his impending 'performance'.

The compound was situated high above sea level, in a massive section of the city that oversaw a lake to the north. The lake allegedly formed sometime ago after an asteroid hit the spot. The crash formed a crater and water filled it. At least, that's what Kapi recalled he was taught.

Whatever the geological event caused it, just north of the Church were a series of cliffs that towered over the lake. If one drove enough northwest or northeast the land would lower and hit the lake's level. However, where the compound stood, cliffs peaked.

And, where the compound sat the cliffs moulded inwards, creating a U shape, giving the compound's view a unique appearance. It was deep in this 'lake-valley' that a beach sat at the end, a pipe connecting into the compound jutting out of the landscape further up the cliff.

Updike started to steer into the U, standing up to a better watch. Though it enough room for even a larger boat, rocks littered the sea-level, jutting out awkwardly and requiring Updike to fully use the barometer.

He slowed the speed down and raised the engine slightly. Formed naturally and untouched by man, the beach had never been groomed or the bay charted well. Steering turned into a game, Updike moving a few metres forward and having to steer to avoid another set of rocks. He sighed, realizing that now would have been a good time to have Valorie. That if she was present, she could have raised the water level, possibly even given even more rain cover.

Several of these scenarios bugged his mind since they left. Idle thoughts. That he could have had Dr. Springheel get welcomed onto the property as a demon-expert then bug the place. He could have had Ruv provide distraction, maybe even have his son use his illusory powers.

He mumbled something, Theo speaking up wondering if he addressed him.

"I wasn't talking to you." Updike said, a little loud.

"Ah, very well then. We are almost close, yes?"

Updike nodded. "Soon."

While rocks lurked near the waters surface, the beach hid no such secrets. The sand was course and dense, comprised of tiny stones and pebbles. As the boat docked, it made a loud scraping sound. Many larger rocks littered about the beach. There was no spot to set up a towel and relax, the area completely inhospitable. On either side of the cliff too, sharp, jagged rocks lined around the beach.

With the boat sufficiently grounded Updike saw no point to drop the anchor, instead getting out himself, the boat shaking as he jumped off.

"Is everyone ready?"

Huggy nodded, taking himself off the boat, finally noticing Kapi shivering. He wrapped Kapi up with his arm and put him on his back, gently cuddling him. He was oblivious to how wet he had gotten. Kapi just sighed.

"I am absolutely ready." Theo said enthusiastically.

Ace sighed and got out of the boat, leaning against it.

"You are aware of the plan, Ace?" Updike asked expectantly.

"I'll wait here for you guys."


He looked down. "Set up the booster. Turn the boat around. Just please. Find him."

"Don't worry my furry friend. We shall." Theo said.

"Right." Updike said. "Remember. You see any boats, drones or anything. Freeze 'em."

Ace said nothing as he pulled a bag from under the seat. He got out and jammed it into the sand, not saying a word. A blast of ice to it's base, he froze it to the ground. A few lights blinked on it as a green energy started to flow out it like water.

"Booster activated. I can see it here." Solazar said through the comlink.

Ace said nothing as he climbed back into the boat, lying down on the of the seats. He took a book out of his bag and started reading, Kapi unsure how exactly he could see in such dark conditions.

Theo had tried during the meetings, as did Kapi and Huggy but they could never lift Ace's spirits. It made Theo feel bad, and in the back of his mind vowed to find RetroSpector for him.

The four approached the cliff. Petrified dirt, jagged rocks and compressed earth seeped like veins reached into the dark sky above them. They could see the pipe far above, a few droplets dripping from it. A pink flag hung from the pipe, courtesy of Theo's recon. A skilled rock climber could ascend, though none of them were. Kapi gulped as he saw some dirt brush off the climb and land nearby. It looked way higher than he thought.

Updike took off his backpack and started rummaging through it. They all knew how to get up and all planned for it in the simulation. Theo too took something out of his backpack. A large round disc.

Placing it on the ground, Theo pushed a series of buttons on it. It whirred to life, sprouting propeller blades underneath and a series of rockets. Theo stepped onto it as the platform began humming up. He couldn't help but feel smug about it. "I shall see you up top." He said as the platform moved excruciatingly slow.

Kapi groaned. He didn't look forward to this part at all, still not used to Huggy. He wondered how he even got suckered into this. He should have been the escape driver, not one of the agents! That was the whole beef he had with Blindside too! Huggy took charge and grabbing Kapi placed him on his back where a harness sat. Kapi held on for dear life as Huggy walked up to the cliff and started climbing, the monster having little trouble finding rocks to grab. Before he made each move he tested the hold, making sure the next rock wasn't loose. Kapi just closed his eyes, hoping Huggy would get up quicker.

Updike finished rummaging through his bag and pulled out a pair of gloves, two pickaxes, rope and grappling hook. Putting the gloves on and putting the rope around his arm he got ready. Pickaxe in each hand he slammed one of them into the cliff. It lodged deep. Testing the strength he mused, "Yes. This is adequate." This was to be a full upper-body exercise, one he was practically built for. He slammed the other pickaxe above the first and begun his ascent. There was no shortage of loose rocks to stand on either, just in case he needed a breather.

Huggy saw the ascent as a race, and seeing Updike below him took charge, climbing faster. Kapi kept his eyes closed, breath held and refusing to look down, stomach churning as Huggy ascended.

With Theo's platform moving dreadfully slow and Updike careful not to push himself too hard, Huggy made it up in record time. As he had done back in the factory he crawled into the pipe, this time letting out a screech as he had 'won'. He shook in excitement with no regard for Kapi.

"P-put me down please." Kapi said weakly as dizziness kicked in.

Huggy did so and gently placing Kapi onto the platform, gave him a pat on the head. Kapi sat down, slumped against the pipe's wall.

The pipe was large, wide enough to fit several people in. Two platforms existed on either side, wide enough that two could walk beside each other. A canal cut through the two, wide enough to swim in and deep enough for Kapi.

Looking forward he saw some parts of the canal had a metal bridge covering the top, allowing for traversal between the two sides.

It really did look like a typical sewer, though why exactly it had been built outwards remained a mystery. Kapi initially thought it so excess water and crap would pour out, but the centre canal remained empty, nothing but damp dirt and a few puddles here and there.

At least it didn't smell, and he could already feel the inside of the pipe warmer and drier than outside.

Huggy looked forward and saw much farther than Kapi. It worried him, the long tunnel reminding him of the factory. He had spent so much time outside and in sunlight it changed his perspective of the factory. He grew to hate it, and to now return to this dark dungeon crawling saddened him. He stopped though, remembering that this time he had friends.

Though the operation too complex for him he at least determined what they did was for a good reason. They were here to find a friend.

Updike arrived next, the clamouring of the pickaxes making noise as he struck one into the riverbed, pulling himself up. Brushing himself off he stomped on the dirt, making sure it solid enough. Satisfied, he jammed the pickaxe into it and tied the rope to the it, tossing the bundle over the cliff. He left the second pickaxe on the platform, jamming it into the nearby bridge.

Theo arrived last, his platform finally reaching the pipe. Still standing professionally he stepped off and grabbed the platform, laying it near the pickaxe.

"Are we all ready?" Updike asked.

"Guess so."

"Indeed. This will be quite the adventure." Theo said positively. The cold couldn't dampen his spirits.

"Excellent." Updike said. He wore a computer on his forearm, the large screen it had meant to guide them. He held it up, a hologram emitting from it. The hologram displayed a 3D view of the sewer, several additional icons glowing around in the model.

The way up to the manor. The source of that sound Theo heard. A loose icon of RetroSpector's possible location. Question marks for the spots they needed to set up the magic boosters.

Of course, only Theo and Updike knew of the sound, neither having mentioned it to Kapi or the rest of the team. Though unconfirmed Updike believed it to be RetroSpector.

"Mhm. We shall approach down this way and turn at the 2nd split. The rest of you follow closely. Though we determined this area safe, the Family could have all sorts of tricks." Updike said, taking the lead.

From out of Theo's backpack he drew a small sphere. With a click of a button wings sprouted from it and the sphere took flight, a front light emitting from it.

Inspired by Carol's wisp, Theo saw fit to create his own 'wisp'. This was fruit of that labour, and much better than their original plan: bring lots of gasoline, sticks and bandages.

They proceeded down in silence, Updike glancing ahead and occasionally at his wrist map. Though he didn't look it, he also glanced around looking for any traps, spies or what-have-you.

Huggy and Theo were determined, though for completely different reasons. Though Theo didn't care for the Family, he considered himself a perfectionist, wanting to make sure this operation ran smoothly. He also believed there to be an unspoken competition between the teams, that he wished to do better than Lisp and Haskell. And with how Haskell already broke one of the rules he saw his team in the lead.

Huggy felt determined because this time had had friends. Though it didn't look, smell or see it, he had deluded himself into thinking this tunnel lead back to the factory, that he was to face his fears, with friends. He was ready for anything.

Kapi did not share the share the same sentiment, still wondering how the hell he got stuck doing this.

Tunnel after tunnel they walked through in silence. A few times Updike had come to an abrupt stop waiting to see if anything happened. He listened closely to his comlink as well, the COs occasionally giving updates as to the other team's movements. Theo had to stop too at specific points to set up the magic boosters. He knew very little of magic and didn't understand how they worked. Even after Carol explained it to him, he understood they worked like a signal repeater, but he didn't understand how it could pick up on magic. All he knew was that he had to set up and conceal them, which he did with a black cloth.

Each stood at about half Theo's height, a grey pillar surrounded by circles of a coffee-coloured metal, wires attached to them all.

It stood on 4 small legs and pads that allowed for it to stand stable. All Theo had to do was place it down, push a few buttons and a small opening up top would open, energy pouring out. Then cover with a piece of fabric to ensure nobody found them.

The walls remained cracked and chipped, endless rows of moss-covered bricks. It didn't bother anyone, but Kapi noted he had only seen this in the outskirts of the Factory.

As they walked deeper inside, Kapi found it significantly warmer, no longer shivering. The only downside was that the air turned stale and dirty, fresh not having breached these tunnels in ages. The water levels varied, some parts nary a drop and some parts a brook. Kapi and Theo both chose not to look into it, figuring it better if neither knew anything that lurked in it.

Thirst catching up to him, Huggy decided he would take a drink, just to hold him over. He stopped and bending down...got caught by Kapi. "Huggy don't drink that!" He said. tugging on his fur.

Huggy let out a whine. "Here, here. Don't worry I brought some." Theo said. From his backpack he pulled out a canteen. "Ah, this is the right one. Kapi. Put your hands out."

Kapi did so and Theo uncorked and poured some water into Kapi's hands, Huggy licking at them actively.

"I must admit. I never understood what exactly Huggy is supposed to be." Theo said, looking the monster over.

"I, um, don't really know myself."

"I believe he may be the first of his kind. IRIS had a team go investigate that factory, but I know not what their fate was. Shall we keep moving?" Updike added, turning back to face them.

Huggy nodded, finishing lapping at the water. Kapi wiped his hands on his hoodie, not doing much as the hoodie was still damp.

They continued on, nothing but the occasionally dripping, Updike's comlink and steps on the stone floor keeping them company.

"Are there really no cameras here?" Kapi inquired, bewildered.

"We didn't detect any when we surveyed it." Updike answered.

"Hm. No guards either?"


"Well there was that sound. But that could have been anything." Theo said, observing Huggy.

"What sound?"

"Nothing to be concerned about. I am sure it was just a trick. Why would they even need to patrol down here?" Updike asked, rhetorically.

"...To stop people like us?" Kapi said.

"Focus more on the mission. I can handle whatever they throw at us."

They continued on in silence, Kapi now quietly worrying about whatever 'sound' Theo and Updike knew of.

It did get Updike thinking, however. While demons hailed from clans he didn't know much about the clan the henchmen came from. He never bothered asking any demon contacts. Seemingly they popped up out of nowhere.

Theo eventually pulled his own flashlight out, using that to look around. He had been scanning the walls. When he reviewed the drone footage last he saw something on the wall the drone missed. Believing he was close now he scanned each one, looking for that strange blur he saw in the video. They were close to the end as well. He knew because the concrete appeared looked more maintained, no moss growing here.

And sure enough, like he remembered in the video there it was, an engraving on the wall. He stopped, allowing the others to go on.

A crude drawing of what appeared to be people, simple square bodies and circles the other expenditures. Blank faces on them all, it depicted a few standing at each other, holding a crude drawing of a gun. He figured it just some off brand graffiti but nonetheless made him excited. "Remarkable." He said, happy. "I feel like an archeologist."

Now noticing they had left Theo behind, Updike stopped. "What are you staring at?"

"Mhm. Nothing. Just some graffiti. How old do you think these tunnels are?"

"I don't-" Updike stopped and turned back to the front. He saw at light in the distance.

"Everyone quiet. Theo turn off those lights."

Theo nodded and snapped his fingers, the light-bot flying back to him and shutting off. Nobody moved in the darkness. Kapi couldn't shake the scared feeling, Huggy noticing it and forcibly cuddling him.

Though nobody could see it, Theo also felt worried too.

They watched as two demons walked along the perpendicular path. Just as they shined the light they were gone, wandering to some deeper part of the maze.

What followed next was a game of cat and mouse, Updike using his map to manoeuvre and Huggy's hearing to identify when a patrol neared. Theo felt alive, the tunnel now reminding him of back home. He recalled running through caves like this blindly with friends.

They found a few more patrols wandering. None seemed too enthused about having to walk around but judging by their movements, they were under orders. Updike determined them to just be patrolling the outer perimeter. Either that, or half-assing the whole maze.

The area changed as well, changing from sewer maze to mineshaft. Scaffolding held up the ceiling and stone bricks turned to compressed dirt.

They'd officially gone off route, patrols blocking the original path. They found some cameras had been set up on the perimeter too. With S controlling the centre it would not have been a problem, but he couldn't locate those cameras, figuring they were either too new or were directing their feeds elsewhere. Nobody carried ranged weapons and with no easy to way to take them out other paths were sought.

It didn't bother Updike much, Theo's bot used sonar to map out the whole maze. Alternate route did exist which they proceeded through. Finally, they approached the last tunnel. Far better lit it only got brighter as the tunnel reached its end. Sitting below the lights were a pair of demons on stools looking out at the dark expanse before them.

For now the team were cloaked but any step forward would expose them.

"How should we approach this?" Updike muttered.

"Can't we just charge them?" Kapi asked. "Have S or something block their signals?"

"No can do." S said through the comlink, still a pro at appearing when his name mentioned. "Can only do that if I knew what radios they had. There's like 100 active ones and I've only figured out a few who-has-what."

"Can you shut down the signal then?"

"Pfft. Be smarter man. I do that everyone's gonna freak out. Just have Starline charge them or something. They'll crap themselves when they see a giant marshmallow running to them."

Updike said nothing, knowing full well than to take the bait.

"Huggy could lure them out." Theo said, patting the monster on the back.

Huggy looked to Theo, unsure.

"I have a better idea." Updike said, a rare smile appearing on his face.

The demons had been sitting for an unknown amount of time. Well, they knew exactly how much, to the second. That's all they did, just count. They were waiting for the next rotation so they could go back upstairs. All they knew from their own links was that 'Mommy' had been in the mailroom barking orders at everyone and the gate had exploded. Some religious terrorists snuck onto the property and blew up the church. Nonetheless 'Mommy' was pissed. The timing didn't help either.

Continuing to watch they noticed something lurk in the dark. Neither one got up, pretending they couldn't see it. They didn't feel like moving.

The movement grew closer and out crawled a catboy, sniffling. He looked injured, at least, they guessed from the dark fur. He had no shirt on, exposing a furry underbelly, coloured dimly.

"H-help me.." He said quietly. The two demons got up, unsure what to make of it.

At best it was a trespasser who gotten where he shouldn't of. Someone who could swiftly we dealt with and forgotten.

"Lost?" One of the demons asked. He started walking but stopped, seeing something wrap around the catboy's leg. Grabbing the boy's leg it stopped his crawling. The catboy looked back, eyes wide in horror it had caught him. The mysterious yellow and blue appendage gripped him and started to pull him back.

"HELP!" The catboy shouted as a blur furry arm dragged him into the darkness. The demons ran after, figuring they could take whatever had him. With flashlights ablaze they bolted into the gaping black, lighting the way. They made it a few metres before the appendage stopped. Shining flashlights up they saw endless rows of teeth and the wide smile of a monster.

Just behind it, a wall of a man who looked like a cloud and another dressed as a schoolteacher.

A struggle ensued, muffled screams, the scraping of blades on concrete and a bright flash of light happened in rapid succession. Out from the darkness emerged the team, Kapi putting his shirt and hoodie back on.

"Excellent work everyone." Theo said, hitting Updike on the back.


"Yeah, now my fur is wet-argh." Kapi started to complain but stopped, Huggy starting to cuddle to warm him up. He just sighed and kept quiet. He wanted to say something but last time he shouted at Huggy, Pompom wouldn't let him hear the end of it.

"What was that flash?" Theo asked, amazed.

"An exorcism done quick." Updike said brashly.

"Fascinating." Theo muttered. "Do you think we might be able to do it on the Family?"

They walked to the exit.

"Not likely. I can do it because they are weak demons. Something more powerful than that is not possible."


Approaching where the demons were stationed was a cave-like exit. It appeared as if someone had dug it out, or rather burst through. Kapi peered into the hole, finding an industrial-factory basement on the other side. Plenty of equipment scattered all over the place of varying sizes, all made of metal. Theo found himself more interested by the shelves of preserves that lined the walls where the demons sat, just before the hole. All sorts of jams, canned food and cellar-bound foodstuffs. It reminded him of his own pantry.

Just as Updike turned off his map projection a scream emitted next to them.


Inhuman, distorted and loud, it rung everyone's ears. Too human to be an animal. Yet the way it screeched was impossible for a human or anthro to perform. Not digital either, the scream echoed a torment as if it weren't from this planet.

Kapi jumped, Huggy catching him.

Instinctively all turned to the right, where a corridor led to down another path. It was dark but a fluorescent light could be seen just at the end where it turned.

Theo tensed up. There wasn't any doubt in his mind. That was the sound they had heard from the drone. Instinctively he picked up a shovel off the ground. His heart sank as the scream made his hairs stand on end.

"W-was that the sound?" Kapi asked, voice a whisper. Huggy tightened his grip on Kapi, flinching too as the sound rippled again, though weaker this time.

Updike felt a little concerned at the sound though was thinking more of how its volume could attract any nearby guards. Clearing his throat, Updike spoke. "Indeed."

The scream echoed a third time throughout the halls though quieter this time. The 'screamer' was loosing strength it sounded like. Kapi likewise thought it would attract patrols though stopped. Something about the screaming sounded...familiar.

Nobody moved until Updike spoke up. If anyone would know what to do in this situation it would be him, Kapi and Theo decided. And his ruling came.

"It was a cry for help." Updike said after a pause. Updike looked down the corridor. "I propose we investigate it."

The next chapter will be called All Bets Off.